Chapter 13 Danger Awaits

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Bumblebee's POV

I was sitting next to Arcee after we had rescued her and Elita from the Nemesis. Ratchet had already repaired the two of them all the while complaining about how Arcee needs to stop getting herself stabbed by Caldarius.

"Don't worry, Arcee. I will protect you, no matter what..."

I looked from the ground and up to the ceiling upon remembering the words I said to myself, upon remembering the promise I made myself.

'She keeps getting hurt because of me... And I can't let keep letting it happen. I have to protect her, especially from Caldarius...' My thoughts wondered on has I waited for the blue motorcycle to awaken from stasis.

It crossed my processor that nobody had asked me about what happened between Cal and I... I wonder why that is. That realization surprised me a little, I would have thought that Miko or Smokey would have asked me by now, but I guess not.

Of course, I'm sure that the only reason they've refrained from asking is because Optimus probably told them not to. Which would make sense, but I bet they're all dying to know.

I glanced over at Optimus, Elita, and Ratchet who stood next to the monitor speaking quietly. I could only wonder what they were talking about, it had to be something important otherwise they wouldn't be speaking in hushed voices.

But, I suppose I really didn't care right now, for my attention was mainly on Arcee. I looked back at her beautiful, elegant face plates, that were now resting peacefully. I took her small, delicate servo in mine and held it gently.

I wished nothing more than for her to wake up. But then again, would I still be able to hold her servo like this when she wakes up? I sure hope so, because I don't want to let it go, I don't want to let her go. I'd hold her in my arms forever if I could...

My thoughts were interrupted by a quiet moan, and my optics shoot in the direction of Arcee. Her optics slowly fluttered open and adjusted to the lighting of the room, she looked around a bit before her gaze landed on me.

She simply stared at me, and I was curious about what she could be thinking, but I didn't say anything. I only stared back at her, never wanting to look away, because Primus her optics were more beautiful than Earth's sunset.

"Bee...?" She whispered quietly to me. She seemed puzzled, like she didn't remember what had happened.

This didn't surprise me though, for obvious reasons. I gave her servo a little squeeze. "Hey, you feeling alright?"

She placed her free servo on her helm, seemingly not caring that I was holding her other one. "I feel a little dizzy, but I think I'm alright..."

It was a relief to hear that. I smiled at her. "Sounds like you shouldn't get up for a while. Wouldn't want you to topple over as soon has you stood on your peds."

She tried to sit up, so I went in to help her. And right at that moment Optimus, Elita, and Ratchet noticed us and walked on over. Well, more like Optimus and Elita walked while Ratchet rushed in our direction.

"Eip Eip Eip! Don't push yourself! You're still recovering for Primus' sake!" Ratchet scolded Arcee and helped me help her.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe you should clam down for Primus' sake..." Arcee mumbled under her breath, but either only I heard, or Ratchet ignored her.

Ratchet moved to check her vitals and grumbled along the way. Elita giggled to herself at Ratchet's behavior. "Somebot's never change..."

"Arcee." Optimus addressed the blue femme. "How are you feeling?" Classic Optimus, always concerned for his team. But, that's something I admire about him, that he worries about everyone.

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