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               | Love is the enchanted dawn of every heart.. |


     They entered a room that is across of jungkook's bedroom. Jimin's eyes widened as he saw it. The room had fairy lights all over the walls. There was tons of books, candles, and weird crystals in the room.

     Jimin gulped and looked at jungkook. "Jungkook....are you planning to kill me?" Jimin asked.

  Jungkook scoffed "Yeah, be careful" he said in a goofy tone. Jimin breathed out nervously "I still don't trust you" he said in a threatening tone.

   Jungkook ignored him as he looked through his books. He climbed up the ladder to look on the top shelves. "How about you hold the ladder so I won't fall? Hmm? Be a good boy" jungkook said.

    Jimin got shivers up his spine as he heard jungkook say 'good boy'.

      "Be a good boy now and keep your legs spread~" jungkook said.

    "Ahh don't say that! It reminds me of something" Jimin whined as he held the ladder from the bottom for jungkook. Jungkook doesn't remember saying that so it was no problem for him. But Jimin was embarrassed as he remembered what happened that night.

    "Hmm Jimin, You see that book that I'm holding" jungkook said. Jimin looked up and nodded. Jungkook looked at him very seriously as he put the book back.

   "Don't ever open It! If you do.. a scary demon's face will come out of it and possess you." He said seriously.

   Jimin blinked a couple times then pouted "Why do you have so many demon shit" he whined cutely. Jungkook chuckled as he kept looking through the books. Jimin was looking up at jungkook the whole time as he held the ladder for him.

   "I guess you have a nice view of my ass" jungkook said while he flipped through a pink book. He finally found it. Jimin blushed then looked down "There isn't even anything to look at" he shot back.

   Jungkook was surprised by jimin's comeback. "True, you're the one with the fat ass-"

  "CAN WE PLEASE FOCUS" Jimin yelled as he let go of the ladder frustrated. The ladder shook as jungkook tried to balance himself. The boy couldn't so he tried to fall swiftly on the floor but Jimin quickly threw himself where jungkook was falling so he wouldn't hurt himself.

  Jungkook was shocked as he fell on top of Jimin. "Shit" jungkook said as he quickly rolled off Jimin to check up on him. There was really nothing wrong with Jimin. His lip bled a little.

   Jungkook got up and held jimin quickly. He held him bridal style.
"JUNGKOOK what are you doing-"

    Jungkook quickly took him out of the room. And ran upstairs.


  "Jimin, you won't die! I'll save you" he said dramatically. Jimin's arms held jungkook around his neck so he won't fall.

   "It's only a cut-''

   "I'LL SAVE YOU I SWEAR" He said as he reached the top and opened a room with him kicking the door. Jimin flinched and sighed.

   "Hear me o-"

    "OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE" Jungkook started fake crying as he softly placed Jimin on a white couch. He quickly opened the aid kit and took out some alcohol and bandages.

  "I didn't die-"

   "DAMN JIMIN IMMA MISS YOU" Jungkook sniffed fakely.

   "I'm right here-"

   "It's like I can hear his voice sometimes.." Jungkook shook his head and cried loudly.

   Jimin pushed jungkook off the couch "YA! Nothing happened! I'm alive and it's just a cut on my lips!" Jimin sighed as he finally  finished his sentence and didn't get interrupted.

  Jungkook giggled and sat back down. He put some alcohol on a cotton ball and slowly started dapping it on his lips. Jimin hissed from the pain as jungkook felt jimin's hand grabbing tightly on the hem of his shirt.

   There was intense silence. Jungkook was so close to jimin's lips. While Jungkook was staring intensely at jimin's lips while slowly dapping the cotton ball on his lips. Jimin looked deeply into jungkook's eyes feeling the sincerity.

    Damn..those lips. Jungkook thought.

    Jimin blinked blushing as he could feel jungkook's breathe against his face. Jungkook slowly looked up at jimin's eyes. They held eye contact but they both looked away quickly, shyly.

   "Umm..sorry I fell on you." Jungkook apologised. Jimin shook his head and smiled "Don't worry about it.." Jimin said.

   Jungkook got a small bandaid and put it on Jimin's lips. Jungkook looked at Jimin as he blinked a lot.

   Jimin frowned not knowing was was he staring. He blinked a few times "Why are you-"

  "SHH! Don't move" Jungkook as he stared behind jimin. Jimin got scared thinking there was something behind him so he quickly threw himself on jungkook's lap and hugged him tightly "Ahh" he whined cutely.

   Jungkook chuckled at jimin's reaction. Jimin hid his face in the crook of jungkook's neck. Jungkook felt a little ticklish but he felt something wierd. Like he kind of liked it.

   "There was nothing. I was joking" jungkook said. Jimin pulled away and hit jungkook's chest frustrated.

  "YA! I get scared easily! So stop doing that" jimin warned him as he got off jungkook's lap.

  Jungkook giggled "Chump" he said.


        Blackpink's new song comes out in 2 hours! I'm not ready >.<

         Don't forget to vote 💕



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