Chapter 5 A Long Drive

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Bumblebee and Arcee drove down the road away from base and Arcee decided to start a conversation. "So, what do you think about all of this? Any ideas on who that black bot Elita saw could be?" Arcee asked, curious what Bee would say. "Well, it could be anybody really, so can't say for sure. But," Bee seemed to pause for a moment, then continued. "Elita didn't really say much about him, just that his optics were purple and he radiated powerful energy, which doesn't tell us much accept that he probably has dark energon in his systems."

Arcee thought about it, and Bumblebee wasn't wrong, she hadn't said to much about it. But Arcee didn't feel like worrying about it too much, and just felt like enjoying the drive. "Well when we get back to base we can always ask her about it. But for now how about just enjoy the drive? maybe speed up a little bit?" Arcee said revving her engine and swerving playfully into Bumblebee.

"Are you challenging me to a race? I would have never thought you'd do such a thing. But hey, I never back down from a race, so be prepared lose!" Bee hit the gas peddle and took of down the road, Arcee close behind.

The two of them sped down the road head to head with each other, then Arcee accelerated and passed Bee while yelling, "I think you underestimated me, Bee!" Bumblebee laughed and sped up to match her pace. "You wish I was! Because you're about to eat my dust!" He exclaimed as he drove pass her.

They went on like that for awhile, before Bee said, "Hey! See that speed limit sign? Whoever passes it first, wins!" Arcee replied, "Well, I guess I'm gonna be waiting there a while, because you're too slow!" She zoomed forward laughing, while Bee followed close behind.

Bumblebee was surprised at Arcee, he hadn't seen her like this since, before Cliffjumper went offline. But he was happy to see that she was having fun, after all she had been through and all the time she spent blaming herself, she deserved to have fun and be happy. Bee loved her, more than he could ever imagine, he had loved her for eons, and would do anything to make her happy. He only wished she knew how much he cared for her, but, he didn't believe she would ever feel the same way, and yet, he still wanted to tell her, he still wanted to try, so he wasn't going to give up, not yet.

Arcee ended up beating Bumblebee, and they both pulled off the road and transformed when they passed the sign. "Told you that you underestimated me. Admit it, I'm faster than you." Arcee said turning to Bee with a huge grin across her face. "Alright, I'll admit that you're pretty fast, but you only won because I was distracted." Bee said taking a few steps closer to her. "Oh really? And what was 'so distracting' that you couldn't keep up?" She asked crossing her arms and staring at him. "Well," Bee said, "It's really difficult to focus when there's a beautiful blue motorcycle in front of you."

Arcee wasn't sure what to say, she simply stared at him blankly unsure of how to respond, she could feel her face plates heat up and she became flustered. "I... That's not a valid excuse!" She said turning away from him. Bumblebee had honestly thought she would slap him or yell at him about how he shouldn't say things like that, but instead, she had become flustered and turned away from him. He was grateful that she didn't do either of those, but now he wasn't sure how she felt about what he had said, and that worried him a little.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I just... You are beautiful Arcee, I mean that. You always have and will be to me." Bee said, smiling at her. She turned back to look at him and saw he was smiling, his big blue optics staring into hers, it made her spark flicker and feel all weird and fuzzy, what was this feeling?. "Arcee?" Bee said quietly, in attempt to grasp her attention.

Arcee snapped back to reality and saw the now concerned face of Bumblebee, she shook her helm and held it with her servo. She was trying to process what just happened, it seemed so sudden and that made it difficult to wrap her processor around it. "I... I'm sorry, I need to, to think about this." Arcee told him and he frowned. He felt bad about confusing her, maybe he shouldn't have said anything, but he had to tell her eventually, he couldn't just bottle it up forever.

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