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         | Love is the enchanted dawn of every heart.. |


     Jin was shocked seeing Jimin broken like that. He immiadetaly hugged him tightly. Jimin sobbed on his chest feeling betrayed by sungwoon. How could he do this to Jimin?

    "Jimin.. break up with him" Jin said. Jimin nodded as he sobbed again "I will.." He sniffed.

    Jimin knew he couldn't stay like that. It was his first real relationship with someone but too bad that it went horrible.


     After a week, Jungkook called his girlfriend. He told her to come over. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Taehyung asked.

  Jungkook sighed and looked at him "Bro, just change yourself to a cat because I need to talk to her privately" jungkook said.

   Taehyung nodded "I'll just go out." He said.

    Jungkook nodded as he sat on the couch waiting for her. For the meantime he decided to text Jimin. It's been a week since they have seen each other or talked.

       Chump 🍑  

Hey, so just to update you.. I called my girlfriend so she can come over today. I'll confront her.. but after I do that we can't take revenge. Anyway I'm kind of worried about you so text me.
   4:37 pm

    Jimin saw the text. He was at his step brother's house. His family isn't really broken. His first father died and finally after years his mother decided it's time to move on. Jimin really didn't care because she was happy.

    "So should I order you a sandwich too?" Yoongi asked.

     Jimin was staring at his phone. Having mixed emotions. He quickly grabbed his jacket and started to run to the door.

   "No! Eat alone um..I have something to do" Jimin said as he rushed over to his car.

   Yoongi frowned at the thought of Jimin running. He questioned people who ran. How could they do it?

      Knock knock..

    Jungkook opened the door expecting that it was his girlfriend. But his eyes widened as he saw Jimin. "W-What are you doing here?" He asked.

  Jimin quickly stepped in his house as he held jungkook's wrist to make him follow him. Jungkook closed the door quickly following Jimin. Jimin pinned jungkook on the wall in the living room and smashed his lips on jungkook's.

  Jungkook's eyes widened as he didn't know what was happening. He couldn't understand a single thing. But he was enjoying Jimin's lips and the sudden dominance that he had.

    Jimin held Jungkook's waist and kept kissing the boy. He slowly pulled back as he saw jungkook panting. Jungkook opened his eyes confused. "Why d-"

   "Now, we have an oath. Can we start with the revenge spell?" Jimin asked as he interrupted Jungkook.

   Jungkook blinked a few times but started chuckling. Jimin was confused on why he was laughing all of the sudden. "It doesn't work like that! Yes, we do kiss but we have to say the spell too!"  Jungkook said.

  Jimin removed his hand from jungkook's waist shocked. "Why didn't you tell me that!" He complained.

    Jungkook scoffed. Jimin was the one to kiss him without a warning. Why was he complaining.

   "BECAUSE I didn't know you were just going to kiss me like that! I mean you should just say you want to kiss me twice" jungkook teased jimin.

  Jimin rolled back his hair out of frustration. "Stop! I clearly don't know anything about spells" he whined.

   Jungkook chuckled but then he heard knocking. They both looked at the door and started panicking. "S-Shit.." Jimin stuttured.

   "Umm you should hide. She will suspect it if you are here and she knows your boyfriend" jungkook held Jimin's hand and quickly took him to a room. From the outside the room had black tinted glass. You couldn't see anything from the outside. But from the inside you have a view of the living room. You can clearly see everything.

   "Hide here okay! If she found out you are here, our plan will not work" jungkook told Jimin.

   Jimin nodded as he sat on the small couch and looked at the living room. The room was also sound proof. You can't hear anything from the inside.

    Jungkook quickly went and opened the door. The girl threw herself at jungkook and hugged him tightly. "Babe! I missed you" she said.

   "Mina.. same" he said hesitantly. He had to act friendly so his plan for revenge works.

   Jimin was still inside, looking at them. Almost glaring at the girl. "Why did she cheat on him?" Jimin mumbled.

     Mina waited for jungkook to sit down. He did then she quickly straddled his lap and smirked. "You always work out and it's hot" she said as she started running her hands on jungkook's clothed chest.

    Jungkook felt uncomfortable. He threw her on the couch next to him and cleared his throat. "Haha sorry.. um I felt a bug on me" he lied.

   Jimin felt bad for him. He can imagine jungkook being hurt by her. He doesn't show it. He doesn't show that he is upset and hurt by her. But Jimin knows he is. He can feel him.

   "So how are you? What did you do last week?" Jungkook asked as he rose a brow. He knew last week she was with sungwoon.

   Mina got nervous and started chuckling. "B-Busy you know.." She said.

   "Talking about busy! A friend is coming over and I'm promised to hang out with him since its been a long time. Sorry but it's a boy's night so.. Can you leave?" Jungkook asked as he looked though his phone. He wasn't even looking at her.

   "O-Oh.. But you invited me over haha.. Can you tell me that I'm here?" She asked as he put her hand on jungkook's thigh.

   "What are they talking about?" Jimin wondered.

   "Sorry but I kinda want to hang out with him. He's a new friend and he's cool" jungkook said as he stood up. Making mina pull her hand back.

     "Oh.. are we okay, Jungkook?" She asked.


       If you couldn't figure it out. Taehyung is a hybrid. Half cat, half human.

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