Chapter 12 Escape

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Elita peaked out from behind the corner to check for any drones that may be passing by. When she saw the coast was clear she helped the injured two-wheeler down the hallway in hopes that a console would be near by.

After sneaking around a little bit, she found one and was about to approach it when she heard pedsteps and all too familiar voices. She stayed hidden while the two bots passed by.

"Really, first he slices my arm off and then he rescues me from getting my spark snuffed? Surely there is some sort of reason behind it. Caldarius and I never got along, so why save me?" Starscream's voice echoed in the dim hallway.

"Maybe he had a change of spark, after he saw how pitiful you looked." Knockout mocked him, and Elita could picture the smirk that was probably on his face plate.

Starscream growled at him. "Caldarius doesn't do anything without an ulterior motive. He must have some reason behind it." Starscream sounded annoyed, and Elita assumed he had a scowl plastered on his features.

"You are right about that. Though, I still don't understand how you could be of any use to him." Knockout said in the distance has their voices faded away.

Elita cautiously ventured out into the open, still supporting Arcee. She made her way over to the console. "Are you conscious enough to keep a look out?" Arcee looked up at her and nodded, transforming her servo into a cannon.

Elita began working on contracting the others. Praying to Primus it wouldn't take long...


"...So that's why she rushed out of base." Raf said simply, while fixing his glasses. Bumblebee nodded his helm. The two of them were sitting on the floor leaning against the wall. Raf set a hand on Bee's ped and looked up at him.

"It's not your fault, Bee. You couldn't have known what would happened. And, I'm sure will find Arcee and Elita both. We can't lose hope. We just have to keep looking." Bee couldn't help but smile at the young boy.

He always did see the brighter side of things, and normally, so would Bee. But this time around, it was looking to be difficult. But seeing the hope that Raf had was starting to help him feel better.

"Thanks, Raf." Bee said simply and ruffled the boy's hair with his digit. Suddenly, the two of them heard someone rush over to them, and the two of them snapped their attention in that direction.

"No way! I totally knew you had a thing for Arcee!" Miko exclaimed and pointed at Bumblebee.

"Miko! Were you eavesdropping!?" Raf stood up and crossed his arms while glaring at her.

"Yep, with Bulkhead's help of course." She pointed behind her and Bulkhead shuffled awkwardly from behind the corner, rubbing the back of his helm nervously.

"Sorry... She dragged me along, and uh..." Raf sighed and shook his head. "It's alright. I should've expected nothing less..." Bumblebee stood to his peds and at that moment his and Bulkhead's comm links went off.

'Bulkhead, Bumblebee, come back here right now! I just received a transmission from the Decepticon warship!' Ratchet's voice echoed in their audios and they exchanged a look before heading to the main control room.

Once they arrived all of them huddled around the monitor. Ratchet cleared up the transmission just has everyone got they and Elita's voice came through.

"Orion, Ratchet, can anyone hear me?" Optimus stepped forward. "Loud and clear, Elita." Ratchet began typing on the computer, no doubt he was trying to trace the signal and pin point their location.

"Thank Primus. Now, you had better hurry up and get us out of here. Arcee needs immediate medical attention, and I myself will require some. We haven't been caught yet, but there's no doubt that Soundwave has already found us." And just as she said that, they heard a commotion and the sound of gunfire.

"Um, I've gotta run. Just hurry!" The transmission ended, and Ratchet typed some more before turning to Optimus and nodding. He started up the ground bridge and the Autobot leader turned to his team.

"Autobots, roll out!" They all rushed through the bridge without hesitation, prepared for a fight, and determined to get their teammates back.


Elita was taking cover behind the wall. She peaked out from behind the wall and shot down a few cons before hiding again.

"Ngh! I can't keep this up forever!" She said to herself and fired at the cons some more. She glanced at Arcee who she had leaning up against the wall.

'Hopefully they'll get here soon...' Just as she thought this, a ground bridge opened and a long awaited sight filled her optics.

The Autobots charged through the portal and attacked the Decepticons in their path. Optimus' optics searched the hallway after they defeated the enemy, and he spotted and all too familiar pink femme he had longed to see again.

"Elita!" He ran over to her and she smiled upon seeing him. "Come now, we must go. Arcee's over here."

Optimus picked Elita up and commed Ratchet for a ground bridge. Bumblebee walked to where Arcee was and scooped her up in his arms bridle style.

Arcee was just barley awake, but she felt strong arms holding her and she looked up. 'Bumblebee?...' Her optics slowly fell shut and everything went black.

"Don't worry, Arcee. I will protect you, no matter what..." Bee whispered to himself as he stepped through the green and blue swirling portal.

The portal closed behind the Autobots with a snap! But little did they know of the tracking device implanted in the back of Arcee's neck...

Sorry for the wait, and the short chapter... But hey, I accomplished something. Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter, plus, the little cliffhanger! I've got big plans for the next chapter, hope you look forward to it as much has I am... >:D

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