Stepping into the kitchen, I place the shopping bags on the counter.
"Stevie! Stevie! Look!" Kitty exclaims.
Looking towards the dining table, I see Kitty sat beside Bucky. She's placing magnets on his robotic arm, along with pens that hang. Bucky has a confused and annoyed look on his pale face, but smirks when I smile.
"Look what I did to Bucky!" She squeals.
"He looks beautiful, Kitty, well done."
I step forward, kissing her forehead and she giggles. Glancing up at Bucky, jealousy sparkles in his eyes. I kiss his forehead too and I can see his cheeks blush slightly. Punching his cheeks very lightly, I chuckle at him before kissing him on the cheek again.
"Haha. Bucky's cheeks are red!" She exclaims, grinning at him.
"Aw." I whisper, brushing my thumb on his blushing cheek and feeling the warmth on my thumb.
Bucky pushes my hand away, glaring at me with big eyes. I laugh as he pulls the magnets off his metal arm.
"See, you're great with kids." I point out.
"Bucky is amazing!" Kitty comments, wrapping her arms around his waist. Bucky instantly raises his arms in defeat, glancing at her.
"It's okay, Buck, she's just hugging you." I say.
I remember the first time I showed Bucky what a hug was. He shrieked at me and shoved me back, then ran off to hide in the corner. After a lot of convincing, he accepted my hug. But he won't hug anyone else.
Putting the food away, I pick up the pile of post. Flicking through, they're all for me but one grabs my attention. A brown envelop with no name on the front, just a red handprint stamp in the middle. Sliding my finger under the flap, I pull out the white piece of paper. I hold back a small gasp and stare down at the counter when I've finished reading.
"Stop ignoring me, I know where you live Barnes. With your precious super soldier and that little girl. I'm watching you." The words are pressed onto the paper, all jagged from the letters being ripped out of various newspapers.
"Kitty, can you go and play in your bedroom please, I need to talk to Bucky." I say.
Kitty climbs off the chair and skips out of the kitchen. Looking at Bucky, his eyes are wide with confusion and fear.
"What aren't you telling me, Bucky?" I ask, placing the note on the table.
He bows his head, hiding his face in his hands.
"I can't make them go away, I can't make them stop it, Ste." He whispers.
Stepping towards him, I pull out the chair opposite and sit down. Pushing the threat note forward, Bucky reads it through his fingers.
"Well, now they know about me and Kitty. We are all in danger. Now, tell me who it is." I order.
Bucky raises his head slowly, tears swimming in the brim of his eyes. But he doesn't make eye contact with me.
"I don't know. I have a feeling its Hydra." He mumbles.
"Bucky, talk properly! This is serious!" I shout.
His head snaps up at me, his skin gradually turning pale.
"I can't loose you again, Bucky. You need to tell me about these things. Someone is threatening you! They know everything you are doing. It wouldn't have bothered me before but we have Kitty to look after now." I argue.

Till The End
FanfictionAfter Steve finds Bucky on a park bench, his whole world seems to fit back into place and he couldn't be any happen. Until a small girl appears at SHIELD, her origin and family unknown. But she refuses to leave Steve, she chooses him. Then it's all...