Chapter 15 The Right Words to Say

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Arcee's POV

"I... I wanted... No. I need to... tell you something."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Well... the thing is, I just don't-"

"Arcee, if this is about what I said back at base, then don't worry about it. I completely understand if you just want to forget about it all and just be friends. Really I do. So... there's no need to say anything."

Does... does he think I'm trying to reject him? Because he's dead wrong if he thinks that's the case. Of course, I realize that originally... I was going to. He must've expected me to, it sounds like something I'd do. But I've changed my mind, and realized that I... I really do have feelings for him. It took me sometime to figure it out, but I did eventually. And honestly... I'm glad I did.

Now it's just a matter of telling him that...

"No, Bee. You don't understand. I just wanted to tell you that-"

"I thought you didn't want to talk about this until later?"

I swear I'm going to kick this idiot all the way back to Cybertron if he DOESN'T STOP INTERRUPTING ME!

"Would you just shut up for one second and let me say what I have to say!?" I only planned on snapping at him in my processor, but maybe this will keep him quiet so I can finish.

"S-Sorry..." Seems my theory was correct. Now, just to find the right words to say...

Well, I suppose I should just be straight forward about it. No reason to beat around the bush as the Earth saying goes...

"I-I, um, need to tell you t-that I..." Ugh! This is just too embarrassing! I can't stop stuttering, AND I'm too flustered to even say it. Why in the pits is this so hard!?

Okay, just, calm down Arcee. Just, say it quickly and get it over with!

"Bumblebee... I... Iloveyoubackandthat'sallIhavetosay!" I barely understood the words that flew out of my mouth, but at least I said it. I just hope he doesn't make repeat myself...

He suddenly slammed on his brakes and came to a complete stop. Luckily the road was empty. Although the kids must've jolted awake, because I heard them scream over the intercom.

"Bee! What the heck was that for!?" Jack yelled at him.

"What happened!? Why'd you stop so unexpectedly!?" Raf asked in a panic.

"You... you what? You mean you... really!?" Bee addressed me at a loss for words, as if he just couldn't believe what I said.

"Y-Yes... Really." I simply confirmed for him, still embarrassed.

"Uh... what're you guys talking about?" Raf asked the two of us. But I wasn't sure how to answer that.

Because it's not like this is any of their business, but I don't have a good excuse either! *Sigh* I should've just waited until we were alone...

"We're having a, um, private conversation." Bee tried to cover up, though that was a poor excuse.

"Private? What does-" I cut Jack off.

"It doesn't matter anymore! We should keep moving, no doubt the others will beat us there if we keep wasting time. Bee, we'll finish this conversation later, so let's get moving." I stared driving ahead of Bee, but he caught up quickly without a word.

After a while, the kids fell back asleep just as the sun was coming up. It remained silent has we made our way across the country, but eventually I couldn't take the silence anymore and decided to speak up yet again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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