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       | Love is the enchanted dawn of every heart.. |


          Jimin frowned and tilted his head "But we always drink wine...?" He said confused.

   Jungkook held his temples stressed out. "Gosh I'm an idiot!" He mumbled to himself. He looked at Jimin that was looking at him smiling.

  "JIMIN! Don't smile IT MAY MAKE YOUR JAW HURT" Jungkook said. Jimin started laughing really hard. He knew the green pill was working.

  "Hmm so you worry too much. That's kind of new" Jimin said. Jungkook looked at the view from the roof top and quickly stood up and dragged jimin's chair away from the edge.

  "Jungkook what are yo-"

   "I DON'T WANT YOU FALLING" Jungkook said stressing out. He looked at the balloons and popped one of them. Jimin's eyes widened at the pop sound.

   "THEY MAY MAKE YOU FLY AWAY" Jungkook said.

  Jimin chuckled and shook his head "Ah no, I don't like this" Jimin told himself. He opened a water bottle for jungkook and signalled him to drink it. Jungkook drank and and turned back normal. He looked around and sighed "that one made me have a  headache" he sighed.

  Jimin giggled, getting up and pulling back his chair to it's normal position. Jungkook drank some wine and sighed "Maybe wait a bit for the second one" Jungkook said.

  Jimin nodded and ate some chips. He looked at jungkook with concern "Did you.. figure out a way? To stay friends with Taehyung?" He asked.

    Jungkook sipped from his cup again and looked at the stars above him. "I think I should just let him go.. I'm being selfish and he should be in a relationship and be happy." Jungkook pouted.

    Jimin wanted go hug jungkook. But he knew a hug won't solve anything. "Tomorrow, let's look for a way. I'll help! Losing a friend..a bestfriend is really hard. I don't want that to happen to you" Jimin said.

    Jungkook nodded and looked at Jimin "Thank you.." He said. Jimin clapped his hands together and opened one of the jars. He gave jungkook the pink pill. Jungkook looked at it and sighed. "God.." He breathed out and chewed it.

  Jimin wet his lips and rested his chin on the palms of his hand. He watched jungkook  chew and look at him. "Jungkook, how do you feel?" Jimin asked.

   Jungkook looked around and suddenly smiled cutely "Jungkookie feels good" he said in a cute tone. Jimin clenched his fists and started laughing.

  "Jungkookie, who is the cute boy?" Jimin asked.

  "Me~'' Jungkook giggled cutely.

  Jimin covered his face cringing. It was so unlike jungkook to act cute so he wanted to have fun with it. "Does Jungkookie want a kiss?" Jimin asked.

  Jungkook nodded as he stood up and ran to Jimin cutely and waited for a kiss. Jimin shook his head "No~ you kiss me" Jimin said as he folded his arms.

   Jungkook giggled cutely and covered his face shyly. "J-Jimin! I'm embarassed~" he giggled.

  Jimin couldn't handle it anymore and started laughing. He shook his head and held his laugh in "You have to~" Jimin replied.

   Jungkook's face turned red. He got close to Jimin and slowly pecked his lips. He quickly pulled away and ran away to corner of the roof crouching embarassed. Jimin started having tears falling down his eyes because of jungkook. It was too funny and cute to him.

    Jimin went to jungkook with a bottle of water in his hand. He crouched down and patted his head "Ah jungkookie, you are a baby boy" Jimin said as he gave water to him.

      Jungkook pouted and drank the water. He blinked a couple of times then turned back. He cleared his throat and looked at Jimin. "I hate this.. let's throw them away I can't do this anymore" jungkook quickly stood up and ran to the pills.

  Jimin chuckled following him "B-But it's my birthday.." He said in a sad tone. Jungkook rose a brow and folded his hands.

   "I can give you other gifts" jungkook said taking away the pills. Jimin held Jungkook's arm and pouted.

   "J-Jungkookie.. nothing can beat this gift. Do you really want me to be sad? On my birthday?" He asked trying to seem very sad.

   Jungkook sighed and rolled his eyes "fine! But no more than five minutes. Longer than that I'm not doing it again" Jungkook put the pills back on the desk and folded his arms.

   Jimin giggled excited. "YAY!" He said happily. He took the yellow pill and gave it to jungkook in a cute way. "Now try this one~" Jimin said.

   Jungkook sighed as he did. He chewed it then looked at Jimin. Jimin tilted his head waiting. "Hmm.. Jungkook do you like the stars?" Jimin asked trying to figure out how jungkook will act now.

   Jungkook looked up and frowned. He stood on the chair and folded his arms "I SEE YOU LOOKING AT JIMIN! YOU THINK YOU CAN BE MORE ROMANTIC THAN ME TRY ME!" Jungkook yelled at the stars.

   Jimin sighed and face palmed "So he is jealous.. It feels like he didn't even eat a pill" Jimin mumbled.

   "Jungkook get down before you get hurt" Jimin said. Jungkook got down then looked behind him. He scoffed "AYE, YOU BETTER KEEP YOUR EYES TO YOURSELF! JIMIN IS MINE" He yelled at a cat down in the street.

   Jimin sighed and made jungkook sit down he straddled him and smiled "Don't be jealous~ I'm yours" Jimin said.

   Jungkook then nodded and went through his phone he opened it and saw the wallpaper him hugging Jimin as he kissed his neck and Jimin was the one to take the photo. He frowned and looked at Jimin "Who the fuck is this? Just because he looks HANDSOME DOESN'T MEAN HE HAS YOU! YOU ARE MINE! AYE YOU WANNA FIGHT ME" He yelled at his phone.

   Jimin was speechless. He looked at jungkook being jealous of himself. "Okay, let's stop you" Jimin said as he got off jungkook's lap to get the bottle of water.

   Jungkook held Jimin and wouldn't let him go "Oh now you want to get up and sit on a chair? IS A CHAIR BETTER THAN MY LAP? IMMA FUCKING BREAK THAT CHAIR" Jungkook yelled.


     So when is twice's comeback xD


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