Always there

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Carrie's POV

"Alright, Newmans! We got a big gig tomorrow night, it's a fancy theme so we have to dress up to get in..." I announced to my fellow bandmates. They all nodded. "So.. What song will we play this time?" Kim asked excited. "Well.. I thought maybe Laney could do a song herself, and then we do one all together!" I winked at our newest bassist. "And maybe scoop out some revenge ice cream, and give Gross band some brain freeze!" I fist bumped Larry, all cheering. Larry put his arm around Laney and kissed her cheek. For some reason, that bugged me. I shook it off, I was glad he was happy now...

I handed Laney the solo lyrics, and gave everyone the group song. "Now, Laney, I want you to do your solo last tomorrow night. Take the stage and show is what you got!" I smiled as she stood onstage with the mic and a guitar. "One, two three!" Konnie counted in.

~After practice~

Larry's POV

I stretched and smiled. "We did great! But I'm gonna turn in for the night... " I yawned as the others did the same. Laney hopped next to me. "I'm heading home too. See you guys, I'll leave my base here-" she paused, seeing the girls asleep already. I took her hand and we walked through the night to the path where the road split. "Goodnight, Lanes... See you tomorrow before practice." I smiled and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck as we kissed, soon parting ways.

"..." I got a sudden chill as I lost the sound of Laney's footsteps... I bit my lip and turned, seeing nothing. And that worried me. I ran back down the road she took, seeing the red head standing at a fence. ".. Laney, you alri-" I froze as I turned the figure around to see KIN. "KIN?! Where's Laney?!" I yelped. He gulped. "I'm so sorry bro, Corey scared me into doing this!... They're in the town dump.. Just take that left.." He pointed down the path I missed. "Thank you, Kin.. We're all cool.." I flashed a smile and ran for the dump.

I screeched to a stop, seeing Laney being held to a wall by the devil himself. Okay, it was Corey in a black hoodie. "You need to come back.. I don't wanna have to force you..." He hissed lowly, causing Laney to shiver. "No.. I.. I won't.. I love Larry too much to betray him and my friends like that..." She whimpered. "Friends?! We're your true friends! They're playing you!" Corey did the unspeakable.. Well, for Corey. She slapped Laney across the face, tears trickling down her cheeks. "Your.. N-Not helping yourself, Corey..." She stuttered with a few stray sniffled. I clinched my fist tight. "Nobody touches my Lanes.." I muttered coldly.

Corey went for another slap, but I tackling him down, making him stumble into an old bath tub. I caught Laney in my arms and she hugged me. "I'm so sorry..." I whispered, soon turning my attention to Corey. ".. Don't touch.. My... Laney..." He stuttered out. "She's not your's.. You never loved her, or listened to her ideas... She doesn't want you.." I growled, as he charged. Kin came from behind and bagged his head. "Run! I'll calm him down!" He hollered. Kon came from the shadows, letting us escape, and blocking the way so Corey wouldn't make it by. I ran as fast as I could, and didn't stop until I was inside my house.

I placed her on the couch and got the first aid kit. She whimpered, tears staining her cheeks and clothes. "Laney.. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left your side until you were home safe..." I softly stroked her cheek. "... It's.. Not your fault..." She spoke slowly. I tended to her brushed cheek, and the gash on her arm. "... I know, but I don't know what I'd do if anything worse happened to you.." I took a deep breath. Laney stated still as I patched up her cheek and arm. I kissed her forehead and placed her on my bed, pulling the covers over her. "I'll take you to your house tomorrow to grab something to wear to the gig. Try to get some sleep.." I kissed her softly and left the room. "I love you.." She whispered weakly. I smiled and nodded. "Love you too..." I closed the door and went to the couch downstairs, sleeping there for the night.

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