Chapter 6 Welcome to Team Prime

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After speaking with Megatron, Caldarius was shown to the lab by Knockout, who was clearly dreading his presents. "Please, feel free to conduct your, creepy voodoo magic here." Knockout said rather displeased to have to share his lab with him. He knew Megatron was bond to make him hand over all scientific projects to Caldarius eventually, which would put him in charge of everything scientific, meaning he would have to report to Caldarius instead of Megatron directly. And that, annoyed him greatly.

Caldarius entered the room and examined the various tools that were at his disposal. "It's not a proper lab, but it will do." He said after assessing the area. Caldarius didn't really care as long as he had a proper place and the required tools to begin his work, but right now, all of that was useless without Elita. He needed her for her DNA, but even that would be a tricky task since she was now Cybertronian, and finding any trace of her original biology is a zero to none chance. However, that wasn't going to stop Caldarius from achieving his goal.

"Well, I've finished my little tour. And even though I was literally just there, I must return to the bridge and request permission from our master to commence my plan, after I gather some information of course." Caldarius informed Knockout as he walked pass him. Knockout rolled his optics, then he turned around and stopped him. "Commence your plan? What plan?" Knockout demanded more than asked. Caldarius paused, then turned his head slightly over his shoulder, a devilish smirk across his face. "I seek revenge, and have a message to send to the one who wronged me." Caldarius said with pure hatred and rage burning in his optics, while radiating a terrifying aura.

Knockout immediately felt fear course though him, and he took a step back. He had thought Megatron was scary, until Caldarius had come along. Caldarius was consumed by revenge and blinded by hatred, it had changed him, and turned him into a very dangerous bot.

Caldarius chuckled at Knockout's reaction before turning his head back and continuing onward.


The three bots sat outside of the kids' school waiting for them. A couple of minutes passed before the bell rang and Miko came running out the doors with the other two in tow. "Hey Bulk!" The young girl greeted him while opening the car door and hopping in. "You don't have detention today, do you?" The wrecker asked knowing full well that she had a tendency to get into trouble. "Nope! I was actually good today. How about you Bulk? What have you and the bots been up today? Its definitely gotta be more interesting than school." Miko asked him with excitement in her voice as she buckled up and pulled the door shut. "Well, we did recruited a new member for Team Prime today." Bulkhead told the girl as he pulled away from the pavement.

Jack approached his guardian and greeted her. "Hey Arcee." Jack climbed onto Arcee and put his helmet on. "Hey, how was school?" She asked simply, she seemed to ask him that question every time, knowing he would give the same answer. "It was okay. How about you? Anything new with the Autobots?" Arcee started to drive and head back to base. "You'll see for yourself when we back to base." A look of confusion crossed Jack's face, "What is that supposed to mean?" He questioned as they stopped at a red light. "It means be prepared to say hello to the newest addition to the team." She told him as they continued onward toward base.

Raf opened the sports car's door and and sat down in the seat pulling the door shut, he then buckled up before greeting the scout, "Hi Bumblebee, so guess what, yesterday I got a new race car and was wondering if you wanted to go racing today?" Raf asked him smiling and pulling a blue remote controlled car from his backpack. Bee had already drove away from the school and was driving down the road, just a little ways away from Bulkhead and Arcee. "That's great!" Bee whirred, "But we actually have to head back to base, there's someone there I want you to meet." Bee finished with a beep.

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