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       | Love is the enchanted dawn of every heart.. |


          "You see humans aren't allowed in the magic shop.. They are not even allowed to know about it" jungkook sighed trusting Jimin easily "So.. you have to pretend you are a witch too" he stated.

    Jimin's eyes lit up excited and scared. He swung his hands and jungkook's excited. "I-I can do that.. but what if someone catches me?" Jimin asked.

   Jungkook cleared his throat "You will... die so um act well" jungkook smiled and started reading the spell. Jimin frowned and squeezed jungkook's hands.

   "I don't want to do it.. I'm scared. You should go alone" Jimin said as he let go of jungkook's hands. Jungkook sighed and crossed his arms. He knew that Jimin had the right to be scared. The place that they were going to is really.. scary. Not all witches are nice.

     "I have an idea" jungkook said. He quickly searched his books as he found the book he wanted. He looked through the spells and smiled happily when he found it. Jimin was curious on what the idea is.

    "So um.. we are going to shrink you" jungkook said. Jimin frowned and shook his head "Oh hell no. I'm not alice in the wonderland!" Jimin quickly denied the idea.

     "Okay fine but you will have to trust me and just go act like a witch." Jungkook stated putting the book back to it's place. He stepped closer to Jimin who seemed very nervous. "I'll protect you if anything happens. You will get out alive don't worry" jungkook looked down at jimin's hands and held them both softly.

    Jimin looked down at their hands then looked up again. "I want... you to get out alive too." Jimin softly said. Jungkook couldn't promise that but.. he had to lie for Jimin. "Of course" he smiled at Jimin.

   Jimin nodded and took a deep breath "Okay.. um what's the spell?" He asked. Jungkook wet his lips and took a deep breathe. "Repeat after me and after I'm done we will both end it with 'So mote it be' okay?" Jungkook explained carefully.

    Jimin nodded. He didn't know if his heart was beating because he was scared or if it was because of jungkook being close to him and holding his hands.

    "I desire to leave this place,
     Visiting the magic shop,
    With all my heart I promise to be,
    A witch that wants this soul to be free"

    Jimin repeated after him. After they were done they closed their eyes "So mote it be" they both said.

     A strong wind surrounded them. Jimin opened his eyes scared. Jungkook forgot to warn him that he shouldn't open his eyes until they were there. Jimin looked around and hugged jungkook scared. Letting go of their hands. Jungkook felt that and frowned. He remembered he never told Jimin what he should not to. Jimin hugged jungkook tightly wanting it to end.

   Of course the spell didn't work. They both fell down on the floor feeling something strong push them. Jimin fell on jungkook while he was hugging him. Jungkook opened his eyes and sighed. He ruffled his own hair mad.

   "Jimin, you are safe don't worry" jungkook comforted Jimin softly. Jimin opened his eyes and saw himself on jungkook. He rose his head and looked around confused "W-We are still here.." Jimin said.

   Jungkook nodded "Yeah.. it failed" jungkook said. Jimin picked himself up and opened his hand for Jungkook to hold on to so he can help him up.

  Jungkook held it and rose up. "Why? I thought we did everything right" Jimin said confused.

   Jungkook let go of jimin's hand and scratched his head. "Not really..  I kinda forgot to tell you that you shouldn't open your eyes and let go of my hands. That was my bad" Jungkook bit his lower lip nervously.

  Jimin looked at him "Well, let's do it again! I won't open my eyes this time" jimim said. Jungkook sighed but he wished it was that easy.

   "I'm sorry but.. we have a bigger problem right now." Jungkook nervously said. Jimin frowned and tilted his head. "What is it?" Jimin asked.

   "You.." Jungkook said.

    Jimin looked at jungkook confused. He didn't understand what jungkook meant. Jimin smiled nervously "is this a joke? What do you mean I'm the the problem" Jimin crossed his arms.

   Jungkook sighed and looked away. "Well you see um.. since you interfered with the spell, it did something to your body. Whether it's good or bad we should quickly find out what it is. We can't move on without us knowing" jungkook explained.

   Jimin dramatically sat on the floor. "I knew it.. I'm going to die. I SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALICE INSTEAD" He yelled as he layed down dramatically and started fake crying.

    Jungkook rolled his eyes and bent down. He patted Jimin's head "I told you to trust me. You won't d-"


    Jungkook left jimin to be dramatic and sat on the floor in the corner of the room. Almost looking sad. All of those things that he did to Jimin. He agreed on them. He never forced him to do them. By the way Jimin was saying it. It made it seem like jungkook was the bad guy. And the last thing that he will allow is for Jimin to get hurt.


     I got my pay check but I quickly spent half of it and um.... I NEED SOMEONE TO CONTROL ME.    ಥ_ಥ

    Don't forget to vote ♡



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