Chapter 10 The Most Unexpected Encounters

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Caldarius walked down the darkened halls of the Nemesis after he had left the room they were keeping Elita in. He was heading for the bridge, and pasted a few drones on the way. He sighed to himself. It was rather annoying that that stubborn pink bot wouldn't just fess up already.

All he wanted to know is what her origins were. Or, more specifically, he wanted to know what what her true race was. Because if he knew what her true race was, then he could possibly trace it back to her home world, and if he could do that, then he could find what he was searching for.

He truly did have the Autobots and Decepticons fooled. Really, were they all that blind to his true intentions? There was no further extent to the power of Unicron, you would have to be Unicron himself to wield his true power. It was but merely a distraction from what he was really after.

Oh well, he supposed such stupidity could not be helped. Has he turned a corner, almost to the bridge, he stumbled upon a most unexpected, and most unwelcome adversary. Caldarius stumbled a bit backwards, while the other bot fell to the floor with a thud. 

Caldarius took one look at the bot who had made the mistake of running into him, and was immediately overcome with disgust by the coward in front of him. "Starscream." Caldarius spat. "I would not have believed a coward like yourself would be so foolish as to venture aboard a warship that no longer welcomes you."

Starscream made optic contact with the bot that stood over him, and was shocked and surprised to see him. "Caldarius!? Wha- I thought you were dead!?" Starscream exclaimed while scrambling to his peds. Caldarius sighed forcefully. Why is it that every bot he runs into on this treacherous planet just assumes he was dead? It was starting to become utterly annoying.

"I swear I'm going to tear somebot's spark out if I hear that one more time." Caldarius clenched his servos tightly, making Starscream take a step further away from him. "I do not care why you came here, but you are more than welcome to report your activities to Megatron." With one swift motion, Caldarius summoned a katana and sliced one of Starscream's arms off.

The seeker shrieked in agony and surprise, and his energon stained the floor. Starscream fell to his knee plates and his arm rolled in front of Caldarius' peds. Caldarius picked it up while his blade disappeared and he grabbed Starscream's shoulder plate and begun dragging him to the bridge.

"What is wrong with you!? How could Megatron banish me but allow you aboard this ship!? I'll make you pay for this!" Starscream struggled against Caldarius' grasp, but was unsuccessful. "I suggest you stop running your tongue unless you wish to lose another limb." Caldarius threatened, making the seeker shrink in fear.

Caldarius stepped through the doors, and made himself known. "Lord Megatron." The warmonger turned himself to face the Cybertronian that approached him. "I have found a pest aboard your ship." Caldarius tossed the seeker at Megatron's peds, and he looked down and growled at him. "Starscream."

Starscream looked up at the Decepticon leader, and crawled backwards in fear. "How did you get aboard this ship?" Megatron took a step towards the seeker. "I- Well, you see-" The seeker stammered with his words, but was interrupted. "I am not in the mood for one of your petty excuses, Starscream. You had better have a valuable reason for being here, or I will not hesitate to send you to the Allspark." The look in the ex gladiator's optics showed that he was fully prepared to kill him. Caldarius wondered why he hadn't just killed him eons ago and got it over with. Probably would have won him the war already.

"Please master! I was a fool to try and think I could ever overthrow you! I know now that there is and can only be one true leader of the Decepticon, and that is you lord Megatron! I beg of you, please allow me a second chance, allow me to redeem myself and rejoin the Decepticons and their cause!" Starscream pleaded, hoping to save himself.

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