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Laney's POV

It's been 3 weeks since I woke up; and it's been 1 and a half weeks since I was released from the hospital. Apparently my condition was unstable, so I was grounded for a few days.

And apparently Corey was taking some therapy classes... As well as self control classes. He, apparently, is manipulated way too easily.

As soon as I was 'freed', Grojband got back together. We haven't heard much from Carrie... And try to stay away. When Larry sees Carrie, or if she tries to make conversation, I have to get him OUT of there.

For such a little guy, he's tough. He gets a bit... Shifty, around Carrie. Kim and Konnie are okay in his book... But Carrie is a big danger to him.

We hadn't heard any news on Celest.. She'd been in the hospital FAR longer than me, and I heard rumours of her being DEAD. I, if course, had no problem with that. She deserved it.

I walked with Grojband to Chapmin's Cheese Cottage (and yes, that includes Larry), as we decided to meet up with the Newmans. Larry and I had a prep talk, and as long as I'm close by, he won't be as harsh to Carrie as... Other times.

After a while, everyone had shown up. We sat there for a while, talking, trying to get long. Carrie kept asking for my forgiveness for what she'd said... But I shook my head a final time and said;

"Carrie, you know just as well as I do that you need to apologize to, not me, but Larry."

Carrie sighed in defeat, looking at her ex best friend, Larry, who was gazing out the window. "Lares.." She frowned.

"So, how's the band doing with the new addition?" Kin asked Kim, as Carrie cringed. Everyone knows that when Carrie cringes, to shut up. "Care..?" Konnie gazed at the blue haired leader. Carrie looked down, tugging her beanie over her head.

"Nice going, Kin." Corey rolled his eyes. "Sorry.." Kin frowned. "I just wanted to know how Cameron was doi--"

"Shut up, Shut up!" Carrie cried out, trying to block out the name. Larry slowly glanced at Carrie in pain, and a sense of comfort washed over him. "They.. Had a huge fight. Cameron was.. -ahem- wasted, and hit her." Konnie muttered so Carrie couldn't hear.

'That explains the bruise..' I thought, noticing the bruise on her cheek and arm. "I.. I need to go." Carrie arose, walking out into the street. Larry clutched his fists and stood, running after her. "Larry!" I followed, the twins and Corey following.

Larry's POV

I looked around frantically, tears forming in my eyes. "Carrie!" I hollered. There was a sob, and I saw her in the alley. I kneeled next to her, she was hugging her knees to her chest. "I thought... he loved me..." She sobbed.

I bit my lip. Could I really stays angry at her...? I still cared for her deep inside...

I sighed and hugged her, as she dug her face into my shoulder and cried. "Care..." I whispered softly, stroking her hair. "I'm sorry... For everything." Carrie spoke, her voice weak. My tears fell onto the ground, and I smiled. "I'm sorry too.. Can we please be best friends again?"

"Of course..." Carrie wiped her tears, as I helped her up. "I'm here for you." I assured.

"That's my job, red." A voice snapped. The two looked up, and gasped. Cameron stood here with his hands behind his back, casually smiling at Carrie. "Heya babe... I thought you ditched this punk."

"C-Cam--" Carrie's voice shook as I held her close. "Eyy... Don't be scared. I didn't mean what I said... Come back to me." He spoke smoothly.

"No! Never, you.. You doofus!" Carrie snapped. "What did you say?!" Cameron hissed. "Leave her be!" I spoke up, clutching my fist. "You don't tell me what to do..." Cameron spoke slowly, his breath reeking of smoke and alcohol. He slowly revealed a pocket knife he had behind his back.

"You always said I stabbed your heart with a dagger... And that's how you fell for me..." Can gripped the knife and looked at Carrie. "Let's make it permanent, why don't we?" He smirked. I stepped in front of him and growled. "Not on my watch, leave Carrie alone!" I hollered, as Cameron raised it high to strike.

"Larry!" I heard Laney cry, as I see her being held back by Kon.

I shut my eyes as I waited to be struck, I was protecting Carrie with my life, like I'd do for Laney, Corey, the twins... My friends.

"Larry!" Another voice screamed, as the blade was stabbed through their heart, and they collapsed. Everyone gasped, shaking and staring at the brave soul who just saved 2 lives...

Corey Riffin.

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