Chapter 8

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Pushing open the white wooden door, I step into the simple room. Walking over to Kitty, I smile at her angelic face. Her brown hair is curly around her sweaty cheeks. I gently shake her shoulders.

"Kitty. You need to wake up and have a drink." I whisper.

Her body is too stiff. I shake her more and her head flops from side to side. I place my hand on her cheek to feel her skin is clammy. Leaning forward, I can feel a very low breath on my cheek.

"Come on Kitty! Wake up please!" I order.

Her eyes stay firmly closed.

Panic starts to rush through me. I vowed to protect this child and now she won't wake up. Running my hand through my hair, I pull out my phone and start to pace in the small room.

"Bucky?!" I shout.

"Steve? Why are you yelling?"

"I made a huge mistake. Massive. Kitty got sick and now she won't wake up. I can't- I don't- I don't know what to do. Bucky, please help me!" I beg, tears springing in my eyes.

"Calm down. Tell me where you are, I'm on my way."

"One of SHIELDs safe houses. Jameson Road, flat 23. Hurry, Bucky please."

"I'm on my way now. Is she breathing?"

"Just about." I reply, glancing over at her lifeless body.

"Call an ambulance, do it now, Steve. I'll be there just before it gets there."

"Okay. See you soon Buck."

"Don't let her die, Steve." He orders and I can hear the anger in his voice.

Hanging up, I quickly dial for an ambulance.

Within a few minutes the buzzer rings and I let Bucky in, he sprints up the stairs and shoves the door open. He races into the room and stops for a few seconds in the doorway, then kneels by her bed. He places two fingers on her neck and checks her eyes, then stands up. Bucky stands in front of me, his hands balled into fists. His eyes are burning with anger and disappointment.

"You know what Steve, you said taking her away from me was protecting her. Look at her now! She's not protected!" Bucky shouts.

"Don't you think I can see that! I know I made a big mistake. I won't ever forget. Just please help her, Bucky."

"I don't know how."

The buzzer rings again and I race to open the door. Two paramedics rush in, carrying massive bags like I wore in the army. I stand frozen at the door as the realisation hit me.

Kitty could die.

I would be to blame.

Bucky leads them to the room and I wander in the doorway. They shine a light in her eyes and place an oxygen mask over her tiny face. They clip a pulse monitor on her finger and Bucky stares down, biting on his finger nervously.

"I can carry her down the stairs, if you want?" Bucky offers.

"That would be great." One of the paramedics replies.

"One of you can come in the ambulance."

"I will." Bucky says instantly.

Bucky scoops Kitty into his arms and carries her limp body out of the flat.

"Follow in the car if you must." He spits at me as the paramedics follow him out.


It took me half an hour to get here, the traffic was terrible and I couldn't stop panicking. My mind was constantly thinking of Bucky being with Kitty instead of me.

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