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            | Love is the enchanted dawn of every heart.. |


      Jimin sighed deeply, he cleared his voice and whispered to jungkook. "Is there a way to see what he is doing right now?" Jimin asked.

  Jungkook frowned and quickly flipped through the book. Jimin waited for him before he accepted the call. Jungkook nodded said "You have to put him on speaker and um we have to say a spell. But the thing is that he has to say it too." Jungkook explained.

   Jimin sighed as he bit his lip trying to think if he should do it or not. How would he trick him into doing that. "Okay, what is it?" Jimin asked in a rush.

   "This moment I will find, the truth in our minds. All through the lies, the sincerity will appear." Jungkook said.

   Jimin frowned and face palmed. "H-How" he said feeling very pressured. He didn't think about it twice and accepted the call. He quickly pressed the speaker.

   "Hello love~" sungwoon said.

   Jungkook cringed as he stood there. Jimin smiled "Hey babe~ um what are you doing?" Jimin asked.

   Jungkook stuck his tongue inside of his cheek as he looked away. He couldn't handle their conversation.

   "Mhm I'm writing a blog~ babe you should come today! It's been a long time and I want to feel you" sungwoon said.

   Jungkook rolled his eyes and coughed really loudly. Jimin fliched "man.. I'm getting A cold" Jimin said as he tried to cover up jungkook's cough.

   "So, you coming today?" He asked.

   "Um, I.. But.. see.." Jimin started saying random words so his boyfriend can believe that he isn't hearing him well.

    Jimin typed in the chat as he kept the speaker on.

    "I can hear you..can you hear me?" He typed.

   Sungwoon sighed "No, but what did you say" he asked.

   "Okay, read the words I'll type out loud" Jimin typed.

    Sungwoon hummed in reply as he didn't know what was happening. Jimin started typing as he sent the spell.

  "This moment I will find, the truth in our minds. All through the lies, the sincerity will .."

   Jungkook And Jimin nodded to eachother as Jimin sent the last thing for the spell to work.

    "So mote it be" Jimin, Jungkook and sungwoon said all together.

      Sungwoon was so confused "Jimin, are you perhaps.." he hesitated. Jungkook and jimin looked at eachother worried.

   "A.. poem writer? I THINK IT WAS GOOD" He complimented him.

   The spell worked as jungkook pulled Jimin to the sink. He filled it up with water and there an image started appearing slowly. Jimin held his breathe after he saw what he was doing.

   He was in his room sitting on the bed while next to him was a girl. Jimin quickly hung up on the phone and the imagine dissapeared. Was he really surprised he was still cheating on him.. even after he promised he won't do it again.

  Jimin looked at jungkook and he was on the floor. Jimin frowned not knowing why jungkook was like that. "Why are you sad? I just witnessed my boyfriend cheating."

   Jungkook looked at Jimin then fake grinned "Because.. that was my so called 'girlfriend'.." he said.

   Jimin frowned shocked. "You like girls?!" He asked shocked.

  Jungkook scoffed "That's your main concern? I already knew she was cheating on me that's why I went to the club.. I was in pain and I needed something." Jungkook explained.

  Jimin sat next to him on the floor and sighed "Sungwoon.. he cheated on me multiple times but then I caught him. He told me he won't ever do it again..but, he did. I thought it should be equal and I should do it too.. But it was a mistake" Jimin explained as he slowly teared up.

    Jungkook layed his head on the floor "Wow.. what kind of fate do we have?" He said in a serious voice.

  Jimin looked at him and shrugged his shoulder "A cursed one.." Jimin whispered in a low voice.

   After a moment of silence.. Jungkook rose up and clapped his hands together. "Let's do something about it.. we can do the forgetting spell after we do something about this" he nudged Jimin.

  Jimin tilted his head. "Why? Shouldn't we just break up with them?" Jimin asked.

  Jungkook started laughing out loud then he quickly stopped and looked seriously at Jimin. "No! We are both hurt.. so why don't we have a little fun with them" Jungkook grinned.

     Jimin wondered how. Does he really want to do that. "Well, what do you mean by that?"  Jimin asked.

    Jungkook got really close to Jimin. He slowly leaned forward next to his ear creating tension between them. Jimin gulped as his heart beated faster.

   "Let's take revenge" he whispered.

   Jimin frowned as he leaned back so he would face jungkook "H-How?" He asked.

     "By magic, of course" jungkook smirked.


      NOW THE FUN BEGINS   Ψ (・`ω´・) Ψ

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