Chapter 5

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"Where are we going?" Maria asked the Major as he quickly led her through the bunker.

"Your new quarters. Now keep up." He commanded.

She frowned, puzzled as to why she would need new quarters. Her sparse room suited her just fine, even if the sink was cracked and the shower often (voluntarily) switched to cold water mid-shower.

"But--" she started.

"Enough!" He barked at her. A glare over his shoulder cautioned her to be quiet.

Maria sprinted to keep up with his long strides and after a few more silent minutes, he stopped in front of a door.

They stood there, not moving for a minute.

"Should we knock?" She whispered.

He looked at her and sighed. "Yes, you should."

"Who's in there?" Maria looked from the door to the Major a few times.

"Your new roommate."

Maria's eyes widened. "Who?"

"The soldier is now your roommate. You'll be in his care and no longer my responsibility." He seemed to be almost sad at the change. But he'd always acted like she was a pest.

"Umm, thanks?" She really didn't know what to say and her gracious speaking skills had fled. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

He smiled sadly at her. "It's not my choice to make. They have decided and now my orders are completed." He nodded to the door behind her. "You belong to him now."

Taking a deep breath, Maria nodded and turned to knock. Before she could, the door opened and Bucky appeared in front of her.

Well, Winter Soldier Bucky.

His icy eyes swept over her and the Major before turning back to her. "Your things will be sent over later. Follow me."

The Major nodded at them and walked away. Oddly, Maria felt uncomfortable without him. She was used to him being her silent shadow, aside from that day the disgruntled soldier had gotten hold of her.

Pressure wrapped around her arm and Maria looked up to realize that Bucky had grabbed her arm. With his metal hand. It was like a vise and not something she was ready to be in contact with.

Her eyes lifted to his.

"Follow me," he ordered again. His eyes were dead today; no glimpses of Bucky would show.

"Yes, sir." She whispered walking quickly beside him.


"You will train with me."

Maria dropped her hairbrush at the quiet command. Her eyes found Bucky's across the room where he reclined on the bed.

They had spent a quiet day together. Like every single moment together.

It was nerve-racking.

And she still had no idea what she was doing here.

It was now after her nightly shower, she was brushing her hair trying to think about sharing a bed with the Winter Soldier. Bucky was familiar but this man wasn't him. At the moment.

So lost in her thoughts, Maria missed his quick footsteps and almost jumped when he held out her hairbrush to her. Slowly, she looked up into his face.

Woman Out of Time: A Maria Stark StoryWhere stories live. Discover now