Chapter 5: Truth or dare.

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Yes I know this chapter is completely original.

I woke up the next morning feeling great. I slept longer than I ever have before and I'm on good terms with Keith. Things were going good as a member of the team.

I got dressed and ready and walked out of my room and stretched. Heading to the kitchen, I rubbed my eyes to see the rest of the team there.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Lance said with a smirk. I just rolled my eyes.

"You slept in a lot longer than we thought humans could sleep," The Altean princess said.

"How long did I sleep?"

"You slept in about two vargas later than three rest of the paladins," Coran said. Varga? I thought. What the hell is a Varga? Shiro saw my expression.

"They mean hour. It's Altean language." I just nodded.

"I haven't slept in an actually bed in years, so I guess it would make sense," I said. I grabbed a bowl and filled it with whatever space goo th he other paladins were eating. I sat down at the table and started eating. It was surprisingly good. I mean, compared to the trash the Galra was feeding me, it as fantastic. I continued eating until I finished it all and put my bowl in the sink.

I sat down at the table next to Pidge and lance. Keith sat across from me while Shiro sat next to him and Hunk sat on the other side of him. The princess sat next to Shiro while Coran sat by her.

We all chatted quietly, talking about normal things until Shiro stood up.

"Alright paladins. Since we have a new recruit, I've decided it's time for another bonding exercise." The paladins all groaned loudly.

Shiro cleated his throat and spoke, "However, I'm sure this one will be much more amazing to you all." The room was dead silent. You could hear a pin drop.

"We're playing truth or dare." Yeah, you remember that silence I was talking about earlier? Well say goodbye to that. The entire team screamed with excitement.

I leaned over to Pidge and whispered, "I never knew people could get this excited over a game.

"Yeah well, compared to the other bonding exercises, this is like getting super fast WiFi after not having it at all. I just nodded.

"Okay paladins. I'll start." Shiro said he looked at Hunk.

"Truth or dare?" He asked.


"Have you ever dropped something for a meal on the floor hen picked it back up and used it again?" Shiro asked him. Hunk looked down in defeat. "It was one time." He muttered. The other paladins cringed while I'm here thinking that I've eaten worse.

"Okay Uhm. Y/n! Truth or dare?"

"Dare! I spoke confidently."

"I dare you to kiss someone here." He grinned. I just rolled my eyes. "Lame." I mutters. I look around at the people here. I leaned over the table and kissed Shiro on the cheek. Everyone gasped while Shiro and I just shrugged.

"Lance! Truth or dare?" I asked him.

"Dare." I smiled mischievously.

"I dare you to shove your dick into an empty Pringles can for at least half the game." I grinned widely and his eyes widened. He sighed and went to his room.

He soon came out with a Pringles can sticking right out of his pants. Everyone laughed and I smiled to myself, proud I could come up with a good dare.

---Time Skip

The game went on and lance had taken the Pringles can off. It was now Lance's turn to truth or dare someone. There had been a couple truths and dares before hand, but now it was the intense part of the game, plus, lance wanted revenge.

"Y/n. Truth or dare?" I sighed, knowing this was going to be a mistake, I answered him. "Dare."

"I dare you to the 7 minutes in a closet challenge with your truly, me." I said. I sighed and got up out of my chair.

"Ohh shit! Lance is gonna make a move!" Pidge yelled.

"Pidge, language." Shiro scolded her.

"Oh sorry," she cleared her throat, "Oh shit! Lance is going to make a move!" Pidge said again. Shiro rolled his eyes while hunk laughed and Keith tried to hide his win a cough.

Lance wakes me to the closet and shut the door behind me. I prepared myself as Lance pushed me up against the wall.

"Is this okay?" He asked. I nodded and smile at him. He smiled back and closed the space between us.

---Time Skip because I'm uncomfortable with writing that at the moment---

Seven minutes passed and Lance and I came out of the closest (lmao gayyy) and sat down in our seats. I crossed my arms ready to start playing again while Lance looked dazed.

"Keith, truth or dare?" I asked.

"Truth." He said calmly.

"Have you ever kissed someone?" I asked curiously. He just shook his head and went on with the game.

---Time Skip again because I'm lazy---

The game finally ended after about an hour and a half later. I had gone to my room and flopped down on my bed turning on the TV to see what space television was like. I watched the shows for a while before I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I shouted. He door opened and it was Shiro.

"Hello," He said awkwardly.


"Can I um, hang out?" I nodded and patted he bed beside me. He sat down and started watching the TV as well. We talked for a bit, just to get to know each other better and he left after a while. It was getting late so I decided to turn off the TV and see what the team was up to. I saw that hey were all in the theater room arguing about what movie to pick.

"It should be the Notebook! That movie was the best!" Lance yelled.

"No! Death Note was better!" Keith screamed back.

"Guys you're both wrong! It should be avatar!" Pidge argued.

"Pidge that movie is like six hours long!" Lance yelled at Pidge.

"Guys, I actually think we should just bindge Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares." Hunk said, pretty calm and collected.

"Guys just pick a freaking movie and turn it on." Shiro said, obviously bored.

The Paladins continues to argue until I finally stepped in and cleared my throat. They stopped arguing and turned to me.

"Oh hey Y/n!" Lance said, "We were just about to come get you, after we turned on The Notebook" Lance said, glaring at Keith as he did.

"How about we just watch F/m." (Favorite Movie) I said, hoping to break this argument.

The Paladins were quiet for a moment. Then a hell broke loose. They started arguing again, and I was arguing with them. There was yelling and scream over a movie. This was great.

A few minutes later, Shiro stepped in and yelled, "Alright Paladins, that's enough!" We stopped arguing and quickly looked at him, just as Keith was about to knock the shit out of Lance.

"We're watching The Notebook."

There were groans but eventually we got over it. Lance put the movie in and it started playing. I've never seen this movie before.. I hope it's good.


Sorry for the long chapter. Also sorry for any mistakes in the chapter. Hope you all enjoyed.

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