Chapter 2 New Arrival

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The Autobots stepped through the ground bridge and into a autumn forest. "Autobots, stay alert." Optimus commanded and the others nodded. They started walking in the direction of the signal, with their guns ready.

As they got closer to the signal, they heard the sound of gun fire. "Optimus, I'm picking up Decepticon signals not far from your location." Ratchet's voice echoed over the com-link. "Understood." Optimus replied. "You would think that was pretty obvious, with the gun fire and all." Smokescreen said sarcastically while Arcee just rolled her optics.

As they reached their destination the gun fire went quiet, and everyone hid behind the forest trees. Bumblebee peaked around the tree only to see a torn in half Decepticon warship buried in the ground and smoking, it definitely hadn't been there long. 'Whoa... that couldn't be Megatron's warship... could it?' was all Bumblebee thought before noticing a escape pod with a scraped up Autobot insignia on the side.

"There." Bumblebee pointed to the pod. "It's about 200 feet away from our position" He informed their leader. "Wait, there's a group of cons roaming around the wreckage. And their on alert." Arcee warned them while gesturing toward the cons. "They kinda seem, afraid of something." Bulkhead pointed out as he watched the cons frantically search around for something.

Just then, out of nowhere, a pink and silver bot fell from the sky and landed on top of one of the vehicons, and stabbed it square in the face. The other cons turned and pointed their cannons at the pink bot as she yanked her blade from the vehicon's face and stood on her feet. A mischievous grin appeared across her face plates as she chuckled. "Hello boys, shall we begin?"

The vehicons began firing rapidly at the bot, but missed every shot as they were taken out one by one. She ran toward the cons while returning the fire, and once she got close enough she jump-spin kicked one con then shot another one that was nearby.

The Autobots watched as this pink bot destroyed the Deceptions with such power and elegance. "Whoa... so awesome! That bot has some serious skills!" Smokescreen said in amazement as he watched her.

Optimus observed the pink bot, the way she fought, the techniques she used in battle, the way she smirked while fighting, and the grace she possessed with every move she made, his spark was tugging at him to go to her, it was her, it had to be her. But, that was impossible, it couldn't be, could it?

Bumblebee noticed Optimus optics were focused entirely on the pink bot. He seemed to be, conflicted, almost. But why? Unless of course, that bot was... no, that wasn't possible. Her ship was shot out of the sky, there was no survivors, Bumblebee should know, because his scout team was sent to search the wreckage. Unless, they missed something, or, well, someone. Optimus was probably thinking the same thing he was, that it wasn't possible.

She ran toward one of the last Decepticons while dodging it's gun fire and once near enough transformed her servos into blades and sliced the vehicon's head clean off. She stood over it's headless body and transformed her hands back from blades and sighed. "Well, that was a little disappointing. I was hoping for more of a challenge." She said placing a hand on her hip. She suddenly moved her head to the side and transformed her hand to a gun and shot the con behind her straight in the spark without looking. "*Sigh* So very disappointing." She laughed to herself.

Optimus gestured for everyone to follow him and they did so. They slide down the dirt slope that the crashed warship had created, and made there way over to the pink bot who had just finished the last of the Decepticons. Optimus was the first to approach her, his spark demanding that he did, as he came closer to her, he reached out to her.

"Elita-" Optimus didn't get to finish his sentence when he was suddenly kick in the face, hard. He was knocked off his feet and hit the ground and Elita jumped on him, gun pointed to his helm.

Elita's spark kept tugging at her to look behind her, but she wasn't paying any attention to it as she heard someone approach her. And instinctively she spun around and kicked the face of the bot standing behind her, jumped on him, pointed one of her cannon to the bot's helm, and pointed her other cannon at the other bots.

"Don't move or I'll-" She paused as she looked at the shocked faces of the Autobots standing around her. Then her eyes landed on Bumblebee. She lowered her weapon and a look of surprise appeared across her face. "Bumblebee?" She said as she continued to stare at him. Bumblebee beeped and pointed at Optimus.

Elita turned to see the smiling face of her sparkmate, she stared at him for a moment, she never thought she would see him again, or get the chance to be with him again. Her metallic lips curved up into a huge grin as she exclaimed while throwing her arms around Optimus, "Orion!"

Optimus wrapped his arms around Elita as she hugged him. "I missed you." Optimus said sitting up while still holding her. Elita pulled away with her arms still around Optimus's neck and looked into his blue optics. "And I you." She then placed a gentle kiss on his lips, a kiss they had longed to give each other for eons.

"Uh, I think I'm gonna go scout the area for that, uh, dark energon signal." Bulkhead said turning around and walking toward the wreckage. Smokescreen followed him while saying, "I'll come with!" Leaving Bumblebee and Arcee behind.

Arcee turned to Bee and asked, "Well, how about it? Want to search the other half of the warship?" Bumblebee turn to her and replied, "I'd love to. Besides, we should let those two be together, they need it." Arcee smiled and headed toward the ship and Bumblebee followed.


Arcee and Bumblebee walked through the destroyed ship. "Looks like those Decepticons have already been here, judging by the footprints." Bumblebee stood from his crouched position on the floor and continued walking with Arcee. "So," Arcee began, "I didn't realize you were antiquated with the commander of the Elite Guard." Bee looked at her, smiled and replied, "Yeah, long story short, it was Optimus and Elita who raised me, and Elita actually trained me sometimes. I guess you could say, on earth's terms, they were kinda like parents to me."

They rounded a corner where sparking cords hung from the ceiling and scrap was scattered everywhere. Arcee glanced at Bee and noticed he was smiling, he seemed really happy. She always liked to see him that way, she didn't know why, but seeing him happy, made her happy. Maybe it was because, with the war and the struggling to survive and all, sometimes it was hard to find moments of happiness. But it wasn't just that, but he was her friend, a very close friend.

Arcee and Bumblebee had known each other for a long time, and he had always been there for her. He was by her side when, Tailgate was killed, and when she lost Cliffjumper. He had always been there, and she was grateful for that. So she wanted him to be happy, he deserved to be.

Arcee was suddenly grabbed and pulled to the side just as a panel fell from the ceiling and rubble came pouring down. "Ah!" Arcee exclaimed and fell into Bumblebee. She looked up at him and he asked, "You alright? I've never seen you so distracted before, your usually pretty focused." She smiled at him and replied "Yeah I'm fine, I just got lost in thought and wasn't paying attention." She stared into his big blue optics, and they stared back at her.

"Arcee-" Bumblebee was cut off when they heard a voice next to them. "Uh, are we interrupting something?" Bulkhead inquired as he and Smokescreen stared at them. Bumblebee and Arcee looked each other. Bee still had his arms around Arcee and she still had her hands on his chest, they quickly pulled away from each other. " N-No, of course not!" Arcee said embarrassed and stormed off pasted them. "Jeez, what's her problem?" Smokescreen said watching her as she left. Bulkhead and Bumblebee both sighed. "I'm gonna go after her, you guys can finish scouting the area." Bee said and took off. "Seriously, what's the big deal?" Smokescreen asked. "I'm not even gonna explain it to you. Just don't worry about it." Bulkhead answered and continued searching the ship.

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