Chapter 2

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plz read the new description and all the kids are age 16 now and are in secondary school  year 11 (i don't what you guys call it.

Today is the day. It's the new school year and to be honest I'm kind of  excited. it's the final year and the most important. I look in my wardrobe and put on my school shirt, skirt and shoes. I grab my bag and head down stairs. when I get down stairs I find a very messy house. There were glass bottles everywhere on the ground, there was chairs knocked over. everything was just out of place which as just typical.  

"hey baby you ok" a voice says behind me. I turn around see my very tired and

"yeah I'm fine, are you"

"yeah I'm just tired"

"I can see that. what happened last night"

"oh nothing don't worry about it"

"what do you mean don't worry about it, have you seen yourself"

" look it's non of your business"

"it is my business, your my mum"

"look your just a kid you don't understand these things"

"then help me to"

"shouldn't you be going to school now"

"why can't you tell me what's going on mum. you never tell me anything anymore" and with that i stormed out.

20 minutes later

I get to my school and I see all my friends are waiting for me at the entrance. I wave to them all and Ruff runs to me and hugs me.

"hey Ruff"

"hey Astrid"

"how was your hols" i ask her 

"They were pretty good my parents sent me and my brother to the countryside to stay with my grandparents. how was yours"

"em well you know, it's the same every year just working, cleaning, studying "

"Your still working" she says

i give her a nod

"you shouldn't be though"

"i know, but i don't have a choice, mum doesn't work and you know what my step dad does. "

the others walk up to us

"hey A" tuff says

"hey guys, lets  get to class"

"i hate school i can't wait till this year is over" Snotlout says

We all  make our way inside the building and get to our class. me and ruff go to our seat that we always sit at. until  we bump into the most spiteful girl ever 

"no way losers this is our seat" heather said sanding next to violet. (first name that came to my head)

"this has always been our seat" i say angrily

"yeah well this year it's my seat because Hiccup is starting here today and since he will be sitting at the front i want to be right behind him."

"who's Hiccup" i ask but her and violet just laugh

"OMG how stupid are you. he's only the most famous fashion model like ever and one of my best friends and my boyfriend"

"Who would ever want to be with you" i say quietly 

"come on, i haven't got all day"

"you'll be waiting a long time if you think were moving" i shout at her

"come on Astrid lets just move, she's not worth it" ruff tells me 

she's right. so we both get up and sit on another row. just then a boy with amber hair and emerald eyes came into the room and there was a lot of screaming from mostly girls.

Hiccup pov 

As i walk into my new class i heard a lot of screaming from all the girls which was no surprise.

"Hiccup you came" Heather says running up to me and hugging me

"hey Heather"

"look i saved you a seat right in front of me"

"err thanks Heather"

I sit down next to a kid named fishlegs who is really nice a on the row next to me was two blond girls. then a tall women  came into the class, i guessed that she was my teacher.

"good morning students, i hope you all had a good holiday now before we begin i believe we have a new student with us today. where are you?"

i put my hand up slowly "here"

"well welcome to berk's secondary school, i am sure you will be very happy here" 

i give her a small smile.

A few hours later

Astrid pov

It was now lunch time and me and my friends were all eating lunch in the hall. i could see the new kid hiccup with heather  at table across us . for some reason i could not stop looking at him

"Astrid... Astrid...ASTRID"  i heard ruff calling me "

"oh sorry ruff, did you say something"

"your staring at him again"

"I was"

"Yeah you were and i think i know why"

I start to panic a bit " what no you have the wrong idea"

"Yeah right, come on Astrid i have known you for a long time"

"look even if i did there's no way he would even talk to me"

"well you never know"


After last class i head to my locker and put all of my books away and head for the door. As i turn around the corner i bash into someone ad fall to the ground. i look up and see Hiccup.

"Oh my god i am so sorry, i didn't see you there. let me help you up" he says giving me his hand.

i take it and he helps me get up. "no it' fine, it's my fault i wasn't looking where i was  going" i say

"your Astrid right"

I was shocked how he knew my name "yeah i am, how do you know that"

"Your in all my classes and you sit on the row next to me"

"oh right"

we stand in silence for one minute until he brakes the silence.

"Well  i should be going my dad is expecting me"

"Yeah  should be going to" i say

"It was nice meeting you, bye"

"Bye"  shout back as he walks down the hall.

As soon as he leaves i could not stop bushing. i could not believe he knows my name or the fact that he talked to me. i start to go home with him in my mind.

OMG  over 1000 words and chapter 2 done, even though it took me a long time

hope you liked it

bye for now


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