The Place to Be//Fluff

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Johns POV

We met. The fourth of June, 3 years ago today. You were walking with Burr, pestering him about Kings College. You walked in and the whole world stopped. Your eyes met mine and I couldn't look away.
When you started to walk over, I whispered to Laf, "Do you think the guy with Burr is gay?"
Laf stopped dead in his tracks and looked over at you.
"He's at least Bi." With those words I knew you were meant to be mine, that it was the place to be that night.
"If it's not the scholar from Kings College!" I yelled at Burr without thinking. Hoping maybe you'd come over to me.
That night we had way to much to drink. After a few rounds the awful Karaoke started. More alcohol was consumed.
You grabbed me by the arm, almost dragging me to a small corner in the bar. You whispered in my ear, "Laurens I like you a lot..." your breath reeked of alcohol. I thought you said it because you were drunk. Then you kissed my cheek.
"I'm not straight Laurens. I think you know that. Laurens, I like you a lot. But I have to go, I hope to see you again my prince." My heart was flipping out of my chest. I never thought it was possible to be this nervous yet calm at the same time.
I wasn't thinking and I didn't ask for your number. The next day I realized I had lost you. I told myself I would never see the boy who called me prince again.

Three weeks passed. No sign of You. Until I went to a coffee shop you so happened to be in. I was standing in line.
"John Laurens, is that you?"
I was startled to hear that familiar voice. The soft and calming yet raspy voice. I turned almost immediately.
"Alexander! I never thought I'd see you again!"
You wrapped his arms around my torso.
"First off, call me Alex. Second off, I was bound to find you, I wasn't ready to lose my prince"
With almost an accent on prince. My heart did that flippy thing again.
"Well Alex, since we are here, do you want to get coffee with me?" I tried to be as smooth as possible.
Your face went bright red, "I'd love to."
That was the place to be that morning.

Over the next year, not only my feelings for you but our bond grew.

On June 4th, the following year, you asked me to come to the bar where we met.
You started to act weird in the middle of the night, but I didn't say anything, until you started fidgeting.
"Alex, what's wrong?"
"One year ago tonight, I said to you, 'Laurens, I like you a lot.' I meant that John. I know this might go terribly but I'm willing to take the risk. John Laurens, you're truly my prince. Will you be my boyfriend?" His voice warm.
I lifted my head, my face was noticeably red.
"Of Course Alex. Ever since that night, a year ago today, I knew that this was the place to be, with you."
"How about we pay, go home, and watch movies until our eyes are bleeding?" He asked.
"Of course my love."

Two years after that night, I held a black box in my hand. We were on the pier near the ocean. The sun was setting. I took you by the arm to the sand.
"Alexander Hamilton."
"That's my name."
"Alexander Hamilton. Where to begin with you? All I can say that the past three years I've known you have been the best. I knew from the moment I met you, I knew that being with you was the place to be. You're the one I want to be with the rest of my life." I got down on one knee. "Alexander Hamilton, will you marry me?"
You lifted me up of the ground. Our lips connected.
"Of course I'll marry you John Laurens. One problem though."
My face dropped.
"I was planning to propose to you today as well." You pulled out a black box.
"This really is the place to be." You said while we exchanged rings.

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