Chapter 2: Voltron.

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Y/n's POV

Soon enough Lance and I reached the castle.. which was a huge ass ship. Lance got out of the lion first and grabbed my hand to help me down. I took the offer and just smiled at him. He lead me to a large living space which had six other people. He sat down on the couch and I sat next to him.

I focused on the other people in the room. One was short, short hair and round glasses. They wore a green outfit. The next person was tall, dark brown hair and darker skin. He was quite thick, but not that it looked bad. I glanced over at the next person on the couch. He had some sort of black mullet and a red outfit. They looked well built and fit, unlike the other two. I studied the face next to him. He was standing by the couch. He had a dark grey-ish hair color with a white fluff spot in the front. Just like the other guy, he was well built. Then there were the two people standing behind the couch.. by their markings I knew they were Altean. I thought that race was knocked out years ago by the Galra.. maybe I was wrong?

"Erm.. I'm Shiro. Leader of Voltron." The one with the white streak exclaimed. "Shit did you say Voltron?" He nodded. "Have you heard of us?" He asked me. "I have but.. I thought it was just a myth.. I didn't think it would ever be a thing, let alone me being here with it!" I exclaimed excitedly. He smiles slightly. "So you know what it is?" "Actually.. I don't exactly know. Throughout the prison there were rumors about this ' Voltron' starting a war, or whatever, against the Galra. I wasn't aware what it was, or what it looked like." He nodded slowly.

---Time Skip---

It's been about an hour. I've learned that Voltron is this giant robot thing that's made of smaller robots that are shaped like lions. Each person I saw in the main room is a paladin of a lion, besides the Altean people, who I learned were named Coran and Allura. They control the castle. Pidge, paladin of the green lion, and Hunk, Paladin fo the yellow lion, were very welcoming to me, just like Lance and Shiro were, however the red lion Paladin, who I haven't learned the name of yet, wasn't so.. welcoming. He didn't trust me, which I understand.

I mean, I don't even know why they are trusting me. Random girl walks in like, "Hey! I'm totally not going to kill you because I'm human!" I don't understand. I guess they're just really idiotic, or just really accepting.

"So, what's your story?" Hunk asked me. I looked at him a cocked my head to the side.

"I mean like.. how'd you get into space? Like this far out in space?"

"I was captured by Galra whenever I was a child. I don't really remember how it happened.. all I know is that I was kidnapped by some purple furries and I've been training to escape ever since." Lance laughed at my purple furries comment. The red Paladin just looked away at the ground.

"I guess you have nowhere else to go so you should stay here!" Lance said excitedly. Shiro just looked at my him in a way, then back at me.

"Well it isn't really like she could go anywhere.. plus, she could help around the castle." Pidge exclaimed.

"Are you guys saying you want me to stay here?" I asked curiously. Shiro nodded.

"Uhm no. Wait a second. Are you guys serious? We just found her on a Galra ship while looking for Pidge's brother, and now you want her to stay? You can't be serious! Did it ever cross your mind that she could be working with the Galra? Or even worse? What if she tries to kill us in our sleep? You can't just trust a girl who says she human!" The red Paladin growled furiously. I took a step back from him. He kind of scared me when he's angry.

"Exactly.." I muttered.

"Why would any one of you trust me? I just came in here like, 'Sup Paladins on Voltron who I totally don't know are Paladin's of Voltron! I am human girl please keep me instead of Galra." I said, only halfway joking.
"We trust you because you haven't done anything wrong. If you do try to steal our lions then, of course, we'll leave you in space. It's simple." Coran said. Keith muttered something under his breath but I didn't know head him properly.

"So.. are you going to stay?" Hunk asked me. I nodded.

"Like they said, it's not like I have anywhere else to go." I smiled.

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