The... Boyfriend?

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Laney's POV

I looked up to see the short red head, with some tissue. I took one and wiped my tears, and fixing my smudged eyeshadow. "Thanks..." I sniffled. "No problem... So.. What is it this time?" He asked, wiping a stray tear.

Over the past few years, me and Larry have become good friends. We don't hate eachother, so we help eachother out. When I was 7, he found me here crying about some rude school kids, and he helped me to be assertive. My assertive behaviour helped me get into grojband, standing up for them. So I owe it all to him. Since then, he'd find me at the park, as usual, and cheer me up. He's kinda sweet.

I sighed and looked at him, he sat down knowing this one would take some time.

"Its Corey..." I started.

"Ugh, him again? Well, just tell him that you think you should hang out more and--"

"He has a girlfriend."

"WHAT?!!" He seemed shocked.

"Y-yeah... And worse, she plays bass! She's taking my Corey and my band--"

"YOUR Corey?" He raised a brow.

".. Her Corey.." I sniffed and felt like I was going to cry again...

Larry put his arm around me and hugged me tight.

"I know how you feel..." I looked at him. "How would you--"

"Carrie has a boyfriend now."

"WHAT?!!" I yelled shocked.

"Yeah... I guess I was too late.. Couldn't make my move fast enough... Stupid Cameron." He muttered.

"And stupid Celest DUMB-ello." I muttered in response. I looked at him, he looked as crushed as I was... I sighed, feeling a knot in my stomach... No.. It can't be.. Nooooo NO NO NO! I can't like-- no! Just.. NO!

"Laney.. Uh..." His cheeks turned a bit red. "I was wondering.. Wanna hang out tomorrow? I mean.. You usually keep away from the band for a day until your all cool... And so do I.. So.." I giggled at his nervous reaction. ... Yes, I giggle. Whoopdedoo. "Sure.. Let's meet here for lunch?" I asked with a small smile. Larry's expression brightened. "..oh! Awesome!" He stood up to leave, then paused.

He turned to me and smiled. "Don't think about Corey and celest. If Corey's too blind to see what a great girl you are... Let him date that little b____." My eyes widened. I'd never heard him call someone that... Unless he meant what he was saying. I smiled back and nodded. He wiped another stray tear and lightly kissed my forehead. My face heated up, so did his. He smiled shyly and walked off. "Sleep well, Laney. See you tomorrow." He said and disappeared into the night. I stood there in shock, then shook it off and smiled... Does he..? No...

Impossible! He could never... Unless he..

Sorry, I gotta ramble on myself for a while.. I headed home with my swirling thoughts, and saw hearts swirling around me. I did a little skip and bumped into kin, falling back. I groaned and rubbed my head. Kin helped me up. "Laney! We've been looking everywhere for you! Corey's been worried sick!" Kin exclaimed. I shook my head and chuckled. "Even if I did get lost, or worse, he'd have that celest chick to cover me. Seems she's better then me in every way." Kin popped the swirling hearts. "Laney.. Why are you looking dazed?" He wrapped a small flashlight, and shined it in my ear, peeking in. "Hm..." He opened my mouth and looked around it too. "Uh huh..."

He then froze. "WHAT?!" He screamed, backing up. "You do NOT! You.. YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY!" He paced. "No no no! You can't! Corey would flip his lid!" I stood there blankly. He turned and came face to face with me, inches away. "Please tell me.. Do you like Larry Nepp??" He asked a bit panicked. I pushed him away and pouted. "Mehmehmeh... *whisper*" I muttered. "Huh?"

"... I *whisper*"

"Say that again?.."

I growled. "YES, I do! Okay?!" I snapped. Kin's pupils shrank. In utter shock, He turned pale. "No.. No no no NO NO NO!"

He grabbed me by my shirt and shook me. "YOU CAN'T! TELL ME YOUR JOKING!" I shoved some paper into his mouth to shut him up. "STOP YELLING!" I shouted. "You think I don't feel bad about it already?!" I felt a hole in my gut... "Your just like Corey... An oblivious, smart-ass fool who doesn't understand me." I said plainly, and froze. What.. Did I say..? I looked up quickly and saw kin shocked, he was crushed. I knew. He wiped a tear from his eye. "I'm just trying to protect you from getting hurt more then you are already.." He said softly.

He sat down in the grass and curled up. I kneeled next to him and gulped. "Kin-- n-no I didn't mean it-- I'm just.. Stressed. Please don't cry..." I begged. Kin quietly sobbed. I felt like a rotten, heartless beast. "Kin.. You know... I love you like a brother." I hugged him. He sniffed. "R-really?" I smiled. "Yeah.. So please don't take what I said seriously?" Kin looked up and wiped his eyes. "O-okay..." We hugged and went our separate ways.

It's true what I said. Kin's like a brother to me. Kon is more... Outbursting and annoying. But kin is down to earth, caring, and understanding. But when I saw him cry.. My heart sank. I couldn't bare to see my little brother like this. So I did my best to make it up to him...

I'm taking him to cheese fest on Friday... Yaaaayy.....

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