Movie Marvels

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Kin's POV

"I can't believe it... You lost AGAIN!" Celest hissed at Corey. "It.. It wasn't our fault! They just... They were more in sync..." He replied, trailing off. "If you don't win next time... And I don't care if you get the girl back or not.. Your GOING to win.." Celest glared at me and Kon. "Now let's get practicing.. If we're gonna win, we have to practice harder than ever!" She cheered in a sudden change of tone.

I looked at Kon nervously, and gulped. "... We're doomed..."

Carrie's POV

I sat in the garage with the others.. We'd decided to have everyone sleep over, and watch a scary movie. So the band went out and got their pyjamas, snacks, and sleeping bags. Laney and Larry were the last to arrive. I sighed and sat on the two-person couch on the left side of our tv, Cameron sitting next to me. Larry and Laney sat together in the center couch, with the twins on the right couch.

"Before we begin.. Konnie, scavenge any food in the fridge. Kim, amp up those speakers. Larry and Laney... Just keep looking like an adorable couple." I winked at the two red heads, who began blushing. "With I could say the same for you and Cameron..." I heard Larry mutter quietly. 'What the heck is wrong with him?..' I sighed.

It was exactly 12 when we started the movie. The only light source, coming from the tv. "This is suppose to be one of the most mind wrecking, gory, nightmare inducing horror movie of all time!" Konnie squealed happily. I nodded, handing each person their own bucket of popcorn, and their choice of sodas or juice.

The movie started... Slowly fading out of black. A low, yet high pitched sound radiated around the room. It was a hotel, like any other. The lights turned on, revealing a dark haired lady at the front counter. "Welcome to the star shrine hotel... Here is your room key.." The woman handed the man his keys, and he went to his room. He noticed a red X on a door just down the hall from him.. But ignored it and moved on.

That night, he heard a particularly strange noise down the hall...


It sounded like a chainsaw, he was sure of it.

The man tried to open the door, but had no luck. 'They must lock all the doors from the outside during the night...' The man thought and returned to bed.


Laney's POV

I shivered a bit. This movie was just starting, and it gave me the creeps. I held close to Larry as the man noticed a red X on two more doors, a few rooms away from his.


The man in the movie went to bed. Nearing midnight, he heard the same sound from the night before... But twice. He heard screams of terror, and someone begging for their life... 'Sounds like that lifeguard from the pool downstairs... I must be imagining this..' He tried persuading himself, but failed. Again, trying to open the door, found it locked once more... He decided he was just tired, and went back to bed.

The next morning, as he made his way down the hall, the man noticed THREE X's on the doors counting up to his... He got worried. "I'm.. Sure it means nothing." He told himsel, and continued on his way.

That night.. At around midnight... The same dreaded chainsaw noise, along with screeches of his neighbouring hotel stayers. "Please, no! Don't! Help!!" He heard it clearly... The sound of a chainsaw breaking through the bones. And blood splatter.. We swore he saw blood under the door. Slowly reaching for the handle, he noticed.. It opened.

Slowly... Ever so slowly opening it...


Larry's POV

"Oh my god, NO! Don't go out!!" I yelped, Laney stuffing more popcorn into my mouth, forcing me to watch.


The man saw nothing outside the door... Nothing except blood everywhere. On the floor, on the walls.. Even on the roof! There were several limp bodies everywhere, and a pile of limbs cut off.


Everyone watching the movie looked like they'd be sick...


The man peered out of his doorway, only for the watchers to see in first person... A wide grin, blood smeared and stained on the woman's face... Her hair tattered, and a bloody chainsaw in one hand. In the other.. A beating heart. The screen suddenly cuts to black, and you hear the man scream, for a good 20 seconds.. And while he screams, there are flashing images of the man having his head cut off, and the insane lady taking out his organs. The screaming stops, and the screen is black.

All seems calm until...

That lady's bloody face... Her skin melting off half her face, revealing a skeleton with blood pouring from it's eyes. The woman screeches loudly, screaming "YOUR NEXT!".


Larry's POV

My heart is beating 100m per second. As the words, THE END, drop onto the screen, I look at the others, just as terrified as I am. "C-C-Care.. Why... Did you w-want to watch such a m-m-movie?" I stuttered uncontrollably. She shivered. "I.. I don't k-know.. But I'm never watching it again..." She hugs Cameron, making me feel sick inside. ".. We.. We should try to get some sleep.." Laney replied strongly, but I knew by the look in her eyes she was scared too. Everyone nodded and got into their sleeping bags, dozing off.



Someone screams, and everyone joins in. We all look around, nothing. We sigh and try to go back to sleep...

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