Chapter 8 A Unknown Secret

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The kids were sitting on the couch playing video games while waiting the return of their bots, when Optimus requested a ground bridge and told Ratchet to prepare med bay, which worried the kids. They ran over to the railing as the swirling greenish-blue portal opened and Bulkhead and Smokescreen came through while supporting Arcee, whose energon was spilling to the floor. "Arcee!" Jack cried watching them carry her over to a berth and lay her down.

Next, Optimus came through carrying Bumblebee, who was also severely injured. "Bumblebee..." Raf said, and Miko knelled down next to him. "Hey, he'll be OK, don't worry, Ratchet's gonna fix them up and they'll both be good as new!" She said in attempt to make the boy feel better, but when he didn't respond and continued looking toward his guardian, she became worried for him. Jack took notice to this and stepped in to help. "She's right, Raf. He's in good hands, they both are. Come on, how about he go wait on the couch?" Jack tried to reassure him, and himself. Him and Miko then took Raf over to the couch, where they continued to try and comfort the boy.

Ratchet began to work quickly to try and weld Arcee's wound shut before she lost any more energon, that and so he could help Bumblebee as well before he went offline from energon loss. "Optimus, I need you to monitor Bumblebee until I am finished with Arcee." Ratchet requested and Optimus did so.

He hurriedly finished with Arcee and moved over to Bumblebee, he was injured in more than one place. "Someone get some energon from our supply immediately, they're both going to need it." Ratchet demanded and Smokescreen took off. "On it!" Smokescreen yelled. And Ratchet continued his work, hoping it would be enough.


Elita marched through the bridge, only to find herself on the bridge of the Nemesis, and Megatron standing in front of her. He raised an optic ridge with a smirk on his face plates, then proceeded to say, "So, Caldarius succeeded. I'm surprised, to say the least." Caldarius came from behind while some other Decepticons took place next to Elita and put cuffs on her, preventing her from using her weapons.

Elita was silent, she needed to figure out how to get out of this. She knew why he wanted her, he needed to complete his work, and she was the key to doing so. All he truly required was information, that only Elita had. "Did you really have so little faith in me, master? Who do think I am? Starscream? None the less, there was no chance of the Autobots having victory. I am much too powerful for them to defeat, and will be even more so once I have acquired the information that I seek," Caldarius had turned to face Elita, and gently stroked her cheek with his digits, much to her dismay. "That only this pretty bot possesses." He finished and she growled at him with anger.

"What knowledge could she possible hold that would be of any importance to us?" The warmonger demanded to know more than he asked. Caldarius faced his leader, before yet another one of his signature smirks made its way on to his features. "A lot of valuable things, actually. Such has the location of the Autobot base, or maybe the entire Iacon database that's stored away in her processor? She knows all sorts of the Primes secrets, she is the sparkmate of a Prime after all, and used to work in the Iacon Hall of Relics. Fun fact about our Elite Guard captain here, she is one of the relics." Caldarius told Megatron, who seemed fascinated by that and the fact Caldarius was so knowledgeable about her.

But before the warlord could question him, Elita beat him to it. "Well, it sure does seem like you did your homework. Enlighten me, Caldarius, why have you taken such interest in me?" Elita asked. "I think that is a question you already know the answer to, commander." He said simply, then he gestured for the cons to take her to the lab and followed behind them.

He stopped at the door and turned back to Megatron, who was clearly annoyed that Caldarius hadn't reported all this information to him, until now of course. And even then he still hid plenty of things from him, some, which Megatron would tear his spark out for. "Do not fear, my liege. All with be explained in due time." Caldarius said seriously and left.

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