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       | Love is the enchanted dawn of every heart.. |


      Jungkook started coughing badly as his breathing stopped for almost a minute. Jimin peeked his head into the living room and his eyes widened. He noticed that Jungkook was coughing blood.

   Wishes usually drain you. But, since Jimin wasn't a witch it had to drain jungkook. Jungkook was getting weaker and weaker after every wish.

   Jimin gulped as he quickly ran to him. "J-Jungkook! Oh my god" jimin started rubbing the boy's back. He panicked not knowing what to do at all. "I WISH YOU WOULD GET WELL" Jimin yelled.

   Jimin almost figured out what was happening. He knew his wishes were coming true because of jungkook but he didn't know exactly how. After Jimin's wish jungkook passed out on the couch.

   Jimin started freaking out. He was going to call Jin for help but he couldn't since he never told him about jungkook being a witch.

   Jimin checked jungkook's breathing and it was stable. Maybe the wish helped him. Jimin brought a blanket for jungkook and made him lay down on the couch. He sat on the floor next to the couch waiting for him to wake up.

   "What an idiot... why would he do this if it's hurting him" jimin sighed. He was very concerned about jungkook. He kept his eyes on him. Jimin ran his hand through jungkook's hair. Brushing off the bangs on his forehead. He knew it was wrong to touch a sleeping person but he couldn't take his hands off of him.

   "He's such an asshole for being this god damn hot." Jimin mumbled. His hands kept running through jungkook's hair. It was relaxing for the both of them. Jimin leaned in quietly. "I need to pay you back for what you did.." Jimin softly whispered as he pecked jungkook on the lips. It was soft and quick. He couldn't help it. His small soft pink lips were too tempting.

  Jimin blushed as he ran out of the room "Am I crazy? I can't do this to a sleeping person" jimin face palmed himself. He then realized that he liked jungkook. The boy was just perfect for him. He didn't dislike one thing about him.

    After Jimin calmed himself he went back to check up on Jungkook. "Hmm.. what if I just.." Jimin took his water bottles and poured some water on his hand. He sprinkled the water on the sleeping boy. He didn't wake up so Jimin just poured half of the water on jungkook directly.

   Jungkook quickly opened his eyes and rose up sitting coughing. "WHAT THE FUCK? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!" Jungkook yelled.

  Jimin chuckled and shook his head "It's called treatment you idiot! I thought you was dead" Jimin looked around. Jungkook was now soaked in water. Jimin looked at him and sadly pouted "Oh no.... my baby is wet" Jimin whined.

  Jungkook chuckled "Dont worry about me-"

   He stopped his sentence as he realized Jimin was talking to his couch. He rolled his eyes  frustrated and held jimin by the collar of his shirt and made him lean very close. Jimin froze completely when he looked at jungkook in the eyes. Jungkook breathed out and looked at Jimin intensely "I'll take my clothes off and yours too right now if you don't get me a towel" he said seductively.

   Jimin nodded quickly as he kept looking at  Jungkook. Jungkook smiled and let him go but Jimin was still there frozen. "So you want me to take your clothes off? Okay." Jungkook started unbuttoning jimins pants. Jimin quickly flinched and pulled himself back.

  "NO! I-I'll get you a towel" Jimin quickly waddled to his closet. Heart beating fast as he sat on the floor and cleared his throat. "Was I anticipating that..?" Jimin questioned himself.

   Jungkook was surprised that Jimin wasn't  thinking about anything. He couldn't hear any of his thoughts. Did the spell wear out already? Jungkook thought.

   Jimin came back with a big red towel. His face went red as he saw jungkook had his red sleeved shirt off. Jungkook grinned and wet his lips "Why you so shy? You already seen me naked" jungkook teased.

  Jimin threw the towel at jungkook and sighed "Dry yourself! I'll give you a shirt of mine and we need to talk" Jimin said seriously.

  Jungkook got scared of the sudden change of attitude and pouted "Don't yell.." He said in a frail voice.

   Jimin giggled at jungkook's actions. He had a lot of different emotions every time he hung out with Jungkook. It almost felt like he was seeing him for the spell but never actually doing any of the steps.

    Jimin got jungkook a big yellow hoodie that had small pink donuts on them. It was fit on Jungkook. Jimin scoffed when he looked at him. When he wears it, it's too big on him but when jungkook wears it. It's the perfect fit.

   Jungkook and jimin sat outside in the balcony. The balcony had two red chairs and a small table next to one of them.

   They both watched the stars in silence. Jimin took the courage to speak up. "Jungkook.." Jimin said trying to catch jungkook's attention.

  Jungkook turned his head facing Jimin's direction. Their eyes met. Jungkook saw the sincerity in Jimin's eyes. He couldn't keep lying to the boy. "Y-Yeah?" Jungkook answered.

    Jimin breathed out and bit his bottom lip slowly "Did you perhaps.. do another spell?" He asked.


      I have no comments on this chapter. Still deciding if I like it or not.
       ¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯

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