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              | Love is the enchanted dawn of every heart.. |

        Jungkook slowly started walking back to the wall as he he kissed jimin. Jimin's back faced the wall as jungkook kissed him. Jungkook's hands moved, feeling the curves on jimin's body.

   Jimin arched his back feeling extremely hot. They know after they pull apart it will be awkward between them. Both of them just wanted to enjoy the moment.

    Jungkook decided it was a enough and slowly pulled away. They both started opening their eyes. They looked at eachother panting, breathing heavily.

     "This time and for the other times...
     This spell with all that power of times..
     I summon all the energy from the ground..
    My mind will keep this at all times..
         So mote it be.."

    They said the spell as something started to appear on the back of their necks. They both whined from the sting of pain. "Ju-Jungkook what the fuck is h-happening?" Jimin asked scared.

  Jungkook held jimin's hand tightly so he wouldn't get scared. After a minute Jimin quickly ran to a mirror to see what happened to his neck. It was a small symbol next to his ear. They both had the same one.

( like this but smaller and near the back of their ear)

   ( like this but smaller and near the back of their ear)

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     Jimin's eyes widened as he looked at it. "I want to be mad at you but that's cool" Jimin said.

  Jungkook chuckled and looked at his "Its not permanent, it will go away after we are done with the kiss-"

    They both looked at eachother awkwardly "I MEAN SPELL! NOT KISS HAHAHA" Jungkook corrected himself.

   Jimin cleared his throat as he started blushing. "Umm..about that.. I-I.. I didn't mean to hold your neck.. it's just I wanted the spell to work.. so that's why" he said as he looked away.

   Jungkook nodded quickly as he looked away too "Y-Yeah.. me too! I dont want you to m-misunderstand because I-I slipped my tongue inside.. it's for the s-spell!" He swallowed.

     "Mhhm" Jimin hummed in reply as he stared at the floor. Jungkook bit his lip as he quickly went to look in the book. Jimin decided to sit on the floor as he waited for jungkook.

   "Where is Luna?" Jimin asked wondering.

   "I don't care. Don't kiss it. Or hug it. Or give it any affection" jungkook bluntly said. Jimin frowned then started laughing loudly "I think cats like that, though." He stated.

   Jungkook sighed as he looked over for the second step. "Yes! That's why don't do it." He said. Jimin thought he was joking and just giggled.

   "Next step is to collect some herbs and candles" jungkook said.

   Jimin frowned. He wasn't really familiar with spells and magic. "Where do we get that?" He asked.

  "Magic shop" jungkook said. Jimin's eyes lightened up feeling excited. He was really excited. The two boys suddenly heard thunder outside. The magic room didn't have a window so they both stepped outside to look at the rain from the living room couch.

   "Should we do the next step tomorrow? The rain made me tired" jungkook mumbled as he rubbed his eyes and yawned adorably.

     Jimin yawned too and nodded "Mm yeah~ I want to sleep" Jimin said. Jungkook threw him a small white blanket that he always keeps on the couch folded. Jimin shook his head tired. "No, I'll go home and sleep" Jimin said as he stood up.

  Jungkook held his wrist quickly. Jimin was confused on why he did that. Jungkook panicked as he looked around the room. "A-After it stops raining! I mean what if your car stopped working because of the storm outside! Just stay until it stops" jungkook said.

  Jimin looked outside from the window hesitant. But jungkook was right what if something happens. He sat back down on the couch and quickly covered himself with the blanket. "I guess.. I'll wait until the rain stops" he said.

    After a while jungkook looked and jimin and he was in deep sleep. The boy stared at him amused. He looked so angelic. He softly brushed his bangs off his forehead as he started humming a song to him.

      "Only fools for you.. only fools.. only fools do what I do.."

    He got closer to the boy and covered himself too with the blanket. As he slept with him his head fell on jimin's shoulder and jimin's head was resting on the couch from the back. The sound of rain was the loudest sound in the quiet room.


    Taehyung went to a supermarket. There he saw someone collect a lot of snacks and put it in a plastic bag. Taehyung was in his cat form. So he waited for that person to step outside of the market so he can steal a snack from him.

   The boy stepped outside as he started walking to the park. Taehyung followed him sneakily as a cat. I mean who would suspect a cat.

  Suddenly the boy sat on the bench and started eating one of his snacks. It was spicy chips. Taehyung jumped up on the bench as he slowly bit into a small chocolate bar that was in the bag and took it out.

  He slowly jumped down feeling happy as he got the snack. "Ya! Kitty give me my snack bag!" The boy yelled.

  Taehyung quickly started running but then he heard thunder. "F-Fuck" he cursed as he knew he will change back because if the rain.

   The boy ran to the cat but then he saw some sparkles in the air. A human appeared which was Taehyung. He smiled blankly at the boy then started running back home in his human form.

    "What the fuck? A-Am I dreaming?" He asked himself.


        If I had one power...  I would eat anything I wanted and I woukd never get fat              Ψ (・`ω´・) Ψ

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