Chapter 7 What is Love without Pain

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(Hey guys sorry for the late update, thank you to those who commented and gave me great ideas for it shout out to



and finally especially to skyvanp for the idea of this chapter I hope you all like it)

Evans POV

Damn it damn it. I was so busy on trying to get Coriander as a familiar that I forgot to actually do my homework. What the hell. I am like beyond pissed off right now and here comes Mr. Bigshot " Hey Evan" he said walking up to me with that stupid grin " Back off asshole I am not in the mood".

This ass wipe just won't stop even though I whooped his ass already. I turned to walk away but he grabbed my arm. I was having none of his b.s. today so I twisted his arm behind his back. I slammed him against the lockers and held it there " No no no wait, I wanted to say sorry" Darren rushed his words out in a panic.

"You're" I extended the word not sure if I heard correctly. "Yes I'm apologizing to you and to prove it let me it up to you with uh...dinner! Yes dinner tonight at the Sea Shell restaurant by the ocean" he smiled innocently. I thought about it for a moment.

" Ok but I'm ordering the most expensive meal there" he looked like a happy child on Christmas morning " Ok um 8:00 today dress nicely" he walked away with a bounce to his step. I was so happy that I didn't realize I was smiling.

I walked to my class really ecstatic. " Hey Evan, what happened? why are you smilin so mucho" my friend Carlos said to me. "I was just asked on a date by Mr.Big shot" I whispered to him. "Oh my god no way". We both started laughing and talking so much we forgot we were in class.  "Mr. O'Conner and Mr. Ramirez if you don't shut up this instant you will both be sent to the principle's office". We both quieted down and snickered.

After a long day at school I couldn't help but walk home with a skip in my step. To think that all I needed to do in order to get Mr. Sexy butt, lol, to take me on a date was to show how much stronger I was than him. A grin over took my face as I reached my front door and unlocked it.

Time skip 7:56 pm

Omgee it is almost time for my date and I can't figure out what to wear. I combed my short hair and put some clips in it. I went through my dresser and drawers and couldn't find anything. "Fudge where'd I put that damn white dress" I asked myself.

"It's right there Evan" my gaurdian Hayley held a cup of coffee and pointed to a white silk dress under a pile of tank tops and shorts. I reached for the dress and put it on  before a car loud as hell drove down my street.

I gave myself a quick look over and saw that my white dress had a few ribbons here and there. I styled my beautiful blue eyes with some make up eyeliner before I heard the honk of a Darren's car. I looked out the window and saw Darren waving at me from his black mustang.

I ran downstairs yelling goodbye to Hayley, my brother Michael, my god Hermes, and a kiss to Coriander's forehead before bursting out the front door. On the way to the restaurant Darren decided to have a pleasant chat.

"So...uh... Evan uh how was your uh day" he he asked nervously "My day was pleasant thank you" I couldn't help but release a small blush as Darren chuckled a bit "That's a pretty dress you have on" I smiled at him " Thank you Darren, it was-is my mother's". I corrected myself quickly.

After a while of driving we made it to the restaurant. We got out and I noticed that some people were staring at us. Darren went up to the person at the desk who at first seemed shocked but masked it with a smile. Darren seemed to whisper something to him before the guy in the front desk let us through.

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