Dear Georgia,Stay Alive Reprise//Angst💔☠️

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This is a pt.2 to Dear Georgia.

Warnings!!!: Gun violence, Suicidal thoughts

John's POV

It was a snowy day, like the one we adopted Georgia on. Today was actually 19 years after Alex and I adopted Georgia.
Georgia was off at collage, she would be coming home that evening for the holidays.
"Daddy! Daddy!" Our youngest daughter, Hazel yelled.
After adopting Georgia, Alexander and I adopted 3 more children. Phillip and James. They're 15 year old twins. And our young Hazel, who is 9.
"What is it Hazel?" I heard two people running around the house.
"Papa is trying to tickle m-ahhhhhh" I presumed Alex caught up to her. I saw him pick up Hazel and carry her to the couch next to where I was sitting.
"Daddy, Daddy help me!"
I got up from where I was sitting and joined in with Alexander tickling Hazel.
"Da-da-daddy I sai-said he-help!" Hazel stammered out while laughing.
I heard the front door open, I assumed it was Phillip and James. They usually head straight to their room to do homework so I didn't say anything. Until Phillip and James ran to the living room.
"Dad! Pa! Turn on the news! Hazel go upstairs please." Phillip cried.
"Pip, James, whats wrong?"
"Pa, please just do it!" James said, looking as though he was about to cry.
Without thinking I said, "Hazel, can you go to your room for a little bit? We'll play later."
"Okay!" Alexander was trying to turn on the TV.
"Boys, tell us what-"
"We are waiting on news back from Kings Collage right now. A shooter went in, and still hasn't come out in 3 hours. Police are still trying to get in right now."
The realization hit me, Kings Collage was the collage Georgia went to. I grabbed my phone to text Georgia. I already had 3 messages from her.

Georgia: Daddy, there's a shooter at my school. People are dropping dead like flies. I'm scared.

Georgia: Daddy, I'm gonna die. Thank you for being the biggest part of me. Thank you for raising me the way you did. I love you daddy. Don't worry about me. I'll be with you no matter what. And if there's a heaven and I get in, Ill be watching over you. Don't change because Im gone.

Georgia: He's in here, in the library. He's shooting every body. Good-bye.

They were all from ten minutes ago. Before I could panic, I heard the news lady say, "The shooter, still unidentified, has been captured by police in the school library. everyone in the library has been shot, a total of ten people, also unidentified. Still no word from any other part of the campus."
"Alexander, get Hazel. Phillip and James, car, now."
I rushed  us to the hospital. Getting in all I wanted to do was shout, but I didn't want to scare Hazel any further. I ran to the receptionist.
"Georgia Laurens-Hamilton, possibly could've came in with any Kings Collage victims." The words flooded out of my mouth.
"Room 51. Down the hallway on the right."
I grabbed Alexander's left hand. Hazel was holding his other. We all hurried to room 51. A doctor walked out as soon as we arrived.
"Excuse me, doctor! How is she doing?" I asked.
"Are you her family?"
"Yes, Alexander and I are her fathers, these are her little siblings." He looked at the five of us.
"To be completely honest, she isn't going to make it much longer. Do you want to say goodbye?"
"Yes" All five of us said in unison.
He opened the door and we all flooded in. Speechless from what we saw. The happy, energetic, quirky young woman we all knew, laid on the hospital bed, almost lifeless.
"Georgia-" Alexander gasped.
"Daddy, Phillip, James, Pa, Hazel." She said raspy.
We all surrounded her. Phillip Hazel and I on the left side of the bed. James and Alexander on the right side. I grabbed her hand.
"I know I don't have much time left." She looked at Hazel.
"Baby girl stay strong. You're the woman of the house now. Do whatever inspires you, or what makes you happy. Don't deal with anyone or anything that doesn't deserve you. Stay safe and stay strong."
She reached out and grabbed both Phillip and James's hands.
"James. You will never know how truly amazing you are. Keep Jessie close and keep being the band geek I know you are."
"Phillip, you're just like Pa. You overwork yourself. Both of you need to take a break." We all let out a small giggle.
"Don't ever change having a big heart, and do what you love."
She then grabbed Alexander and I's hands.
"You two made me who I am, thank you. I love-"

She flat-lined.

Doctors and nurses ushered us away. Everything went fuzzy. I screamed 'No!' as if it would make a difference. Everyone was crying.

My little girl was gone. The little girl who was always smiling. The one who always knew just what to say to make anything better. An amazing big sister. The girl who always knew what she wanted and needed in life, she never tolerated shit. Her life was taken too soon. She had so much more left to give. More left to do. A million things she'll never do.

Please tell me I'm dreaming. Let me wake up from this terrible, terrible nightmare. Let me wake up to see that my oldest daughter was still alive and happy. Let me wake up.

Alexander started shaking me. I was in a trance. Tears streamed down his face. Tears streamed down all of our faces.
"MY BABY GIRL!" I screamed. "NO,I LOVE YOU!"
I sunk to the floor crying, everyone came down with me. The room went quiet. I felt my heart fall to pieces.

Our home became depressed. No one was happy and almost always the house was quiet. She flooded our house with noise and love. Silence is what is left of me.

'There are moments where the words don't reach.'

"I love you guys" I say at dinner

'There is suffering too terrible to name.'

I'm being drowned by life.

'You hold your child as tight as you can.'

Hazel started sleeping with Alexander and I at night so her nightmares would subside.

'And push away the unimaginable'

Its been months, none of us can accept that Georgia is gone.

'The moments when you're in so deep.'

At times I've considered taking my life.

'It feels easier to just swim down'

Dying seeming like an option is scaring me.

'The Hamilton's move uptown.'

Moving from our home was the only thing that could stop plaguing our everyday lives with memories. The children are home schooled now.

'And learn to live with the unimaginable.'

She's gone...

Everything feels wrong. I don't like it here, it's too quiet.

'It's quiet uptown'

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