Chapter 3 Together Again

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Bumblebee wasn't sure where Arcee had run off to, but he found her easily after searching a little. She was sitting on a rock that somehow found its way into the ship. Bee walked over to her and knelt down next to her, she was slouched over and her elbows were on her knees, she looked at Bumblebee before quickly sitting upright, turning her torso away from him, crossing her arms and looking away.

Bee sighed and began to apologize. " I'm sorry Arcee, I didn't mean to embarrass or upset you." Arcee glanced over at him and sighed. "It's okay, Bee. You don't need to apologize. It's not like you did anything wrong anyway. I'm just being difficult, I suppose." 'Well, at lest she's honest about it. Normally she would have just be stubborn and denied it, But that's something I love about her. I think her stubbornness is actually kinda attractive. ' Bee thought to himself while looking at Arcee.

She noticed he was staring at her and smiling, it seemed that every time he looked at her, he ended up staring, she wondered why that was. "What? You keep staring at me." Arcee questioned him. "Oh, I was just thinking about how stubborn you usually are." Bumblebee openly admitted. Arcee glared at him and turned away from him again. "Jerk."

Bee laughed and apologized, again. "Hey, you asked. But anyway, I'm sorry. I never meant to upset you." She turned back to him with a smile on her face plates. "I guess I can forgive you, but I'm still not sure way you feel the need to apologize. I already told you that you did nothing wrong." She inquired and waited for a reply. "Well," He started, "I felt like I made you uncomfortable and upset you, so I thought you deserved an apology. So here I am." He finished.

"Your always so considerate of everyone's feelings. That's one thing I've always liked about Bee, the fact that you haven't let the war turn you bitter and cold. Instead, your kind and caring, and I like that." Arcee said while smiling at him. Bumblebee stood up with a smile on his face. "Well, I had a choice, either let all the chaos and hatred of war corrupt me, or instead, let it teach me that even in times of chaos and hatred, I can still be kind and caring. I mean, why be hateful if you can be loving instead?"

Arcee looked at Bee, she was touched at what she heard, Bee seemed so innocent, you would have never have guessed that he had ever been in a war, or that he possessed the power and skills to kill. But then she suddenly burst out laughing. "What? What's so funny?" Bee beeped in confusion. "It's just," She said, "You sound like Optimus." "Oh, I guess I do, don't I?" He laughed, "Well, I suppose I was raised by him. But hey, I'm glad to see you laugh, I like it better when your happy. So long as your happy, I'm happy."

Arcee looked up at him as he held his hand out to her. "Come on, let's head out. I highly doubt we're gonna find anything around here anyway, probably because the Decepticons got it first." "You're probably right." She said to him as she took his hand and they began heading back to the others.


(Yeah, never mind. The original song is definitely a better fit than the last one. This song is for Optimus and Elita, in case that wasn't obvious. So feel free to listen or continue on reading! On a side note, I did not make this lyric video.)

Optimus and Elita were now both on their feet, chatting away as they waited for the others to finish scouting for the strange energy signal that was assumed to be dark energon.

Normally, Optimus would help them, but his attention was currently focused on his sparkmate. "I am glad to see you alive and well, but I must ask, what happened after your ship went down?" Optimus asked Elita while staring into her beautiful bright blue optics.

"Well," She began, "When the ship crashed I had flown through the window of the cockpit and of course, sustained major injuries, but I had survived do to the fact that I was found by a Decepticon scout team and repaired by a medic under the orders of Megatron. I know, surprising right? But it all became clear when he gave me a choice: Pledge my allegiance to him and join the Decepticons, or, become a lab rat. Of course, he was foolish to think I would do such a thing as joining the Decepticons, but I suppose I should have expected it. But in other words I was tortured and experimented on for awhile, then they made the mistake of letting Starscream enter the lab. It was easy to trick him into thinking my spark had been extinguished do to the experiments they conducted on me, which therefore made him give the order to dispose of my 'lifeless husk' and as they undid the bondage's and carried me out of the room, I made my great escape and ended up back on Cybertron. They hunted me down for awhile, but I had already left Cybertron in a Autobot carrier ship I found abandoned at a old Autobot base. But unfortunately, my ship got caught in a meteor shower and I was forced to take an escape pod. I don't know how long I had been traveling through space, but I ended up crash landing on this planet. And so here we are."

She finished her story and took his hand in hers. "I'm just happy to be by your side again, Orion." She released his hand and wrapped her arms around him and leaned her head on his chest. "We have been apart far too long, and I hope that we never have to be again." She said as she tightened her hold on Optimus.

He returned her embrace and said to her, "I will never allow myself to be separated from you again, Elita. That, I promise you." She looked up at him and smiled. "My spark will always follow you wherever you may go, Orion. Our sparks are connected, We're connected. So I promise you, that even if I'm gone, I will always be with you, in here." She finished placing her servo on his spark chamber.

They stared into each other's optics before leaning into each other and sharing a deep, passionate kiss. And then they were interrupted by the sound of Ratchet's voice over the com-link. "Optimus, are you there? Have you found anything yet?" Ratchet questioned expecting a reply. "Was that Ratchet? That old bot's still alive?" Elita asked with a little bit of surprise in her voice.

Just then the others approached Optimus and Elita and reported their findings. "We looked everywhere, but didn't come up with anything too special." Bulkhead informed. "It's most likely that the cons already salvaged everything they could find. Because they were here long before we were." Bumblebee added.

Optimus gave the information he received to Ratchet. "We could not find anything related to the energy signature that you found." "Well, how about the locator beacon?" Ratchet asked. "Well Ratchet, bridge us back to base and be prepared to say hello to an old friend." Optimus said with a smile on his face as he looked at Elita.

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