Chapter 15 The Decleration Of War

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(Sorry for the long wait school started a while back and I have had loads of homework to do anyways please enjoy this chapter because now the action will start to get better and a bit bloodier.)

Evan POV

It had been two weeks since I found all my familiars. They were all spread out around the world. I had to go to an undiscovered Aztec temple and nearly got my head ripped off by the guardian just to find another clue as to where Clair was. Of all the places they all chose to stay in the most dangerous temples all over the world. I tracked my final familiar to an underground pyramid in Egypt.

The Nile was now 3 miles behind me and the air started to become stuffy. I felt my arm burn a bit as my familiars were aching to get out. 'Move aside it's cramped'

'You move you fat walrus' I heard Gerth growl out at Susan 'You take that back' Susan shouted at him and they began to move around giving me a head ache. God can't they just "SHUT UP!" Amanda, Jason, and Ca tiel turned to look at me surprised at my out burst.

Damn it 'I swear if you all don't shut the hell up this instant I will leave you all out side in the burning desert' I huffed and continued inside the pyramid. With each twist and turn the place started to get smaller and a bit more cramped. Finally after going down many flights of stairs and opening many traps with snakes and acid. We made it to the crystal blue healing spring.

In the center I saw the white stone that was my familiar. I was about to go inside the water to get to Clair but Castiel held me back. "What is the proble-" I was shushed by Castiel. "Look at the water" at first I didn't see anything but then upon closer inspection the water seemed to move.

A woman popped out of the waters edge and told us to leave in a powerful voice. "I'm sorry but I am here on diplomatic issues" I apologized to her. "Why would a human like you be involved in the supernatural". She seemed to be getting impatient but before the siren could continue Amanda interrupted her.

"Watch who you speak with in that tone, you are in the presence of Evan Meridian O'Connor leader of the Corinthians and ruler of the Awakened Meridian Kingdom". She shouted the words with pride. "Also your creator" her eyes narrowed on the siren as she contemplated something. She dove under water and popped back out with four other sirens.

"Names...We need names" one of them stuttered. I looked at them confused "What is our Queen's name" I stayed silent for a moment before a gorgeous voice began singing. The sirens smiled wickedly and started singing along. One of them beckoned Castiel closer and he started walking forward.

Jason was being pulled along also and I felt my familiars burst out. All of them at the same time jumped into the water and I screamed. I tried diving inside but Melanie stopped me "It's too late there's nothing we can do" I muttered something as tears fell out of my eyes.

"What was that" a siren came from behind them. Her voice was rich and creamy, her skin glowed in the darkness of the small spring. "Your name is Safra Marina" I dropped to the floor with tears rolling down my cheeks. One tear drop landed in the water and the whole cave lit up.

Safra bowed "Welcome King Meridian to the Sirenus Pod". She nodded her head to her siren folk and out of the water burst Aelfdane for air, Jason, Castiel, Gerth, and Altair followed soon after. They all swam to the rocky place I was at. I helped them up and I hugged Aelfdane tightly. Jason growled and Castiel looked anywhere else but me.

Amanda leaned in and whispered "They are both, jealous maybe you should give them something. I went over to Jason and pecked his cheek. I then went to Castiel and pecked his cheek also. A path was made in the water and I was able to walk through. "We have protected this place for centuries, even when man discovered it we destroyed any evidence of it.

Just know that once you take that stone this place will be destroyed and we will die here in our home". I asked her why and she responded "Because once that stone is taken, the King Maverick will be able to locate this place and he will torture us and kill our young".

She smiled gently and started humming a tune. Under the water she was holding something with her tail. I put my head under and I saw a dark sphere with purple scales covering it. I then felt a pulse coming from inside it.

"You're... you have a child" I said to her. She brought her egg slightly out of the water and told me "Yes, she is my pride and joy. Sirens always are born in odd shapes and colors, but when we fully mature we are beautiful creatures much of our young are in human text as sea monsters but that is as far a human will see of our young".

She cooed the egg and rubbed the scale a bit. The scales shimmered at her mothers touch and Safra kissed it. I looked around and I saw more sirens clutching their young. I sighed and for a moment I was gonna leave Clair as a stone. "You can't Evan you need her power".

I looked at the pod and gave them a look of regret before I grabbed the stone. The place started rumbling and the ceiling started collapsing. I ran for a bit with everyone and when we were at the entrance I turned back. I got to to the cave and many sirens lay dead floating above the water. Safra lay at the waters edge and I grabbed as many siren eggs as I could.

My familiars came back and helped me with as many as they could handle. I went to Safra and she handed me her baby. "Her name is Alana, please care for her" with one last kiss to her egg she watched it go far from her reach. With a smile on her face she closed her eyes. At that moment barely making it out the entire underground pyramid collapsed.

I made a portal for the eggs and sent them somewhere safe for now. I walked out of the desert with my mates following behind and familiars in there place. On our way home no one said a thing. We just sat in silence. "I remember" I closed my eyes as tears threatened to spill out.

"I remember when I made her she was the smallest of the batch. Her sparkling pink eyes, her body was like a squid but at the same time it was like a whale." The tears ran down my eyes and Jason hugged me. He kissed my temple and I clung to him. I don't know how long we stayed that way because next thing I knew I was waking up in my bed.

With a groan I got up and headed downstairs "How long was I out" I asked whoever would answer first. I had a throbbing headache and my body felt heavy. "You have been asleep since yesterday, you tend to sleep more when you  overuse your powers"  Hayley handed me a pill and a glass of water.

I took the pill and gulped the water. I felt a small rush of energy flow through my system. "Thanks I needed that" I told her relaxing in my seat. "Evan I have something important to tell you" Hayley's face became very serious and I bit my lip. "The man who is currently ruling over the Corinthians is very powerful. He is using your weapons Dryker and Raven to wage war on Earth".

"But this world is not his to take" I shouted throwing my chair to the wall "Calm down my King, he has attacked France and Germany. Castiel is holding him back along with several other supernatural creatures in the area".

My face scrunched up at the thought of a selfish fool. Who the hell does this Maverick guy think he is. Trying to order people and force them into subjugation.

I started to get angry at this Maverick guy. First he takes my place as king and then he takes my familiars, now he is trying to take the world I live in. No...No more. I got up and I told Hailey to send a message to all the Corinthians, Chimeras, and other creatures of the earth that hadn't turned to Maverick's side to gather. I wrote a letter to this Maverick and sent it to him through a portal. Watch out Maverick because the true King of the Awakened clan is coming for you.

(Thank you for reading this chapter I really appreciate you all sticking with me this far it was awesome writing this story even though most of my ideas were jumbled you should expect the next chapter sometime this week:D

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