Chapter 15

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A/N: Full disclosure--I used some actual movie dialogue in here. I did take some creative license in order to fit Maria into the story but since this is the first time I've ever put direct quotes, wanted to call that out. I don't own any movie lines, just borrowing to fit with the rest of my story :)

"I have to go into the city and check on the kid. Need anything?" Happy announced.
Maria looked up from the breakfast table they were all gathered at. Rhodey was sitting at her left, scarfing down a stack of blueberry pancakes--his favorite. On her right, Tony sat poking at his own plate, exhaustion written over his face. Pepper sat next to him picking at his eggs and inhaling her coffee. Happy had joined them as usual and sat next to Rhodey; unlike everyone else, he ate calmly and methodically.
Tony sat up, more alert. "Something wrong?"
"No," Happy shook his head. "Just routine to make sure he and May are fine."
Tony's eyebrows shot up and Rhodey smiled at his pancakes.
"May?" Tony asked. "You're on a first name basis now?"
Pepper sighed and rolled her eyes.
"No," Happy said calmly. "Well, since she found out the kid was Spiderman, he introduced us so she knew a responsible adult was around." He looked at Tony pointedly.
"I'm responsible." Tony argued.
"Just accept that you're not." Rhodey grinned.
"I think it's a good idea," Pepper added. "Tony isn't always available, but Happy is. He can quickly see to their needs."
Maria smiled at her son's confusion.
"But, she..." He trailed off.
"She was taken by your charm and you like the adoration." Maria finished for him.
Everyone stared at her, including Happy, in surprise.
"But you don't need that because you have Pepper." Maria continued. "You don't need anyone else's acceptance if you're already satisfied with who you are."
Tony sighed and slouched in his chair, just as he had when he was a child.
"I know," he reached out to pat her hand. "But I still don't like it," he grumbled.
"He's still your kid," Pepper said. "We may as well ask if he wants to change his last name to Stark."
Tony perked up. "Think he would?"
Pepper rolled her eyes while the others laughed.
"No, Happy." Maria said with a smile. "We don't need anything. Have fun though."
"Have you heard from Tony?" Rhodey burst into the room.
Maria looked up from her tablet. "No, why?"
"Pepper said some guy came to the park. Bruce was with him and they had to go take care of a problem." Rhodey spoke quickly as he typed at FRIDAY's nearest terminal.
"Did you pull up his tracker?" Maria hurried over to look at the screen with him.
"Yeah, it can't find him."
"It's disabled?" Maria asked.
"No." Rhodey sighed. "He went into space again."
"It's becoming a habit." A new voice said.
Maria turned, guard up. A short, disheveled man stood nervously in the doorway.
"Bruce, come in." Rhodey waved the man over.
"Bruce Banner?" Maria asked.
He nodded and reached to shake her hand. "And you are?"
"Finally, I'm not the one asking questions." She smiled at him. "Maria Collins. Tony's mom."
"Tony's...really?" Bruce looked from her to Rhodey.
"Believe it." Rhodey was still working quickly at the terminal. "Ok, Secretary Ross is calling. Gonna be a video call so you two have to stay here. I'll take it in the next room."
"So Tony often goes into space?" Maria asked.
"Just twice, that I'm aware of." Bruce responded. "I called for backup."
"We're gonna need it." Bruce explained. "This Thanos is bad news. He's wiped out entire planets."
Maria froze. "And Tony went on his ship."
Bruce nodded solemnly.
In the next room, Steve Rogers voice sounded.
"Mr. Secretary."
"Steve's here?" Maria looked at Bruce.
"You know him? But how...nevermind. Yeah, he's here." Bruce answered.
"Come on." Maria pulled on Bruce's hand and he reluctantly followed her.
They stepped into the doorway and surveyed the scene. Rhodey was greeting Steve and Nat, while Sam and Wanda kept Vision on his feet. Maria had briefly met Vision at the facility and had never seen him look so weak. With Tony gone and Vision wounded, Maria was starting to worry even more.
"I think you look pretty good." Bruce said to the group.
Natasha turned and took a step forward. Her lips curved a bit as though she was glad to see him.
