One Last Time//Angst💔☠️

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A/N: I'm writing this while my area is under a tornado warning. I'm terrified, but like I'm gonna be up all night, so you'll probably get 5 updates tonight. Also I'm writing this because this is something that happened to me today, I just changed names and we had more people. ALSO IM SINGLE.

John's POV

Alex was moving in two days. I couldn't bear to know my boyfriend was moving. I love him, I can't let him leave.

We were meeting up at Starbucks as our one last time together. And by we, I meant, Laf, Herc, Aaron, Alex and I. I was gonna be leaving in an hour. I couldn't wait to see him, but I knew that seeing him, really meant the end. I didn't want it to be the end.

The next hour approached quickly. Next thing I knew I was at our favorite Starbucks, waiting for everyone to get here.

"Heyo Johnny boy!" My train of thought was interrupted by Hercules yelling.

"Hey Herc!" I say as he engulfs me in a hug. He sat down at a small table that held 5.

Oh god this is really happening . I thought.

"Good afternoon mes amies!" My thoughts were interrupted by a thick french accent, coming from none other than Lafayette.

"Hey there Laffy Taffy!" I say standing up to hug him.

Alex soon came in with Aaron, I ran over to give Alex a kiss. I had to make this moment last. He kissed back, starting to deepen the kiss.

"Guys get a room." Herc said.

I stuck my tongue out at him. He stuck his out at me. God we are children.

"Lets go order." Laf suggested. We all bought venti Pink Drinks. Well except for Burr. He bought tea. That just goes to show how gay the other four of us are.

Our table was very loud, due to the fact that we were taking stupid videos, doing the face-swap thing on Snapchat, and going through all the funny memories we had made over the years. I was really gonna miss this.

We went outside so we wouldn't get kicked out.

"I think all the baristas are happy we left." Alex joked.

"There's a park nearby, we should go!" Aaron suggested.

"Sounds good" Everyone (but me) said in unison.

"Before we go, I have something for you Alex." His eyes glistened as I pulled two sheets of paper out of my pocket.

One was a drawing of him and I, my favorite photo of us. We were kissing in front of a building, covered in snow.

The other was a letter.

My Dearest Alexander,

        I can't write as well as you do, but I thought a drawing and a picture would be a good thing to take with you to Tennessee, along with all of our memories. You are the world to me. You bring the sun up for me in the morning and bring soft sleep when the moon is out late at night. I'm gonna miss our 12 am talks, 2 am cuddles followed by a 3 am makeout session. You are the light that drives me. Your hair, your eyes your smile, they knock me out. I can never thank you enough for being my best friend and boyfriend. I hope that we'll eventually see each other again and fulfill all of our dreams. You truly are the man of my dreams.


He read it and burst into tears. I hugged him trying to calm me down.

"John Laurens I love you so much. I will marry you like I promised. I will never let you go. I love you." He sobbed.

"I love you too Alex. So, so much." Without warning, he pulled his head from the crook of my neck and kissed me. I melted, I wished we could stay that way forever.

We walked to the nearby park, probably pissing off drivers. We didn't care. I held Alex's hand, not wanting to let go.

We decide we should take group photos, as a commemoration of today. What felt like seconds later, Alex had to leave.

I wrapped my arms around him.

One last time.

We hugged.

One last time.

He pulled me back for a kiss.

One last time.

He whispered, 'I love you', in my ear.

One last time.

We said goodbye. I waved. I cried walking home. Its been hours. I haven't stopped crying since.

A/N: Today was one of the hardest days of my life. Thank you to my best friend for loving ,e unconditionally. I love you.

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