chapter 7

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Hey guys here's the next chapter I was supposed to update yesterday but my little brother want to me to watch Netflix with him. We are watching on my block and 13 reasons why together also because I am working on my final project which is an exam for my media course where I have chosen to make a short film. I don't know why I chose the hardest one but anyway back to the story.

Warning this one is a bit brutal and there are a few swear words and abuse.

Astrid pov

It has been 3 weeks since hiccup started hanging out with me and my friends and everyone seems to like him. We were all eating lunch together and just talking. I noticed Hiccup smile at me and I smiled back. I don't know why but I think that Ruff was right. I do like him. He was so nice and funny and cute but I don't think I could tell him. Mostly because well he's rich, popular and kind of famous so why would he want to be with me. But I am glad that we are friends.


I get home from work. Its 18:30. It's quite so I guess no one's home. They must both be out at a bar or something. I head to my room but when I get inside I see Jeff going through my stuff.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?"

"Looking for your cash" he growls at me

"What? That doesn't belong to you; nothing in here belongs to you, so get out"

"Is that how you talk to your father?"

"You are not my father" I yell "my father was a kind person. He was always there for me. You have never been a father to me all you have done is mess up mine and my mom's life now get the hell out of my room"

"Why you worthless piece of shit" he yelled back and then punched me in the face "How dare you speak to me like that, I will teach you to treat me with a bit of respect" He yelled, then started punching constantly which made me fall to the ground then he started kicking me. I felt his hand grabbed my arm and twisted it and made it crack while picked me up and pinned me against the wall. My feet were two feet of the ground and he started to push his hand against my throat. I struggled to breath, and I tried to get out of his grip but he was to strong.

"You will never be worth anything you understand. You are pathetic even your own mother doesn't want you"

I start to feel weak as I run out of air. I start to think that he is going to kill me but then my mother bursts into the room

"Jeff please stop this" she said "please the women next door will call the police" she begs

I start to feel his grip loosen until I fall to the ground and start coughing gasping all the air I can I struggle to keep my eyes open and they start to close. I am in so much pain. My mother comes to the ground and tries to help me but Jeff grabbed her.

"Come on, were leaving"

"Let me go" I her voice yell at him but the last thing I see is him taking her before my eyes close.

Darkness is all I see. I open my eyes and see a bright light that hurts my eyes so I close them and slowly open them adjusting them to the light and I am able to see. I feel so weak and everything hurts. I don't remember much but one thing I know is that I am not at home. I realise that there is something tight around my neck and I start to panic and I try to get it off but someone grabs my hands.

"Hey it's ok. You're ok. You need to rest ok" I see it is a woman in a nurse outfit and I realise that I am in a hospital. I try to say ok but my voice is sore and I can't say anything

"Don't try to speak" she said "your vocals are damaged pretty badly" she told me

I feel bandages around my arm and one on my leg. I try to remember what happened but it was a blur. I remember Jeff hurting me and him taking my mother away.

"Ok dear I need you to tell me what happened, here is some paper and pen" she said giving me the paper and pen. I take it and write what I could remember. When I finished I gave it to her.

"Oh you poor thing." She said "don't worry your safe now" she assured me "let's check your throat "she said

I give her a nod and she carefully takes off the collar around my neck, which really hurts. She touches it gently but I still flinch from the pain. "It's healed a bit but it's still swollen, ok I am gently going to push it and can you try to say something like My name is Astrid Hofferson" I give her a nod and she pushes gently

"My" I start but it's hard to talk. My voice sounds broken "name... is... Astrid... Hofferson" I finish in relief because it hurts when I talk

"Ok you can stop now, why don't you rest and look at some of the gifts that your friends left on the side" she said I was confused at first then I look to the side and see a lot of cards, flowers, teddy's and other gifts on the desk next to my bed. I get another piece of paper and write how long I have been here and give it to her.

"Four days" she said "I must say you have some really good friends. One of them stayed even longer than the others and speaking of them your friends should be here soon" she told me.

I give her a smile


1 hour later

I lie down in my hospital bed then the guys enter the room.

"Astrid thank god you're awake" Ruff says giving me a hug

"How are you feeling?" Snotlout asked. I write on a piece of paper that saying that I am ok

"We have all been so worried about you" Tuff said

"The whole class even made a card" Fishlegs added I just smile since I can't talk

"by the way Hiccup said he will come by tomorrow morning unfortunately he had a photoshoot" Tuff said I give him a smile but then it fades away

"Was it him?" Ruff asked I gave her a small nod

"Oh Astrid I am so sorry" she said giving me another hug. When she lets go I write something on the paper. I asked if she saw my mum but she gave me a sad look

"Astrid when I heard what had happened I went to see you then I went to your apartment but nobody was there. Then one of your neighbours said they found you unconscious on the ground and called the ambulance. They also said they saw your parents leave and as far as I know they haven't returned and apparently a lot of their stuff is gone like clothes so they think that they are not coming back so you flat is apparently going to someone else"

A lot was going on through my mind and I feel tears falling from my cheek. I was worried for my mother. I thought about the fact that I might never see her again.

"Hey its ok we'll find her" she says "you can stay at mine" I just give her a small nod and a hug. My friends stay for a little longer but eventually they had to leave.

I decided to read some of the cards that I had gotten the first one was in blue. I opened it and read it

Dear Astrid,

I hope you get better soon because

You are a beautiful flower

That that brightens up the day

And your smile lights up the world

Love Hiccup 

wow 1293 words

well that it for this chapter i really hope you like it and yes i know that last part was crap i literally wrote that get well card on the spot in like 10 seconds. its all i thought of.

love Asloveshttyd

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