"Hi Bruce."
Maria pushed past him. "Steve!"
She launched into his arms and he hugged her.
"You're all right?" he asked.
"Yeah," she nodded. "But Tony's in space. We can't contact him.
"Let's go sit down," Rhodey advised.
Once settled, they talked through the problem.
"We have to destroy it," Vision said.
Maria studied the stone sitting in his head. Six stones for one person to rule the universe. She sighed and rubbed her forehead.
"You're saying Vision isn't just the stone?" Wanda asked Bruce.
"I'm saying, that if we take out the stone, there's still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts."
"Can we do that?" Nat asked.
"Not me. Not here." Bruce said.
"Well you better find someone, somewhere fast," Rhodey said. "Ross isn't just going to let you have your old rooms back."
Steve looked at Maria, an idea forming in his head.
Realizing what he was thinking, she nodded in agreement.
"I know someone." Steve said.
Sam piloted the quintet to Wakanda, Steve giving him directions when the reached the camouflage shield.
As everyone took in the sights, Maria smiled to herself. This place felt the most like home since she'd returned. Primarily because of a certain rehabilitated soldier.
They landed safely, and as they made their way off the jet, Maria ended up behind Rhodey and Bruce.
"Should we bow?" Bruce whispered.
"Yeah," Rhodey responded. "He's a king."
They took a couple steps closer and Maria snorted when Bruce actually bowed.
"What are you doing?" Rhodey asked him, feigning ignorance.
"We don't do that here," T'Challa said, adding to Bruce's embarrassment.
Maria grinned and followed the group as T'Challa listed off the warriors who would help defend them from Thanos. As she strained to listen to the conversation, a flash of blue caught her eye.
"And a semi-stable, hundred year old man." Bucky said.
He stepped forward to greet Steve with a hug. His smile was wide and he looked healthy. Enough of the shadows gone from his eyes, showing he had healed quite a bit over the last several months.
"Hi, doll." Bucky's voice greeted her.
She looked up, seeing him standing right in front of her.
"Hi," she whispered.
"I think she was happier to see me than you, Buck." Steve teased.
Maria frowned and reached out to smack his arm. Steve ducked out of her reach but as she moved to catch him, Bucky wrapped his arms around her.
"I missed you," he said into her ear.
She felt dwarfed in his arms and reached up to wrap hers around his neck.
"I missed you too."
"I took care of myself, as ordered." He pulled his head back and winked at her.
"Stay here with Sam and Rhodey," Steve interjected as the rest of them moved into the palace with Vision.
Maria nodded at him before looking back at Bucky. "I'm glad you're here."
"Tony?" He asked, seeing the worry in her eyes.
"He's gone. Literally left the planet to God knows where."
Suddenly an explosion sounded above them as something collided with the shield.
Bucky turned to Sam and Rhodey who were monitoring it. Maria watched their expressions.
"We're at war, aren't we?"
They looked back at her, nodding.
"Yeah, doll. We are." Bucky turned to Sam. "What's Steve saying?"
"We're going to defend the city on the field. Transportation will be here shortly."Rhodey flew off to do a perimeter check.
"You should stay with Vision," Sam said.
Maria frowned. "No, I can go with you."
"Steve's orders," Sam said, pointing at his earpiece.
"Honey, I need you to stay here. You're a good fighter but this isn't something that you're prepared for." Bucky said, holding her shoulders and leaning down so he could look into her eyes.
"None of us are prepared for this," Sam added.
"Barnes, you better promise that you come back to me alive and in one piece this time." She said sternly, tears filling her eyes.
Without warning, Bucky leaned in and captured her lips. "You're not going to get rid of me easily," he breathed against her lips before he pulled away. With quick steps, he caught up to Steve, Nat, and T'Challa who were heading to nearby transport.
Maria watched him for a moment before running into the palace, heading to Shuri's lab. If she couldn't fight on the field, she'd make damn sure to protect Vision as best she could.

Woman Out of Time: A Maria Stark StoryWhere stories live. Discover now