Dear Georgia//Fluff ❤️💙

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Alexander's POV

Today was the day that we were going to an orphanage to adopt a baby. We didn't know who it'd be yet. Or how old they'd be. But it was going to be worth it.
"Good morning love, are you ready for this afternoon?" John said, placing a light kiss on my neck.
"Of course I am. Lets go get breakfast."
I dragged John out of bed and we got dressed. I decided I'd take him to his favorite restaurant for breakfast.
"Hurry up John! I have a surprise!"
"I'm coming Lexi!" He replied excitedly.
Once John came out of the bathroom I got up and grabbed his hand, and dragged him to the car.
"Alex hold on let me get my shoes." I stopped so he could get his shoes on and continued to drag him to the passengers side door. I opened his door.
"Well this is going better than our first date, when you forgot to unlock it." John said smartly.
"Very funny John."
I let him get in and shut the door. I went over to my side. I got in and I didn't move, I just let my thoughts take over for a minute. It wasn't until John said, "Alexander are you alright?" that I snapped out of my daze. His hazel eyes glistening.
"Yeah, just nervous I guess..."
"Why, if it's about being a dad, you're going to be an amazing father. Don't worry about it."
"Thank you bear."
We drove in silence. At times I'd take John's hand, other times he'd play with my hair.
It was calming.

*time skip to after breakfast bc I'm lazy*

We were driving to the orphanage. My nerves were getting to me. John could tell, from the corner of my eyes I saw him stare at me every now and then.
"Calm down Lexi, you're going to be fine. You're going to be an amazing dad."
"So are you John."
We were there in a matter of minutes.
Walking in, we saw children playing on the playground, excitement rose in me.
"Hello, are you two gentlemen looking to adopt today?" A receptionist warmly said while we walked in.
"Yes we are!" Laurens said eagerly.
"Anything preferred gender or age?"
"Anyone from 0-2 and we don't have a gender preference." I spoke up. We had been talking about this moment for years. I wanted to cry, laugh, and shout all at once. Our fantasy was becoming a reality.
"I know just the girl. She's 2 months old, and her name is Georgia." The receptionist said as she walked away. She came back 5 minutes later with the tiniest little girl you have ever seen. She had brown hair and looked like an angel. The receptionist placed little Georgia in John's arms.
I looked at John once. That look in his eyes, I knew exactly what to do.
"Can we have her papers?" I asked not sparing a moment.
"Of course."

An hour later, we left the orphanage. We came in there as John and Alexander, we left Daddy and Papa.
We got her into the car. As both John and I got in, John started to cry.
"We actually have a baby girl Alexander!"
"I know!"
We then went to a local baby store and bought all the essentials. (And not essentials) Going home and getting everything together was a task of its own. Not only that, we fed her for the first time. This day couldn't be more perfect.
It wasn't until we put her to bed that the night became difficult. John and I tried to get her to stop crying for ages, but nothing worked. John looked utterly exhausted.
"John, honey, go to bed I'll take care of Georgia."
"Are you sure?" John started to yawn.
"I'm sure. I'll be to bed soon."
John sleepily left the room. As he left, Georgia started crying again.
" Shh shh shh. It's okay Georgia." Nothing seemed to work. Not bottles, not diaper changes, not rocking. So I started singing softly.
"My little Georgia, it's only been a few hours but I know that I love you. Hush now my daughter, you'll feel a lot better after sleeping."
I was making it up as I went.
"How to say to you, you came into my life, you opened your eyes and I knew, you were my daughter. I'll do what it takes to protect you. One day, some day, you'll blow us all away. You knock me out, I fall apart. I never knew I could love anyone the way I love you..."
I realized she had fallen asleep, I set her down carefully.
"I never knew you could sing!"
"John. How much did you hear?"
"All of it."
"You melted my heart Alexander. I have found where I belong again. With you and Georgia."
I left Georgia's room to go get Laurens. I picked him up bridal style and took him to our room.
I laid him gently on our bed and kissed his nose.
He pulled me down and kissed me slowly yet passionately.
"I love you Alexander Hamilton."
"I love you too John Laurens"
The next 19 years made my life worth while...

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