Chapter 10

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"Steve!" Nat called.

He had been helping Maria and Sam in the small kitchen in their room. Wanda was chatting with them while Nat caught some sleep in the next room.

Steve dropped the bowl he was holding and ran into Nat. Sam grabbed his gun and Wanda joined him in scanning the perimeter. Maria picked up the empty pan next to her and held it above her head.

"Stand down," Steve rushed back in, worry in his eyes. "No immediate threat but we should probably move within the hour."

"Why?" Sam clicked the safety of his gun on and put it back in the holster.

"Come see." Steve motioned with his head to the room next door.

The three walked in, taking in the news headline that Nat was riveted with.

"Who's T'Challa?" Maria asked.

"A friend," Steve whispered.

She looked around at the group seeing Sam and Wanda looking only slightly saddened by the news. Steve and Nat had obviously been closer to the man.

"He was killed and now someone else is in charge." Steve narrated.

"Someone we don't know." Nat offered. "Do you know how to contact anyone else?" She asked Steve.

Steve nodded. "I have another channel."

"He's the one you've been trying to reach. Is Bucky there?" Maria asked.

"Yes." Steve said, sighing. "T'Challa was always the plan."

"What now?" Wanda asked.

"Well first, let's have Rapunzel put down the frying pan." Sam gave Maria and her weapon a sideways look.

"It works better than you think," she shrugged.

"We need to pack up and move out. Groups of two." Steve ordered.

There was a pause as they all did the math and realized someone was without a partner.

"Umm," Steve scratched his head. "Nat let's have you and Sam head out first. I'll go with Wanda and Maria about five minutes later."

"Steve," Nat argued, "I can go by myself."

Sam put a hand on her arm. "You've already been out there alone, it will be better to have you with someone else. We can look like a couple." He joked.

Maria felt Steve tense at Sam's joke. "Are we walking?" she asked.

"No," Wanda explained. "We have a car and a motorcycle. But the bike can handle two riders."

Maria nodded. "Steve, why don't you and Natasha take the bike. I'll ride with Sam and Wanda."

Steve frowned. "I promised Bucky I would take care of you."

"And you will." She assured him. "I can't handle a bike ride at the moment, but you're experienced and I imagine Nat is too. You'll be best able to use it to get out."

Steve sighed. Sam saw the war on his friend's face as he considered the decision. He wanted to take care of both the (currently) weaker members of the team and Sam understood the responsibility he felt.

"All right," Steve agreed. "It does make the most sense. Just keep your phones on you."

While the others packed up, Maria played with the small phone Steve had handed her. "I saw tech newer than this last time I was out," she commented.

"It's called a flip phone," Nat said as she wiped the room down. "Not the latest and greatest but that's why it works for us."

"Hard to track?" Maria looked at the removable battery. "Oh, I see..."

Woman Out of Time: A Maria Stark StoryWhere stories live. Discover now