Chapter 4 Power Corrupted

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Megatron had been on the bridge waiting for his Decepticons to return from investigating the dark energon signal along with the Autobot locator beacon that Soundwave had discovered while trying to decode the last of the Iacon database.

Megatron waited patiently, when finally, they returned. "Lord Megatron, I think you're going to be very pleased with our findings." Knockout said as he approached him. "Really Knockout? And why would that be?" Megatron questioned skeptically. "See for yourself."

Knockout moved aside to revel a black bot whose optics were a pale purple, as if he had dark energon in his systems. "Lord Megatron, a pleasure to see you again." The black bot addressed Megatron with a smirk on his face plates. "Caldarius, I had thought you dead."

"You thought wrong. I don't die so easily, especially when I still have, unfinished business." Caldarius said the last part with a bit of anger in his tone, but then changed it as he continued. "But, you should be happy to see me, I come baring gifts. I would have had a warship for you as well, but unfortunately, that idea was, shot down." A few of Megatron's Decepticons carried in a giant cluster of dark energon and placed it in front of him.

Megatron looked at it for a moment, before looking back at Caldarius and glaring. "And what do you purpose I do with this? I have fiddled with the blood of Unicron, and it has only failed me." Megatron stated angrily.

Caldarius grinned slyly and said whilst plucking a crystal from the cluster. "It sounds to me like you weren't using it properly. During the time I was still on Cybertron, I experimented with dark energon, one after another my projects failed. But then, I had remembered some old experiments that Shockwave and I conducted that also failed. But there was a particular reason they failed, a reason, that would have turned our failures into success."

Knockout crossed his arms and was listening to Megatron's and Caldarius's exchange. He knew Caldarius could be, obsessed, when it came to his thirst for power, but he didn't think he would be so desperate has to make the foolish decision to ingest dark energon, because judging by his optics, he clearly had. But, he and their leader had that in common, they would stop at nothing until they received what they seeked, and in this case, it was power. Granted, they both had different motives has to why, but they both seeked power none the less.

Caldarius's servos started to illuminate a dark purple smoke-like energy substance that was coming from his optics as well. He lifted the crystal above his helm then swung it to the side, converting the crystal into energy and turning it into a long sword.

"You see?" He said whilst running his digits along the sword's sharp edge. "And this is just a taste of endless possibility's." Caldarius spun the sword in his servos and then stabbed a vehicon that was behind him straight through the spark, the con fell backwards and the weapon disappeared into its chassis. Knockout had jumped back at this sudden gesture then yelled at him. "What are you doing!? You can't come waltzing in here and kill our ranks!"

The former gladiator had watched Caldarius; unwavering. He had never failed Megatron unlike some of his other Decepticons had, excluding Soundwave and Shockwave. But Megatron required more than a simple 'magic trick' to convince him that this was worth his time.

"Oh please, Knockout. I can revive him as easily as I killed him. I simply only did so to demonstrate what this new found power can do. Because I assure you my liege, this is well worth it."Caldarius said lifting his hand over the lifeless body of the vehicon. His hand and eyes had once again begun illuminating the smoke-like energy, and then the con's chassis started to glow with the same energy and rise from the ground. It stood there, looking completely normal, except that now it's eyes were no longer red, but purple.

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