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           | Love is the enchanted dawn of every heart.. |


        Jimin and Jin grilled the meat as they seasoned it with a little bit of salt and pepper. "So, how is life?" Jin asked as he took a bite of the small pieces of meat.

     Jimin stopped what he was doing and thought about it for a minute. "Actually.. it's been a great day. You know our shitty manager had the worst day ever so" Jimin chuckled.

   Jin scoffed "Ajhumma! Can I please order two cans of sprite" jin yelled as he heard a loud "yes" for a reply. He looked at Jimin and rose his brow "You look good for someone who found out their boyfriend is still cheating on them" jin said.

   Jimin cleared his throat and shook his head. "What do you mean. Look at me! I'm traumatized" Jimin said bluntly.

   The ajhumma brought the two cans of sprite and gave them to Jin. Jin thanked her as she left. "No, I know you Jimin. You are happy. Why the fuck aren't you telling me the real reason?" Jin asked. He handed a can to Jimin and jimin accepted it.

   Jimin hummed ignoring Jin. But he looked at him and sighed "Let's just say.. it's complicated but I think I'll be better after its done" Jimin was referring to the spell. But of course, he never told Jin about it. He knows he will make a big deal about it.

      Jin hummed in reply knowing that Jimin won't tell him because he is a brat. "I hope it's not something bad" Jin said. He was done with grilling the meat and now he started grilling the chicken. There was some sauce that he poured on it and make it look delicious.

  Jimin got nervous but then shook his head denying it. "Its not.. I guess" he said. He tilted his head thinking if it was actually bad. But he didn't want to think about it too much since he already started it and there is no going back from this point on.

    "Mhmm" jin squinted his eyes, looking suspiciously at Jimin. Jimin chucked as he shoved a piece of meat that was wrapped by a lettuce into jin's mouth.

   Jin started coughing as he quickly drank sprite after it. He glared frustrated at Jimin. "YA! THE ONLY THING I CHOKE ON IS MY BABY'S DICK" He yelled.

   Everyone in the restaurant looked at them. Jimin was so embarrassed. Jin cleared his throat and quickly lowered his head embarrassed too. "Bitch you have a boyfriend and you didn't tell me?" Jimin asked in a very low voice. Almost whispering.

   "Yes...but I'm not going to tell you who since you won't tell me your 'plan' " jin whispered back.

  They bickered for almost ten minutes about that but after it the manager came to them. Jimin and Jin knew they were in trouble for yelling out loud. "We're sorry we didn't mean to yell-"

   "Oh no it's not that" The manager said. Jin and Jimin looked at eachother confused. "For some reason I'm giving you this meal for free. I don't know what got into me but.. you don't need to pay!" The manager said.

   Jin and Jimin both stared at eachother shocked. They both know after what they ate it's probably more than a huderend dollars. "Oh.. I mean if you say" Jin said.

   After the manager left, jin and jimin both started dancing in their seats quietly. "Today was a good day! Wow" Jimin mumbled to himself happy.


    The day after Jimin decided to go to jungkook's house for the next step. He was excited for a reason. He had the best luck and everything was going his way.

   Jimin knocked on the door quietly. "C-Come in" a frail voice said. Jimin stepped into the house and saw Jungkook on the couch laying down.

   "Are you okay?" Jimin asked him as he approached him. Jungkook stood up and nodded "Yeah, I'm great.. anyways you seem happy" jungkook mentioned it.

   Jimin chuckled "Why is everyone saying that? I mean it's true though. I had the best luck and I want it for ever" Jimin excitedly said.

  Jungkook smiled "That's great! So um do you want to start on the second step?" He asked. Jimin nodded but his attention went quickly to the cat as he saw it approach.

   He picked it up and hugged it "Oh Luna, I missed you so much!" He said as he kissed it's head. Jungkook quickly took the cat and threw it on the ground "Let's start we don't have time!" Jungkook said strictly.

  The cat meowed at jungkook in an evil way. "Don't throw Luna like this! Poor kitty" Jimin caressed luna's back.

  Jungkook scoffed as he glared at the cat "Don't worry! It has nine lives" he said as he held jimin's wrist pulling him to the magic room. Wanting him to leave Luna.

   "Ju-Jungkook" Jimin stuttured as he let jungkook take the lead. Luna followed them both almost stepping into the magic room but then jungkook quickly slammed the door closed.

  "Meow!" Luna meowed angrily.

  Jungkook looked at Jimin and smiled fondly "Let's start!" He said.

   Jimin nodded as he waited for jungkook to read the book. Jungkook went to Jimin and held both of his hands "We need to hold hands then say this spell. It will take us to the magic shop but.. There is one thing that will make it dnagerous" he said in a serious tone.

   Jimin blinked as he listened closely to what jungkook was saying "And.. what is it?" Jimin asked.


           Since I earned money imma spend it all on bts... I won't regret it  ^(○`ε´○)^

       Dont forget to vote ♡



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