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Welcome to the new and improved version of this story! We're starting off with the Prologue again which is mostly the same as before. From here on out though, chapters will be different from the originals even if retaining some elements from them.

The car skidded off the side of the road, coming to an abrupt stop when it met a tree. Both passengers were rendered unconscious at the impact, the husband coming to sooner than his wife.

A moment later, a motorcycle stopped next to the car and the rider slowly got off. Fluid, methodical steps led him to the driver's side where he pulled out the husband.

"Bucky?" The man said, astonished.

The Winter Soldier didn't pause or listen to what the man was saying. His mission was to kill Howard Stark and he efficiently did so. But something Howard said before taking his last breath, surprised the soldier. And he didn't know why.

"Don't hurt Mari, please." He had gasped.

The Winter Soldier twitched briefly. That name always distracted him for some reason--he couldn't remember the reason though at the moment.

As he moved around to the passenger's side, he reviewed the parameters of his mission regarding the passenger. Incapacitate only. He nodded to himself, confirming the mission. But when he opened the door and saw the passenger he stopped briefly.

"Bucky?" she whispered. Blood trickled down her face, but the eyes looked familiar.

And that voice--he'd grown up hearing it every day after school. The twitching started again and he shook his head trying to remember the mission parameter. Incapacitate?

Leaning in, he avoided her gaze and grabbed her neck. There was a pressure point there that he could use to knock her out. And maybe not hear her speak again. His head was starting to churn with memories and hurt quite a bit.

She took a shallow breath, and he realized that he'd held on long enough. Dramatically, he shot out the nearby camera. Part of his mission directive. Then he carefully pulled her out, turning to watch as a vehicle pulled up.

"Report!" The team leader barked out.

"Situation secured," the Winter Solider replied stoically.

He watched quietly as a body was placed in the passenger seat and the car doused and set on fire. Maria Stark was carefully moved to the back of the van and secured on a gurney.

"Return to base and report to your medical officer," the leader instructed.

He gave a short nod and hopped on his bike. But not matter how far he drove, that face and voice stayed with him, reminding him a little of a happier time in his life.

Woman Out of Time: A Maria Stark StoryWhere stories live. Discover now