Tonight's our night

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Larry's POV

I lightly shook Laney awake, she yawned softly and grunted. "I know your tired.. But we have to get you a dress, do your hair, and get to practice before 5... And I know how long you take to do all the above." I chuckled as she sighed. "Fine, Fine... We'll grab breakfast later..." ".. Uh.. Lanes, it's 3 PM..." I sweat dropped as she launched up. "Ohmygod, let's go!" She grabbed my arm and ran to her house, rapidly going through all her clothes. "Pink, pink, orange, white..." She tossed all the clothes she didn't like onto me. I handed her the dress she wore for the Queen Bee Pageant, but with some different additions.

I waited a few minutes in her room putting all her clothes away, when she finally came out of the bath room.

She looked beautiful... A black dress that went down to her knees, with short, puffy sleeves. There were a few stripes of green on the bottom of the dress and sleeves. She wore green leggings with black frills at the top, and black flats. I smiled and kissed her cheek. "You look amazing, now let's do something to your hair..." I sat her in front of a mirror, with hair straighteners, curlers, and other stuff like that. Laney's hair went down to her waist (ik, long hair.), so I took her hair clip out and pulled her bangs back, holding it there with a green and black spiked headband. Her hair naturally flowed out and down past her neck, and I curled the ends. (If you need a reference, look up MLP Adagio.. I got the idea from her hair style.. Sorta. 😊)

Laney put on eyeliner, and black-red lipstick. I smiled. "You look just.. Wow." I blushed a bit as I sounded like an idiot. Laney ruffled my hair and sent me into the bathroom to change into my suit.. Tux... Thingy.

I came out of the bathroom with my black and green suit. (I'm not gonna describe this one.. Check the picture for reference.)

Laney straightened my bow tie and I combed my hair to its normal style, the back just a bit more spiky. I checked the time. "We gotta head over to Carrie's place now... Practice is in 5." I took her hand and walked her down the street to our leader's house.

I walked in with Laney and stared. "Wh.. What is HE doing here?!" I hissed at my leader, pointing at the young boy with his arm around her. Yes, none other than the devil himself, Cameron.

He had a red and blue tux on, similar to mine. He had purple hair spiked back cooly, with a dark navy blue tie. He had sunglasses on, but he had teal eyes.

"Oh, Larry! Cameron asked me if after our performance to hang with him.. Hope you don't mind him tagging along." Carrie fluttered her eyes innocently. "Tagging along... He asked you to go to the dance with him, didn't he?" I felt my heart sink a bit. I love Laney more then anything.. But just.. Seeing Carrie with another guy makes me sick.

"Well.. Yeeahh..." She bit her lip. Cameron lowered his shades. "Ah, the shrimp. Didn't expect to see you back for a while..." He raised his shades again and whispered something to Carrie, who playfully shoved him after. "Sh-Shut up! No way!" She giggled. I felt like someone dropped an amp on me. "... Larry?" Laney looked at me worried, I blinked. "S-Sorry.. Let's go get our gear set up." I walked ahead to my bass and hooked it up to the amp. I purposely played a note loud enough so Carrie would get the message. "Oh! Right!" She laughed and grabbed her guitar, as the twins took their instruments, and Laney stood next to me.

"Count us in, Konnie!" I yelled in the most usual voice I could.

"One, Two, Three!"


-That Night- (WARNING! I may use some songs from Rainbow Rocks cause it kinda matches n stuff.. XD)

Laney and Larry set up the stage, amping everything up perfectly. My heart sunk each time I saw Carrie kissing that doofus, Cameron. "Doofus, eh?" Laney smiled at me. "Oh.. I said that out loud?" I blushed and sighed. "Sorry, I'm still worried about Carrie getting the wrong guy..." "Don't worry, C'mon! We're bout to go on!" Laney kissed my cheek and she ran on stage to do her solo.

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