Chapter 7 Don't Leave

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Fowler gave Ratchet the coordinates and he started up the ground bridge. Raf ran over to Bee, "Be careful out there, Bee." Bumblebee smiled at his human friend, Bee would be okay. Bee's only worry at the moment what he should say to Arcee, after what he had said, he knew he had to tell her how he felt. But, how was the question. Bumblebee hide his worries from the young boy, not wanting him to worry. "I'll be OK, Raf. Don't worry." Bee reassured him.

As soon as the ground bridge was ready the Autobots stepped through, unaware of what awaited them.

When they arrived, the base was already destroyed, everything was in flames and ruin. There where Decepticons surrounding the area, and when they saw the blue-greenish turquoise portal, and Autobots come through, their weapons were aimed at them.

"Well, it looks like we have a welcoming party." Elita said and she turned her servos into blasters, ready for a fight. Optimus' face mask slid over his mouth and he also got his cannons out, the others followed suit and soon the destroyed military base became a battle field.

Bumblebee and Smokescreen were laying cover fire for Bulkhead and Arcee as they took on cons in close range combat. Arcee sliced at the con's chassis with her blades and then kicked the con in the face knocking it to the ground, she then proceeded to turn a servo into a blaster and shoot the con in the spark.

A con was about to shoot Arcee when Bulkhead smacked him in the face with his mace and sent it flying. Bulkhead then turned to some other vehicons and started to charge at them, he hit one with his mace then grabbed another and threw it at a different con, taking them all out.

Optimus and Elita were surrounded by cons, and they ended up back-to-back with each other. "This sure does bring back memories, doesn't it Orion?" Elita said turning her guns into blades cutting down a con. "Yes, the only difference is Ultra Magnus was with us." Optimus responded while stabbing a con in the chest. Elita chuckled taking down multiple enemies at once. "I could never forgot about Maggy! I wonder if he's still out there." She said finishing off the last of the cons she was dealing with. "Ultra Magnus is a strong warrior," Optimus said punching a con in the face. "I believe he is still somewhere in the universe, traveling through the stars." Optimus finished off the cons he was fighting as well by shoving his servo through the cons' abdomen and tearing out a bunch of its wiring. "You're right, Maggy wouldn't die so easily. Although, I wonder if he's still mad that I stole his position as Elite Guard Commander." Elita wondered walking toward Optimus. "That is a question I do not possess an answer to." Optimus told her and the two set of to help the others.

The battle went on for awhile longer before Bumblebee finished off the last of the cons with a shot to the helm, and every one re-grouped. "We kick butt! The Decepticons didn't even know what hit 'em! " Smokescreen exclaimed, proud of their accomplishment in defeating the Decepticons, who had out numbered them. Suddenly, there was the sound of clapping, and they all turned toward the sound.

Bumblebee's optics widened at the sight of the black bot who had approached them, applauding. 'It couldn't be...' Bumblebee thought, he couldn't believe what he was looking at, he thought his optics were deceiving him, but the sight was quite real.

"Bravo, Autobots, you did well. I must say, I'm quite impressed, but I expected nothing less of you." The bot's optics fell on Bumblebee, and he smirked. "Hello, Bumblebee. Did you miss me?" He mocked him. Bumblebee responded, "Caldarius, I thought I killed you." Caldarius was a little irritated by this. "Why, does everyone, just assume, I was dead? As I've already told Megatron, I don't die so easily when I have unfinished business." Bumblebee simply glared at him, understanding what he meant by that statement.

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