Chapter 11 A Year and 2 Months

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Evan POV

After a while of running I think I lost them. I slowed my running pace and dropped down "I did not ask for this Coriander and Aphrodite". I sighed in frustration and wiped the sweat off of my forehead. I laid down for a bit and I looked up to the stars "Isn't it pretty today" Iasked to no one in particular.

I closed my eyes a bit until a nice sweet voice responded "It sure is". I quickly turned around on my hands and knees and started growling at at the person in the shadows. I fet my hair rufflung a bit as two nubs grew out.

I surprised myself because I actually growled and grew two weird things on my head. "Whoa no need to go on the defensive shifter" the man put his hands up.

Upon further inspection the man had little antlers like a butterfly, he had wings on his shoulders that sparkled brighter than any glitter I've ever seen before and he only had this weird like cloth like clothing that matched his skin that extended into a spiraling pattern.

"Your a fairy" I told him, he stiffened a bit "Yeah I'm a fairy" he started looking every where but me. I the noticed a crown on his head "Your a prince, oh my god your the Prince of the Fae" I shouted. With fairy speed he covered my mouth and pushed me to a tree. "Will you quiet down damn, the whole kingdom is searching for me I really wish to escape this place".

He sighed a bit. I felt his hot breath behind my ear which caused me to shiver. My eyes began to glaze over as I realized what was going on.

'Oh no not now' I felt a blush creep up my face as I realized the Prince of Fairies is one of my past lives mate. A sudden rush of wind went through my hair and I felt it pulse and grow longer.

I noticed how the moon gleamed and shone with promise. I knew that in any moment my past live's would hit me. I had to seal the deal before it hit me.

His breath fanned my face as he kept his hand across my face. Slowly but surely I could feel this position begin to take effect. I started feeling weak in the knees when I remembered what he used to call me in a past life.

I uttered one word for silence to overtake the forest. "Nava'Ktun" my body leaned closer to the man as his eyes widened. I felt the wind shift as I started feeling past life knowledge return to my head. "You who is bound inside castle walls and sees everyone beg and crawl I hereby command you the Aelfdane Watercrest to become my weapon, my sword, and my protector".

I grabbed his hand and pushed him close to me and kissed his lips. A bright light was thrown into the sky and suddenly fairies started gathering around. They were going haywire and started chirping like crazy. "He backed away and widened his eyes "What have you done" he ran away or more like jumped away but with every jump it was like he flew.

"Aphrodite what happened" I asked him. Coriander responded me "You see you just basically made him your weapon forever so if you die he dies too".

"I'm confused the weapon spell was from a past life why was the effect like this" I asked her "Maybe it was pronounced wrong?" She answered . I went in the direction he ran and when I saw him as he sat at a tree.

"Father please let me explain" I heard him crying against the tree as he held onto it. "No child, a cursed Prince is no Prince at all"  he started crying and I saw a woman comforting him "Don't worry, at least your now mated" the woman told him as she held onto the guy.

"If I didn't want her before why I want him now" he shouted. My heart clenched and I slid from the tree I was touching. The ground glowed as the attention was now on me and I started crying I touched my tears and saw it was blood.

I felt my fangs getting longer and I felt as if my back bone was bursting. I screamed and the wind howled in fury. I looked toward some of the fairies near me and they began falling dead. "This is a calamity we must destroy it" the man who was a tree shouted "No Oberon if he dies so does our little boy, it seems like he is the king of the Awakened we must help him get his wings, Aelfdane you must help him".

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