Breaking Bonds

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Laney's POV

I awoke the next morning, cuddled up to Larry. I smiled and kissed his cheek, standing up and tip toeing to the bathroom to change.

I decided to go for a.. Different look. I had a white tank top on with purple on the sleeves. I also had a small black leather jacket, going only to my mid-stomach. I wore ripped red jeans, but they were faded. I wore my black combat boots, and took out my hair clip, brushing my bangs behind my ear. "Perfect." I smiled and put on a quick layer of water-proof mascara and eye shadow.

I stepped out, back into the Newmans lair, to find the four in a huddle, whispering happily. "Hey guys... What's up?" I spoke up as all heads turned, they all gasped. "Laney.. You..." Konnie and Kim stared. "Look..." Carrie added. "B-Beautiful.." Larry ended with a stutter. I giggled and hoped off the stairs. "Thanks girls!.. And Larry. So.. What's with the excitement?" I tilted my head. Konnie grinned. "Halloween, duh!"

I blinked. "Oh..? What do you guys do on Halloween?" I asked confused. Carrie took me by the shoulder and placed me on a single chair. "Each year, we have a competition to see who can come up with the scariest pranks! Usually, our groups are Me and Larry, then Kim and Konnie. But since your here... And Cameron too... We'll have to make some arrangements." Carrie snickered evily. "Arrangements?..." Larry questioned.

"Me, Cameron, and Kim, vs Laney, Larry, and Konnie!" Carrie squealed. Larry looked mad. "Wh-But we've always been on the same team! And we've ALWAYS dominated!" He growled at the blue haired girl. "Well, I can't exclude my boyfriend, and Kim is good with mechanics.." She replied smoothly. "This isn't fair, Carrie!" Larry snapped. All went quiet. "... Isn't.. Fair?" Carrie shot a glare at him.

I froze. This... Not this again... Not to Larry...

"You know what, Lares? I'm freaking tried of your whining! It's ONE change! It's not like I'm changing the entire game... Your acting as if I've made the biggest mistake ever." Carrie was being held back by Konnie, who tried calming our leader down. "Oh ho! You've made many mistakes, Care. And you won't like the biggest one..." Larry shot back, as I tried pulling him away. He lightly pushed me away, and I was sat on the couch. Carrie got up in Larry's face and growled.

"Try me." Carrie hissed.

"Fine! Your biggest mistake was CAMERON! Things are too different now, Care! Your changing everything to HIS expectations, as if HE'S the band leader!" Larry pleaded. "Wh-- I love Cameron! You can't talk to him like that, you Dork!" Carrie hollered.

Larry froze, his heart shattered. "Wh.. I'm not a dork..!" He quickly recovered and growled lowly. "You say I made many mistakes.. But you missed one huge mistake I overlooked until now..." Carrie glared. "And that is?..." Larry tested his limits. Everyone but the two shuffled uncomfortably, worried on what her answer would be.

Carrie looked hesitant.. As if she didn't want to speak her mind. Which was rare...

But the fire of hatred still burned in her eyes.

"My.. My biggest mistake?! Letting YOU into the band! Becoming friends, with YOU!" Carrie burst out full anger, no regret caught in sight.

Larry stood there... Shocked. He didn't respond right away. But when he recovered.. His expression fell, and tears formed in his eyes. "... Thanks Carrie..." He turned with his hands in his pockets, walking to the door quietly. ".. Thanks a lot.." He slammed the door closed and was gone.

I stood there, shocked. ".. Carrie.." I shot a glare at her. "How.. How could you?! After all he's done for you, all his years of being loyal! And you do this?!" I yelled angrily. "I..I.." Carrie stuttered. ".. Don't count on either of us coming back any time soon." I said coldly, grabbing our basses and left.

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