Chapter 1

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Quick note--anything in italics within the chapter is for past events or the occasional internal thought. Regular font indicates the present day-ish storyline. Also, story is in third person, not only Maria's POV, although it will mainly focus on action around her. You'll still get a sense for some thoughts/feelings of other surrounding characters.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Keep her restrained!" A nearby voice shouted. "Re-entry will be too much for her."

Maria could hear and feel everything around and within her. But nothing clued her in to what was going on. The last thing she remembered, she and Howard were driving to a meeting. Tony was home by himself and...


Her mom brain focused on the image of her son's face. The last time she saw him couldn't be the last time.

"Tony?" She croaked out.

"We need to sedate her!" The harsh voice commanded someone.

"Where are they?" She whispered, struggling to open her eyes and look for her husband and son.

Before she could pry them open, a sharp needle pricked her arm and she lapsed back

into sleep.

The doctor at her bedside frowned.

"Her first thought was for her family."

"What of it, doctor?" One of the assistants asked, curiously.

"It means, she's more selfless than we thought. Concerned for others before herself. This may not be quite what Hydra planned for."

Unaware, Maria remained in her sleep, dreaming of days past with her family. The family that was no more.


The next time she started to gain awareness, Maria felt actual sunlight on her face. It was a good sign that her subconscious latched onto. She couldn't be too far underground to be getting sunlight, right?

The steady beat of the heart monitor next to her was the only noise she could hear so she carefully opened her eyes. A quick assessment showed an empty room--unless someone was lurking behind her hospital bed's headboard.

The room looked sterile like most hospitals but it wasn't like a hospital from back home. She bit her lip and tried to remain calm. The old equipment was a dead giveaway. And so was the nearby newspaper written entirely in Russian.

"You're not in Kansas anymore." She whispered to herself.

Her hair fell into her eyes as she looked around and without thinking, she started to move it. But a clanking sound stopped her. Looking down, she saw the handcuffs on her wrists. 

But that wasn't the scariest thing she noticed.

Her hands had never been perfect, at least to her, unless playing the piano or typing on a keyboard. Howard had always praised her crafty hands but she'd often felt them lacking in grace outside those moments. As the years had passed, her hands had become less youthful looking and actually slimmed a bit as aging took over.

Right now, they looked exactly as youthful and fair as they had in her twenties. 

Frantically, she looked around for a mirror but found none. Her hair fell again but before she blew it out of her face, she noticed the color and length--light brown with long bangs dusting her forehead. No gray or artificial colors--just her natural color.

"What happened to me?"

"You've been reborn, Maria."

The voice startled her and she shot her gaze towards the doorway. She had heard the voice earlier, giving orders. Now she saw the average-looking man standing there assessing her. 

She jerked at the handcuffs as he walked towards. For his unimpressive, diminutive stature he had the graceful stalk of a predator. And she was his prey.

He was two feet away from her when a soft metal clank sounded from the door. Both she and the doctor looked over.

Shaggy hair framed the newcomer's face, but she would recognize him anywhere. "Bucky." She breathed.

The doctor sighed next to her, frustrated by the soldier's disruption.

Bucky gave him a cold glare before looking at Maria. He remained in the doorway, gaze intent on her. A flash of recognition shone in his eyes before he suppressed it. Any sign of weakness would be used against him in here and though he didn't understand why she was a weakness, he would not allow her to be one.

But the doctor saw and the man watching the video feed saw as well.

Alexander Pierce smiled to himself. This could be very beneficial for Hydra. Not only was Maria Stark the former Shield operative Maria Collins, she was smart and had access to more Stark information and assets than her son Tony or her husband's business partner, Obadiah.

That the Winter Soldier used to kiss her on the playground or whatever, was just icing on the cake. Winter now had a weakness that Pierce could exploit. And Maria had her own weaknesses to that would eventually become Bucky's.

Pierce continued smiling. This assignment had taken a an unexpectedly good turn. Hydra's empire would continue to grow, and former opponent Maria Stark would unwillingly assist.


A/N: So what do you think? I had the first chapter wrapped up and figured I should hand it over asap so you can see what I'm working on. 

Have a great week!

Woman Out of Time: A Maria Stark StoryWhere stories live. Discover now