Chapter 1 Sunrise

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Bumblebee sat atop the base as he stared at the stars, it was quiet and peaceful, the only thing you could hear was the gentle breeze of the wind, it was nice.

Bumblebee laid back while his feet hung over the edge of the cliff, he wished it could always be like this, but he knew it would never be that simple. Not with the Decepticons around anyway.

But still, the thought of living in a peaceful world where war never waged, it seemed pretty wonderful. Not that Bumblebee would ever know, because he's spent eons fighting a war that seems as though it will never end. He never did get to live in an age where war never existed.

As Bumblebee continued to ponder this, he eventually drifted off into stasis, wondering what would have been if the war never began.


'I wonder what Ratchet found, its got to be important if he wants the whole team there.' Arcee thought to herself as she searched the base, looking for Bumblebee. He wasn't in his quarters, and he hadn't gone out on patrol like Optimus and Smokescreen did, and so far he hadn't been anywhere else around the base, so where could he be? 'Of course! I didn't even think to check above base. Its one of Bee's favorite spots, I should've check there first. I bet he's enjoying the sunrise, that wouldn't surprise me, he really does love this planet. Then again, I'm pretty fond of it myself.' And with that, Arcee made her way toward the top of the base.


"Looks like I was right, this is where he disappeared to." Arcee said as she approached a sleeping Bumblebee. Arcee reached Bumblebee and knelled down next to him. The sun had just started to rise over the horizon, and its light lit up Bumblebee's face plates, Arcee studied him, then smiled to herself and thought, 'He looks so peaceful, I almost hate to wake him, but, duty calls.' "Bee, wake up, Ratchet found something and it's likely we're going to check it out." Arcee said to him while she placed her hand on his arm.

Bumblebee heard the sound of someone's voice along with footsteps. He didn't know who it was, obviously, but he knew they were going to wake him up, which was the last thing he wanted. But regardless, he had a job to do, and he had to do it.

Bumblebee opened his optics only to be greeted by Arcee's beautiful pale blue optics. She smiled at him with that wonderful smile of hers before saying, "Well, look who finally woke up." Bumblebee smiled at her and sat up. "Yeah, I guess I dozed of while I was up here." He beeped. "I didn't even intend to." She laughed and stood up. "Well, it happens to all of us, every once in awhile." 

Bumblebee looked at her and noticed she was staring out at the sunrise, which in turn made him look that way. "Its beautiful, isn't it?" He said, "I don't think there's any other view like it." She replied "Yeah, it really is. I only wish Cliff were here to see it." She was sad for a moment, but quickly recollected herself and said, "But anyway come on, we don't want to keep Ratchet waiting, you know how he gets, and we shouldn't keep the others waiting either." She held her hand out to Bumblebee and he took it. "Lets go!" Bumblebee said with enthusiasm.

As they entered the main control room, they were immediately met by an annoyed Ratchet. "WHERE. ON CYBERTRON. WERE YOU?" Ratchet said, turning from the computer and glaring at them, well, mostly at Bumblebee. "I was above base, and dozed off. Sorry." Bumblebee beeped. Ratchet glared at him then rolled his eyes while mumbling something and turned his attention back to the screen.

Just then the ground bridge opened and Optimus Prime and Smokescreen stepped trough the portal. Optimus walked toward Ratchet and the computer while Smokescreen ran over to Bulkhead. "Ratchet, you said it was urgent?" Their leader questioned the medic. "Yes. Last night, our scanners picked up a Autobot locator beacon, somewhere on the opposite side of the globe. But, that wasn't the only thing the scanners picked up in that area. There was another strange energy signal, one that appeared to be dark energon." By now all the Autobots had gathered around the old medic, listening to every word carefully. "Do you think this could be a Decepticon trick?" Ratchet asked. Optimus pondered for a moment, while everyone waited in anticipation.

"We cannot be sure of what waits us, but there is a possibility that there is a Autobot in distress and requires aid. So we must take this chance, but be aware of the danger that may lie ahead." Optimus replied with a serious look on his face plates. "Well, if your sure. I'll ready the ground bridge and prepare sick bay." Ratchet said, and with that he started setting the coordinates for the ground bridge.

Optimus turned to his team and said, "Autobots, roll out!"

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