Chapter 2

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The next time Maria opened her eyes, the room was different. Muted lighting greeted her in a small, closet-sized room.

The door was, naturally, closed and she assumed locked. The steel would be hard to work around if she was going to get out. She turned her gaze to the ceiling and started taking inventory. But a small light caught her attention.

It blinked on and off periodically in the darkest corner of the room. Maria sighed and waved at the camera.

"I'm awake." She said, knowing that they had already seen her sit up. 

A few minutes later, heavy footsteps sounded outside her door. The clanking of keys confirmed her suspicions that the heavy door was locked up tight...from the outside. Definitely a challenge.

Maria sat up straight and watched her visitors enter. The doctor from the exam room and a uniformed man she didn't know sauntered in. She kept her gaze on them but watched with her peripheral vision for Bucky's hulking form.

"Welcome, Mrs. Stark." The uniformed man said. "I'm Baron von Strucker. I believe you already met Dr. Landis." He motioned to the creepy doctor.

"It was a pleasure," Maria said wryly.

Von Strucker laughed. "I knew it was a good call to bring you in. Your charm and wit have been under-utilized as Howard Stark's arm candy. We want to give you a greater purpose."

Maria's stomach churned at his derision for her husband. Her sweet yet hard-to-love, Howard. Her mind started traveling to when she'd last seen him but she fought to remain in the present.

"I have one already. Which I really should be getting back to." She retorted.

"A greater purpose." Von Strucker continued. "More than being the invisible woman behind a great man. More than being a mother whose son quickly surpassed her own accomplishments. More than anything you ever dreamed of."

Maria's eyes filled with tears as he placidly dismissed her beloved family like garbage. "I had everything I wanted." She tried to retain her composure but a single tear slipped down her cheek.

Von Strucker clucked like a mother hen and whipped out a handkerchief. "Dry your eyes, little one." He held it out to her.

Grinding her teeth, Maria looked at it. She didn't want to accept anything from this man. But there would be bigger battles to fight later. Taking a breath she reached out and grasped onto the fabric. 

"We'd like to give you the tour of your new home before breakfast." Dr. Landis said abruptly.

Maria glared at him and surprisingly von Strucker did too. 

"Doctor," von Strucker chided. "Give her a moment to change out of that hideous gown at least."

For the first time since she woke, Maria inspected the clothes she was wearing--an ugly, old, decrepit hospital gown.

"The guard will bring your clothes in shortly," von Strucker informed her. "You will change and then be shown to the kitchen where you'll be taking your meals."

Maria nodded quietly. Leaving the room sounded wonderful and it would give her an opportunity to learn more about where she was and how she could escape.


Instead of a housedress, which is what Maria expected, the clothes she was brought were soft cotton loungewear--a simple black t-shirt and black sweatpants. Her sneakers--Keds--even looked brand new. And everything was in her size. Almost as if they had been preparing for her.

The thought sent chills down her spine and she rubbed her arms to stay warm. "Cold?" The guard asked.

He was a tall, slim man with a shaved head. He barely spoke to her, but she detected a slight accent...and that he didn't like his current assignment. But she was important for something because he took the job seriously. She never left his sight--aside from the short 3-minute bathroom break earlier.

"A little," she admitted.

He sighed and stopped for a moment. "Follow me." He ordered.

Maria stepped quickly behind him, still actively studying her surroundings. So far everything looked like an underground bunker. And she'd only seen one other guard walking around. Bucky had to be around here somewhere but maybe in a different part of the facility.

The guard stopped abruptly at a door. There was no label so she had no idea what was behind it.

"Don't move." He said sternly.

She nodded quietly and watched as he entered the room. The door closed behind him and for once, she was alone.

The idea that she could escape skipped to the front of her mind. It would be so easy to run down any of the nearby hallways and pray that one would lead her outside.

Taking a deep breath, she started to take a step forward when a voice startled her.

"The Major said to wait."

Eyes wide, Maria turned around. That voice.

*Bucky," she breathed. She shook her head. "What are you doing here? Why haven't you left?" 

He frowned at her and stepped closer. "I live here." He said simply. "Where would I go?"

Maria's heart dropped. She'd suspected that they had put him under some sort of brainwashing or reprogramming but whatever it was had completely altered him. She just didn't know if it was permanent. It couldn't be, could it?

She raised her eyes to study him and found him already looking at her. He flushed when their eyes met and Maria gave him a puzzled look.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

He shook his head. "I know you but I don't remember how."

Slowly, she reached out and touched his flesh hand. "It's ok. You'll remember when you need to."

As much as she wanted to grab his hand and run for the nearest exit, Maria knew that Bucky's mind wasn't prepared yet. She would have to play the long game on this one.

If she ever wanted to get back to Tony alive, and still be herself, she would have to be patient.

And Howard? That sick feeling in her stomach returned as a foggy memory replayed in her mind. One where the man in front of her had killed him.


A/N: How's it going? I hope you had a lovely week and an excellent one before you. I'm still debating whether or not to go back to school for my MFA in Creative Writing...because I like school and am a glutton for punishment apparently ;) What about you? Plans this week?

What did you think of this chapter? Does the italics bother you? It kind of bothers me a little since I think we're going to be in the past for a couple more chapters at least. Thoughts on what will happen next?

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