Nowhere to go

814 26 4

Laney's POV


I woke up with a loud yawn, and rolled over to look at the clock. It was 1:25 PM... I slowly closed my eyes.. Then shot them open again. "WHAGH!" I fell out of bed. "1:25?! I'm gonna be late for the band prac--" I froze. "Oh.." I sighed. Every morning, the same thing. I'd wake up at 12-2 PM.. thinking I had band practice. When in reality I had nothing to do...

But today I DID have something planned.. And in 5 minutes! "MY DATE WITH LARRY!" I yelped and took the fastest shower of my life. 2 minutes. I took a 1 and a half minute to get dressed and do my hair.. I shoved a granola bar in my mouth and had some milk. I ran to grab my messenger bag, which is my purse.. But TOTALLY not girly! I threw in my phone and wallet. I ran past the living room and froze. I took a few steps back to see Larry. Sitting on the couch. With his phone. Recording me. "Larry?!" I let out a gasp. He chuckled. "You take our dates WAY too seriously. You know I won't mind if your a bit late." He put away his phone and I felt myself blush. "Well.. I do mind you sneaking into my house without knocking." Larry smirked. "Yet you sneaking in my room through my window is just fine?" I pouted. "I was young."

"It was yesterday. At 10 PM." Larry justified.

I sighed defeated. What he lacked in courage, he made up for in judgement and reasoning. That's the only difference of us besides our genders. He put his arm around my shoulder and turned me around. "Go finish taking your shower. Finish up your hair, and take off the bunny slippers. I'll make you brunch." He nudged me. Bunny slippers? I looked down to see my super girly pink bunny slippers on. I blushed darker. "Um.. Yeah.." I muttered, running upstairs embarrassed. I hate when he teases me like that. But.. It's his way of having harmless fun.

After about 10 minutes, I came back downstairs to find some waffles with maple syrup on the table. Larry was sitting in the living room in the exact spot he was before, listening to his music on his earbuds. It's like he didn't move a muscle.. Yet he made me waffles. I shrugged my confusion away and ate the delicious waffles.

At about 2 PM we left for the carnival. We got our tickets and suddenly went childish with the rides. "Oo! The brain twister!" Larry pointed out. "Look! Gutt buster 5.0!" I cheered. We turned to see the tunnel of love. Seeing new couples go in and come out like newly weds. I turned to Larry and we both gagged. Yeah, we're a couple.. But we are just KIDS! We don't like that mushy stuff... So we went on all the epic rides.. And at around 6 PM.. I saw it. "OH YES! The dragon slayer! It's suppose to be the scariest, messiest, most scar-you-for-life ride in the world!" I squealed, dragging Larry over. No line.. Sweet. But I saw someone run away from the ride.. Weird. "No--Laney! Please no!" He begged as we were forced into the ride by the automatic rails. "Is that you? Laney?" A terribly familiar voice asked. I cringed and slowly turned my head. "...Crap..." It was Corey.

Corey, kin, Kon, and celest were in the cart behind us... And I forced a smile. "Hi guys.." Corey glared at Larry. "Nepp." Corey growled. "R-Riffin." Larry gulped. "This ride is for people who aren't wimps. You should just bail." Corey shot. Larry's face went pale. "Well.. Uh.. I'm kinda stuck.. And my girlfriend is forcing me to do this.." He trailed off. Corey chuckled. "Lanes, why'd you choose this guy? He's scum! Literally!" Laney grabbed Corey by his shirt and pulled them face to face. "You will never call me by that name again! And if you insult my boyfriend again.. I will hurt you so badly, and will NOT regret it." Her grip tightened. "And I CHOSE Larry because he cared about my feelings, and isn't an oblivious, reckless idiot like you!" Larry let out a sigh of relief. "I agree, he's a wimp.." Laney started again.

"HEY!" Larry snapped.

"But he's brave enough to not run off when he first saw this ride! You think I didn't see you run off when kin and Kon pointed it out?" Corey then turned pale. "If you know what's best for you.. And if you even care a BIT for me.. You'll stay away from us!" I yelled and threw him back into his seat. I froze and saw Kon staring in fear.. Kin was half smiling.. He was kinda proud, kinda scared. Celest was totally stunned and Corey.. Eh.. He landed on the bar with his 'sunshine' spot... Oopsie.

The ride jerked forward without warning, and Larry forced me to face forward. I gripped the railing and the ride went down the first ramp. I heard Larry and Corey screaming in terror. Corey has always had a fear of dark, spooky rides.

The ride skid to a stop as if trying to save us from the broken trail ahead. Everyone but me screamed as the cart fell off the broken rail, and collided with a huge rock. But it was a bouncy rock, so we were flung back onto the track. Larry shivered in fear and I chuckled. The ride sped up as a giant, scary, bloody clown face was revealed out of the dark.. And we were heading for it's shark toothed mouth! I suddenly felt tears in my eyes out of fear.. Everyone thought it was a cool effect.. Freaky clown head.. But I have a killer fear of clowns.. I pulled my knees up to my chest and covered my eyes, and kin whispered something to Corey. I felt Corey's hand on my shoulder. "It's ok Laney." He whispered. I felt happy hearing those familiar words.. But celest jerked his hand from my shoulder, and the cold, scary feeling returned. "Don't touch that thing! It might have a disease!" Celest complained. "She's only trying to be nice Corey." Kin responded. "She's always so caring to everyone..." Kon said without feeling.

I gagged at their fake routine. I shivered again as I saw the bloody clown getting closer.. Heading closer to the eye.. Larry hugged me and put his jacket over me. "Close your eyes. TIGHTLY." Larry commanded. I didn't question it. I shut my eyes as we went through the clown eye, and I heard a loud splash on Larry's jacket. What was that? I wondered. He took the jacket off me and I gasped. Everything was covered in red paint. The cart, Corey, kin, kon, celest.. "The Newmans set this part up for them.. But the freaky thing is..." Larry shivered. "It's legit real blood.." I covered my mouth and felt like I was about to barf. Celest screeched. "My new outfit! Ruined!" She cried. I chuckled. Score one for the Newmans.

After 5 minutes, the ride ended and everyone emerged covered in blood (except me and Larry) and headed home. Larry walked me to my doorstep. "That's for the date, lars." I smiled. He chuckled. "Yeah.. No problem. You owe me a new coat though." He held up his bloody coat. I laughed. "Sure.. I'll see you later." I kissed his cheek and went inside my room. I fell into my bed and fell asleep without having dinner.. I was EXAUSTED. When your that tired, you don't need to eat.

I slowly dozed off... Hoping that I could join the Newmans.. Someday.

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