Chapter 9

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For 24 hours, Maria lived with Steve's team, taking in their odd familial relationship. It was clear that they were used to others being with them when one of them would start to call out a name and then stop for a moment.

But they were kind and caring towards her in spite of the losses they'd recently suffered.

It was Wanda that worried Maria the most. The mom in her saw a young girl hurting and remembered when Tony would shut himself off from the world. Her quiet smiles and simple responses were not unnoticed by her teammates, but they seemed uncertain of how to help.

Steve did his weird hovering thing where even if he wasn't standing next to her, his eyes would follow her around the room. Maria had noticed him doing it to her as well and wondered exactly when he slept if he was busy worrying over her and Wanda.

Sam would joke occasionally, trying to tease a smile from Wanda. He'd also anticipate certain things like when she needed space, or when she needed a hug. His eyes followed her too but in a way that made Maria wonder how much of Wanda's imprisonment he had witnessed. He seemed to know more than he let on.

Natasha was the most interesting one. Steve had quietly told her Nat's story when the others went to bed. Maria could see why Nat had been spared by Shield--Peg and Fury would have known from the mission with Dottie Underwood just what horrors Nat was likely exposed to. Nat would have been Peg's second chance and even if she wasn't in charge, Fury likely would have taken it for her.

It was quiet now though. They were all sleeping but since Maria's body wasn't tired, she'd caught a few hours of sleep and woken up.

The sky was still dark out but she could see the very beginning tinges of grey, announcing the impending dawn. Her room had turned out to be the girls room with Nat and Wanda sleeping on the second bed and sofa respectively.

Maria looked at Wanda on that lumpy couch and felt bad. She'd offered to sleep on it, but everyone insisted she take an actual bed the first few nights.

As she watched the young girl, she flashed back to watching Tony sleep. Her eyes closed as she wished for a moment that she'd stayed home that night. If only...

She sighed. Her fate was always tied with Bucky's. If they hadn't grabbed her that night, they would have done so another night.

A whimper sounded from Wanda's position on the couch. Maria studied her, eyes narrowed for a moment. What had she gone through in that prison? Had Tony considered the young girl's fate or just blindly followed his own path regardless?

"She all right?" Nat's voice startled Maria.

Looking over, she caught the assassin's gaze. Shrewd, trying to understand if she was a friend or foe.

"Yes," Maria whispered back. Nodding at the girl, she said, "she's settling back down."

Natasha nodded and scooted to the edge of her bed. In the moonlight, Maria could see the glint of her gun but wasn't surprised. She was certain the woman always had a weapon on her but even without one, was her own weapon.

"From what Sam said, it was bad." Nat whispered, walking over to sit down next to Maria on her bed.

Maria sighed. "I wish I could help."

"You will." Nat said with certainty. "You're already helping Steve stay calm despite what went down with Bucky."

"And you? How am I helping you?"

"You keep Steve on track and we're good." Nat grinned.

"How do I do that?"

"Just your presence apparently. I've never seen him so relaxed before and willing to give up control."

Woman Out of Time: A Maria Stark StoryWhere stories live. Discover now