Chapter 1: Rescued

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I punched the wall with fury. I'm never getting out of this hell-hole, I thought to myself. I've been stuck here for 11 years without being allowed to even think straight. Everyone here is so weird.. it's like they don't even care about escaping.

I heard the bell that I've heard every day at this exact time for years. That stupid ringing that indicates it's 'lights out' time, or whatever. Nobody actually goes to sleep here though.. or at least I don't. For the past 11 years, the longest "Sleep" I've ever had was two hours. It's just so dirty here.. and cramped in each cell. They don't even give you a blanket. It's just a slab a stone and a pillow that probably houses a million insects.

Sometimes I imagine what it's like outside of this ship, what Earth was like. I can't remember anything before I was taken away by the furry freaks. There's rumors going around the ship that some thing called "Vol..tron?" has started fighting against the Galra. I haven't heard much of it, because I literally live in a prison, but I'm hoping it'll help me escaped this crippling ship, but with my luck, it's most likely just a myth.

I laid on my stone slab, staring at my moist ceiling until I heard a loud crash. It was almost like the ship just busted open, however it was probably nothing.. right? Even if it was something it's not like I could get out of my cell and check it out. I got up form my slab and walked over to the bars of my cell and peaked out. The Galra guards where running down the halls, shooting there little pew pew laser gun things. They all passed soon and as if by magic, my cell door opened. I walked out into the hall and looked down it. Every single door was opened. This was my chance! I ran down the hall faster than ever.. which ended up with me speeding down the corner and slamming into to someone. Well, there goes my chance for escape. I was toast. I opened my eyes and looked up to see a beautiful, dark skinned, blue eyed person. They smiled at me.

"You look human.." their smile faded into shock.

"Uhm.. because I am?" I exclaimed, confused.

"Come with me!" He said grabbing my arm and running. I guess I really didn't have a choice. We ran until we reached the outside of the ship. I never realized how big it was until now. The boy lead me to a large robotic.. lion? I believe it's a lion, however it's been a while since I've seen a lion. Maybe it's just a cat? I don't know. The blue guy, as I'll call him until I get a name, due to the fact he was wearing a blue, armored suit, lead me into the lion and told me to stay there while he searched the ship for some other person I didn't really care about. I kinda spaced while he was talking. I'm.. escaping. After 11 long ass years, I'm escaping this ship! I shook with excitement.. and fear.. and anxiety.. and adrenaline, but I was mostly excitement!

A couple minutes later the blue guy came back and sat in the console seat, starting up the lion.
"The name's Lance, by the way." He flashed me a smirk.

"You can call me daddy." He winked at me.

"I'll just.. stick to Lance. You're not my father." I contemplated my decision on coming with this guy, but we were already moving so there was no backing out now. I looked out the window. It was space. I was leaving.. after 11 years. I still couldn't believe it.

"Team, I picked up a girl while we were in there."

"Wait, you actually picked up a girl? And it worked?" I heard another voice say back. I giggled at they're comment and Lance just glared at me. That made me giggle more.

"No I mean I took one of the prisoners. I'm pretty sure she's human." He said back into the mic.

There was silence for a bit until I heard different voice. He sounded older and probably a lot more mature than Lance.

"Bring her back to the castle. We'll question her and figure out what to do." They had said.

"Obviously I'm taking her back to the castle." He muttered back.

The rest of the ride was silent.


Thank you all so much for reading. Sorry I haven't made a book in a while.. hit a writers block because I don't have high confidence in my work. I really appreciate you reading though. Tell me what you think in the comments! Also, I'll try to have a good updating schedule. I'll figure it out at some point. Anyways! Look for the new chapter soon! Maybe today, maybe not.

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