Chapter 26

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"Ste?" Bucky shouts from the living room.

Wandering into the living room, Bucky is sat on the sofa with the laptop on his knees. Sitting beside him, I peer over his shoulder.

"Yep?" I ask.

"Do you think that Kitty is not like every other five year old?"

"Yes. Why?" I quiz, glancing over his shoulder at the screen to see a parents website.

"It says here that five year olds should be able to read, write, recognise lower and upper case letters, write letters and say complex sentences. But Kitty can't do any of this." Bucky explains.

"Maybe her family didn't teach her anything." I suggest.

"That is possible."

"Wait, it says they can count, Kitty can do that." I point out.

"Okay, she can do one thing, but she can't do any of the others!" Bucky argues.

"It's alright, Bucky, all children develop at different stages and don't forget she has powers which could slow her development." I offer.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Stop worrying, darling, every child learns new things at different times." I say, resting my hand on the back of his neck and kissing him on the cheek.

"But I'm concerned." He admit.

"Calm down, Kitty is okay. Don't forget that she can't remember anything from her past so how do we know if she wasn't left in a room all day without any human contact?"

"We don't." He mutters.

"She'll learn, it will just take time." I point out.

Bucky nods. Leaning over him, I close the laptop to stop the conversation and Bucky leans back against me.

"I wish you didn't have to go." he grumbles.

"I know, so do I, but it has to be done." I admit, running my hand through his long hair.

"Can you promise me something?" Bucky asks.

"Depends what it is." I tease.

"Call me every day."

"Of course. I promise to call you every day, Bucky."

He suddenly sits up, turning to look at me.

"You're going to miss my birthday!" He shouts.

"I'm sorry." I lean forward, brushing his hair back. "I'll make it up to you." I promise.

Planting a trail of kisses down his neck, he squirms against me and I hold his arms out of the way so he can't fight me. Somehow we roll into the living room wooden floor, Bucky on the ground and me sat on top of him, pinning his arms over his head.

"No! Ste, get off!" He argues.

Bucky kicks and chuckles against my lips as I kiss him. The creases stand out under his eyes and his mouth is in a permanent grin. I kiss along his jaw line and back down his neck.

"I love you, Bucky, my darling and it's so funny to watch you squirming because of me." I say.

Bucky stops, looking up at me with wide eyes. They sparkle hopefully.

"I love you too, Ste." He whispers.

I kiss him deeply and suddenly something jumps onto my back. I relax when I hear Kitty giggle as she swings a leg either side of my waist. Bucky chuckles as Kitty slides her face next to mine.

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