Chapter 13

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"Again!" Okoye barked out orders at the Dora in training and the group stifled a groan.

Maria pushed her sweaty bangs out of her eyes and took her stance again. Her whole body ached but it was good. After a few weeks of barely walking, the last two months of training had been amazing.

Her body was stronger, not quite as strong as before, but she didn't tire as easily. She still slept a good bit which had Shuri puzzled but everything seemed normal so she didn't worry. Much.

Her mornings consisted of training, a quick shower, and breakfast. Usually she took something light to Shuri's lab and kept the girl company. On occasion the Queen or T'Challa would ask her to sit with them and they enjoyed a relatively normal discussion on current affairs. Maria mostly listened and asked questions as she was still soaking in what had happened to the world since 1991.

But today, she was graduating from the in-training class to the beginner class. Still at the bottom of the Dora Millaje but further than before.

Her opponent came flying at her and she blocked the attack, pivoting to avoid the two trainees behind her. 

A fourth tried to come at her blind spot, but using a move Bucky had taught her, she swiveled and fell back on top of the first attacker. When the fourth swung missed her, she jumped onto her feet and swung back. In a handful of seconds, all four threats were incapacitated.

"Very good." Okoye approached, Ayo not far behind.

"You've done well," Ayo said proudly.

"Thank you," Maria panted. "I had some good teachers."

Okoye's smile widened. "You've trained with many different fighters yet were not insulted at beginning with our trainees?"

"Well, I'd be lying if I said I was thrilled but it made sense. I was out of practice." Her eyes surveyed the other fighters on the surrounding training grounds. "And if we're being completely honest, I had some good teachers before but none as thorough as you and your Dora."

Okoye nodded. "You honor us." Turning to the rest of the group, she announced, "We're done for the day. Continue with your next assignments."

The grounds emptied quickly as Maria fell in step with the two warriors.

"The princess has asked you visit her this morning in the lab." Ayo said quietly.

"Thanks. I'll find her after breakfast." Maria grinned and jogged backward to her room. "But I'll see you two tomorrow." With a wave she was off.

"Does she know?" Okoye asked.


"So how long have you been in charge of the science division?" Maria asked. She'd brought her breakfast to Shuri's lab and was patiently waiting for the young woman to divulge why she'd been summoned.

"A few years now," Shuri replied with a smile. "I kept innovating to the point that the previous scientist told my father I was ready."

Maria twirled around in one of the lab chairs. "You're very young." She mused. "Did you do traditional schooling or independent study?"

Shuri frowned for a moment. "Our schools here are more encouraging of independent study. Students like me tend to focus our studies on areas of interest with a guide...or mentor." She stiffened as she continued tinkering with the device in her hands.

"I didn't mean to offend," Maria said softly as she stopped twirling. "I was merely curious because Tony was primarily independent study. And that was with me fighting for it. Most students at that time went through a regimented school system."

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